Rivals - Part 3 - Haldir x Reader

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Haldir watched on, as (Y/n) said her last goodbyes to her men. The sun was still to rise, but both marchwardens were ready for the long journey that faced them. In truth, Haldir had been up all night, his thoughts going back to all the interactions that he and (Y/n) had had over the long years. All the times that they had disagreed on things, seemingly for the sake of it. How often they had worked against one another, instead of working together. Haldir realising all this, far too late. The fact that he was to escort her to Imladris, seemingly making it impossible for him to make up for all those moments. The marchwarden of the northern borders, just hoping that sometime between Lothlórien and Imladris, he would at least get a chance to apologise.

Slowly (Y/n) made her way over to where he stood with the horses. It was obvious that she was not happy; though whether she was not happy about the fact that she was having to go to Imladris, or, because he was escorting her, he didn't know.

"Shall we go............?" She said, as she took the reins from Haldir's hand, and effortlessly jumped up onto the pale mount's back. Giving her men one last nod, before she turned her horse and geed it along the path. Haldir quickly following suit. The pair stopping for a moment, as above them, on a balcony, appeared the Lady of Light.

"May the Valar watch over you on your journey. I will see you both again, soon............." Galadriel smiled, the two marchwardens bowing, before continuing on their way. Neither knowing how the lady would see them both again; as soon, (Y/n) would be calling another realm home; but both knowing not to question the lady. Both aware that she knew far more than either of them ever could.


"We should stop............." Haldir called out, as he looked up at the sky.

"Why.................?" (Y/n) called back, as she pushed her horse ever on.

The time since they had left Lothlórien had been spent in complete and utter silence. Haldir periodically looking out of the corner of his eye, to see (Y/n) just looking around, as if she were trying to fix everything in her mind. As if she was doing her best to recall every flower, leaf and blade of grass; knowing that she would probably never see them again. The whole thing making Haldir frown; wishing he could do something, say something that would ease her mind. Yet even if he did say something, given their history, it would probably only end up in another conflict; and the last thing that he wanted to do now that she was leaving him, was fight with her.

"Because it is getting dark............."

"So? Is the great marchwarden of the northern border scared of travelling in the dark?" (Y/n) queried, as she pulled her mount to a stop and looked at Haldir.

"I would have thought you would have no desire to stop. I mean, the sooner that we get to Imladris, the sooner you will no longer have to deal with me..........." She continued, as Haldir's horse moved to her side. The pair just looking at one another for a moment, before Haldir let out a heavy sigh.

"If you wish to continue, then we will continue.........."

"No, no. If you wish to stop for the night, we will stop. I have no desire to have you worry about things that may be lurking in the shadows........" (Y/n) said, as she dismounted her horse; leading the pale mare over to a clearing that they could both see through the line of trees.


Haldir threw some more wood on the fire. (Y/n) staring into the flames, as she fixed the fletchings on one of her arrows. The pair had eaten, before placing their bed rolls next to the fire. Everything again done in silence. But the more that he watched her; the more that he saw the sad look in her eyes, and the more that he felt he needed to say something.


"What..............?" (Y/n) questioned, as she turned to look at him.

"You are to marry Lord Elrond's equerry...............?"

"Yes, it would appear so............."

"You do not like him................?"

"On the contrary. Lindir is a fine ellon. He is handsome, kind, and has a fine ear for music. I do not believe that I have ever met his better when it comes to the lyre. But..........."

"But what................" Haldir pushed. Quite surprised that (Y/n) had already spoken so much about the matter.

"But........I had never thought to marry him. That Lady Galadriel and Lord Elrond had been speaking of a match with Lindir. In truth, I had hoped that I would find an ellon that was more like me. One that had seen the world; that knew of places and peoples that were far beyond the lands that they had been born to. One that knew what it was to fight, to protect...............An ellon that perhaps I knew. An ellon that called Lothlórien home." (Y/n) explained sadly, as she pushed her arrow back into its quiver.

"Though it would appear that the Valar have different plans for me..........." The marchwarden of the southern borders continued, before looking up at her rival. Haldir sure that he could see something in her beautiful eyes. Stopping himself from reaching out, as he saw a single tear softly making its way down her cheek.

"I am sure that Lindir will do his best to make me happy and feel at home in Imladris. And it will mean that Lothlórien will be much more peaceful for you." (Y/n) added, as she brushed away the tear with her finger. Actually, giving Haldir a small smile, before she lay down on her bed roll and turned away from him.

"Good night, Haldir..........." Her voice drifting off back into silence, leaving Haldir to lay down himself. His eyes never moving from her form, until sleep took him into its peaceful embrace. 

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