Old friend - Part 2 - Thranduil x Reader

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The guards drew their bows, as a pale horse and lone rider came slowly into view. In all honesty, they had done so more out of disbelief than anything. No visitor was expected at this late hour; especially not one on their own without a guard or retinue. And what was more, no one dare go into the wicked forest in the dark, for fear of the creatures that might be roaming within it. So, this figure was most unexpected.

"Halt! Who are you.........? Speak............" One of the elves ordered, as he slowly moved through the wall of archers. The ellon quite taken aback as the figure slowly reached up a hand and pulled back their hood.

"My name is (Y/n).........Lady (Y/n) of Lothlórien. Niece of Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel. I have been sent as their representative for King Thranduil's birthday celebrations." (Y/n) explained, as she slowly climbed down from the back of her pale grey mare. Patting it reassuringly on the neck, as she waited for the guard to reply. His brows furrowing as he mused over her name for a moment. The ellon sure that he recalled it. His eyes widening a little as he finally realised where he knew the name from. Where he had seen the face before. Remembering that the exquisite elleth in front of him had been the friend of the prince.

"My apologies, Lady (Y/n). I was not told to expect you. And especially not at this late hour...........Do you wish me to send word to Prince Legolas? I am sure that he will still be awake." The captain of the guard replied, as he bowed.

"There is no need to apologise. I am sure that the King was expecting my aunt and uncle. And as far as the lateness of the hour is concerned, I am afraid that I tend to do many things that others wouldn't. Also, you may find that there are one or two dead spiders the next time you go on patrol. I swear those things never sleep. Oh, and please do not disturb the prince on my account. I would really prefer that my presence was a surprise for him." (Y/n) said, as she handed one of the other guards the reins of her mount.

"Though perhaps an audience with the King would be in order. Just so that I can give him my aunt and uncle's greeting." (Y/n) added. The ellon nodding, before telling another to go ahead and inform the King that he had a guest. The captain gesturing for her to follow him.

She hadn't realised up until this moment, how much she had truly missed this place. How she had missed the dark kingdom of her fellow Sindar elf. It was true to say that Lothlórien had been her home for more centuries than Mirkwood had been. That the beautiful paradise of light, the realm of her much love uncle and aunt, had a strong hold of her heart. But there was something about Mirkwood. Something that spoke to something deep inside her. And as she and the captain made their way to the throne room, she couldn't help but smile as she thought about the King.

Even from being a young elfling, (Y/n) had liked Thranduil. Until his queen had been taken from him, she could recall that he would smile; and when he did, his eyes would sparkle brighter than the stars in the night sky. He could even be heard to laugh on the odd occasion. But after the loss, such things were no more, and she couldn't help but be saddened by that. Part of her always wishing that she could do some to bring back that smile. That she could say something that would make him forget his melancholy for even just a moment. Yet before she could do that; before she could once again see that smile that she missed so much, her parents had sent her away. Her fingers absentmindedly reaching up to brush over the scar that was still on her head. The old wound that had changed her life.

Before she realised it, she and the captain were stood before the great doors of the throne room. The guards bowing as they opened the wooden ingress'; the captain gesturing for her to enter. (Y/n) stepping forward, finding her heart begin to beat a little quicker as she made her way into the room that she had spent so much time in. She and Legolas chasing one another around the great expanse. Taking their turns to sit in his father's throne and pretend that were the king or queen.

As she moved a little further, she couldn't stop herself from smiling again, as she saw the ellon before her. She was sure that he hadn't changed in the slightest. He was still as beautiful and elegant as he had been when she was younger; but unfortunately still appeared to be as cold as he had become after his loss.

"My king!" (Y/n) said, before bowing deeply. The elleth not needing to look up to know that Thranduil's eyes were now on her.

"(Y/n)............It has been far too long..............."

"It has my king. Far too many centuries since I have been able to look upon the glory of your kingdom." The elleth replied, as she slowly stood up. Her brows furrowing, as Thranduil rose from his throne and glided down the stairs before he began to circle her. (Y/n) not sure what to think as he looked her up and down.

"You have grown into quite the most exquisite of elleths. Tell me, are you betrothed..............? Has your uncle offered your hand to anyone.......?"

"Er............no, no, my king. My aunt believed that it would be better that my heart be allowed to choose. But I have yet to find the one............."

"Really...........? You have yet to find him..............hmmmm?" Thranduil mused for a moment, as he took her chin in his hand. (Y/n) positive that she could see that old sparkle in his eyes as he looked at her. It disappearing as he released her and made his way back to his throne.

"I have been informed that you are here on behalf of your aunt and uncle........"

"Yes, my king. They send their apologies for not being able to attend your celebrations; my aunt asked me to come as not only their envoy, but the envoy of Lothlórien. They send their best wishes..............."

"Does my son know that you are here..................?"

"No, my king. I asked that the prince was not informed of my presence. I wish for it to be a.................surprise, when we see one another at tomorrow evenings festivities..............."

"Good..........my guard will escort you to the rooms that I had prepared for your lord and lady.............." Thranduil interrupted once again. (Y/n) not sure whether he had been really listening or not. Just choosing to bow, as he gave her a dismissive wave of his hand, before she turned and made her way back to the great doors.


"Yes, my king.............?"

"One last thing............where did you get that scare on the side of your head...........?" Thranduil asked. (Y/n) finding herself once again reaching up to touch the scar, at the strange question.

"I..............it happened so long ago now, that in truth I can barely recall. Though I will never forget or forgive the only that gave it to me.........my king." (Y/n) replied. Thranduil giving her one last look with his steely blue eyes. His gaze once more appearing to soften for a moment, before he turned away. The elleth bowing again, before leaving the room.     

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