The Twin Rings - Part 3 - Fellowship x Reader

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"Well?" Gimli huffed as he walked over to where Gandalf had retaken his seat.

"Well, what? Master Gimli." Gandalf chuckled under his breath, continuing to puff on his pipe as if what had just transpired was the most normal thing.

"You're asking us ta believe that that mortal is the twin of the ring? That she ain't a woman at all?" Gimli huffed as he and the others stood before the wizard. Gandalf smiling to himself as he watched (Y/n) and the hobbits talk. Not failing to notice that Frodo in particular had taken an instant liking to her.

"That is exactly what I am expecting you to believe, Master Gimli. (Y/n) was created at the same time as the one ring. Both born in the fires of Mount Doom. Yet Sauron didn't realise that the ring had split in two, until it was too late. The dark lord unable to stop the only thing in Middle earth that could not be corrupted by the power of the ring, from escaping Mordor. The only thing that can create balance in this world once her brother is destroyed. For (Y/n) is the opposite of her brother in every way. The one ring holds all the darkness, evil, greed, and hatred that lies deep in the hearts of the races of this world. The twin, (Y/n), holds nothing but light, goodness, benevolence, and love." Gandalf explained, as all eyes turned to look at the ethereal beauty that Merry and Pippin were currently showing how they cooked supper.

"If she is what you say, then why does she not take the ring to Mordor? If she is the only creature that cannot be corrupted by the ring, why does she not destroy it?" Aragorn asked. The Ranger unable to stop himself smiling as the twin ring began to laugh at something Pippin had just said.

"I am afraid, Aragorn, that life is never that simple. Lady (Y/n) needs to be present when her brother is sent back to the fiery pits of Mount Doom. She has to be there to ensure that this time the evil does not infect the mind of the bearer, as it did with Isildur. And she will follow and protect Frodo until that is done. But she cannot be the one to destroy it. For even though they are different. Even though she is the only thing that the ring fears. She loves her brother. And it is not in her to destroy him." Gandalf replied. Shaking his head slightly as Gimli continued to huff and grumble.

"That's all very well and good, but why does she look like that? How can a ring appear as a mortal?" The dwarf enquired gruffly, part of him thinking that the wizard had lost his mind.

"It is her magic. Even I do not understand completely what she can do. In her own way she is as powerful as her brother. As I told you, she has lived many lives under many names and forms. Roamed this world and seen many things, living many places. I know that she has lived for some time in Rivendell. Even in Mirkwood. But I believe that she has always found mortal men the easiest to live amongst. There constant comings and going's making it easier for her to go unnoticed. I know that she has even graced Gondor and Rohan with her presence." Gandalf explained, as he noticed the confused looks on Legolas and Boromir's faces. The man and elf both wondering how and when this twin ring had lived amongst their own people.

"Very well. Then why doesn't this "twin ring" prove to us that she if in fact what you both say she is? For all we know it is a plan between you and this woman to steal the ring from Frodo, and then kill all of us in our sleep." Boromir demanded. Gandalf rising to his feet. The wizard's demeanour turning dark as he stood before the High Warden of the White Tower.

"You dare question my motives in this endeavour Boromir, son of Denethor?" The Ishtar growled. The air around the Fellowship growing darker as Gandalf glared at Boromir.

"Wizard!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she got to her feet. The twin ring placing her hand on Gandalf's arm. Her touch instantly calming the Ishtar's anger.

"If the Steward prince of Gondor wishes me to prove what I really am, then I have no objections, Gandalf. I have always found that mortal men are less likely to accept that there are things greater than themselves in this world. That they fail to comprehend the fact that they are blind to many things. Therefore, I believe that revealing myself in my true form, will allay the fears of all present. And will prevent others from questioning your, or my own motives for being here." (Y/n) said as she walked up to Boromir. The warrior feeling his heart pound violently in his breast as the twin placed her hand on his cheek. Moving so she could whisper in his ear. The rest of the Fellowship not sure what to do.

"So easy to corrupt. So easy to mislead. So easy to control. I am watching you, son of Gondor. I can already see that my brother speaks to you. That you wish to possess him. To take him from the little one. Yet I will not allow it." (Y/n) told Boromir. The oldest child of Denethor feeling her hand being placed over his heart. A strange sense of ease and peace filling his body. Thoughts of the ring around Frodo's neck leaving his mind.

"To show you all what I truly am, will require the assistance of our good Master Baggins here, though." (Y/n) announced as she moved away from Boromir, much to the others relief, but to Boromir's chagrin.

"Me? What can I do?" Frodo asked hesitantly, as the smiling female came to sit by his side.

"You are the bearer of my brother. The only one that can wish to see me. To allow others to see." (Y/n) began to explain, as she took Frodo's hand and placed her own in it.

"Close you eyes Frodo. Wish to see me in my true form. To see me as I was forged. To see the twin." (Y/n) hummed softly. Frodo doing as he was bid. The hobbits eyes fluttering shut. His mind flooded with images of the woman whose hand he could feel in his. His heart and mind filling with a desire to see her as she really was.

Suddenly a bright light lit up the dark sky. The others having to shield their eyes from the glare, as the ether around them sparkled as is filled with the light of a million perfect stars. The Fellowship unable to believe what they were seeing as the night returned to its normal dark hues. The only light now, that of the crackling fire.

Frodo opened his eyes. He had felt the gentle touch of the lady's hand leave his. The weight of her mortal fingers replaced by lightness, and a feeling of something cold.

There in his palm lay a ring. A ring so perfect, that it out shone even that of the Lady of Light' herself. And even though it was only a simple band of the whitest metal that he had ever seen. To Frodo it was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on.

"That's impossible!" Gimli exclaimed, as he and the others crowded around Frodo. Words gradually appearing around its circumference as the hobbit gently brushed his fingers over the cool metal.

"What does it mean?" Frodo asked, as he looked up at Gandalf. The others still not able to believe what they were seeing.

"In Black Speech it says, The twin nazg u maprog ul, twin nazg u udahok ul, the ash nazg u thrak ul uluk kurrauz into the draut. The twin ring to protect them, twin ring to guide them, the one ring to bring them all back into the light." Gandalf replied. The wizard knowing that Frodo was now not just the bearer of the one ring. But also, that his life would be always intertwined with that of its twin.   

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