Shadow - Part 2 - Aragorn x Legolas x Reader

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"Are ya gonna tell us what's goin on?" Gimli huffed as he and the others looked at the Ranger.

"What is so difficult to understand, Master Gimli. The Ranger, Shadow, is my younger sister, (Y/n). Legolas is in love with her. She is in love with him, and the two promised themselves to one another. For some reason, which I do not know, (Y/n) left Mirkwood and the two haven't seen one another since. So, now that they are reunited, I think that it is only right that we give them some time alone together." Aragorn replied. Using the fire to light his freshly packed pipe. The Ranger smiling as he watched Legolas brush some of (Y/n)'s hair back behind her ear.

"She is very beautiful." Frodo suddenly said quietly. The little hobbit taking the words out of the mouths of all those present. Even Gimli, despite his bluster.

"That she is, Frodo. My sister is truly a gift. And I have always been proud of her. I swear that she is stronger and braver than anyone I have ever met. Stronger and braver than I could ever hope to be. I just hope that the fact that Legolas is here, it will mean that she will join us. I believe that she would be of great assistance on our journey. That, and I doubt that Legolas will ever let her out of his sight again." Aragorn chuckled. His smile growing broader, as the usually cool and collected elf, tenderly kissed his sister. It obvious that Legolas was as in love with (Y/n) as he had ever been. That whatever had made her leave Mirkwood, all that time ago, it wasn't anything that had happened between the two of them. The others pretending to go back to whatever they had been doing before the female Ranger had arrived, as the elf and Dúnedain turned to look at them. Legolas speaking softly to (Y/n) before nodding and letting her go. The Ranger making her way past her brother to where the four hobbits sat.


Legolas and (Y/n) just stood there. The world around them, the cool night air and the others present, disappearing from his mind, as the elf prince held his princess close. He was angered by what she had told him. Angered that his own father would take it upon himself to force the one that his son loved, from his arms. Even from the kingdom itself. But anger would wait for another time. All that mattered now, was that he had (Y/n) back with him. And now that she was, he wasn't about to let her go again.

The Mirkwood heir would be the first to admit that he didn't show his emotions often, if at all. If elves could be said to have failings, then that would certainly be one of them. Yet when it had come to his friend's younger sister, his heart had taken over his head. The prince falling more and more in love with her every day. Her passion and strength. Her kindness and care always making him forget himself. Making feelings that he never knew that he had, never knew that he was capable of having, come to the fore. Legolas knowing that it could only mean that the beautiful Dúnedain was the one that he was meant to be with. The prince one day taking her to the most beautiful place in his father's kingdom. Taking her into his arms as he opened his heart. As he told her that he loved her and could never love another. That his heart was hers. The elf finding tears coming to his eye, as (Y/n) too professed her love. Promising him, her heart in return. And that she would always be his. The Ranger still wearing the ring that he had gifted her, in promise that one day she would be his queen. That they would be married.

Legolas had known that his father had not been happy when he had told him that he had chosen his bride, and that that bride was (Y/n). Yet, even though he knew that Thranduil could be colder than most. He had never once expected that he would be cruel. Not to the woman that his son loved more than life itself, anyway. But he had been. Though now, now there was nothing that his father could say or do to come between them again. The Sindar elf more than happy to simply be wherever his love was. The prince delicately placing his fingers underneath his lady's chin and raising her head. The lovers smiling at one another before they kissed. It feeling as though they had never been apart, as they continued to embrace.

"Is it true what I hear............?"

"And what would that be, my heart................" Legolas countered quietly, as he looked deep into (Y/n)'s beautiful eyes.

"I was in Rivendell before I found you, to speak with Lord Elrond and Arwen. They told me that one of the little ones bore the ring of power. That he, and the fellowship that travelled with him, were going to return it to the fire which had forged it. That my brother had sworn to protect the hobbit. Sworn him his sword. Is that true.................?" (Y/n) explained. Legolas nodding. The two turning to look at the others. Others that quickly scurried away to go back to what they had been doing, as they were caught watching.

"Which one is he................?" (Y/n) asked, as she smiled at the four little ones.

"He is the one with the darkest hair. His name is Frodo. Frodo Baggins." Legolas explained. Letting his love leave his arms. His heart beating a little quicker, as she made her way over to where Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin sat.


"Master Baggins." (Y/n) said, as she stood before Frodo. Frodo looking up at her and smiling. The other hobbits, Gimli and Boromir looking at one another as the lady fell to one knee before the little creature. Pulling her bow from her shoulders and placing it on the ground. Her sword drawn from its sheath and presented to the hobbit.

"I am the Ranger called Shadow. Named (Y/n). Sister of Aragorn. And if you will have me, I pledge you my bow and my sword. I swear to protect you, just as my brother and my hearts true love, Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood, have." The Dúnedain announced. Legolas and Aragorn watching on proudly as (Y/n) offered up her blade. The pair smiling as Frodo slowly got to his feet and made his way over to where she knelt. Placing his hand delicately on her shoulder, before speaking quietly.

"I would like that......................."  

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