A find in the woods - Part 5 - Bilbo x Reader

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Wishing you all a very happy New Year. Hope you enjoy 2023. 

Bilbo's eyes found their way to (Y/n), as he was dragged around the dance floor by a giggling Petunia. The sound making him cringe to himself. It was obvious that (Y/n) wasn't happy. He had known her long enough to know all of her moods. To know all the things that she would do when she was happy, and all the things that she would do when she upset or annoyed. And at this moment it was more than obvious that (Y/n) was none too happy. But he hadn't asked for this. In fact, he hadn't even agreed to this. Petunia had given him no choice; grabbing him by the hand and pulling him to his feet before he had time to say anything.

Up until this point, Bilbo and (Y/n) had been having the most wonderful day. Everyone had been complimenting the pair on how well they looked together. How their outfits matched perfectly. Some of those hobbits that lived further away, even believing that they were already a couple. The suggestion making both of them blush, and Bilbo wishing that it were true.

The whole wedding of their friends had gone without a hitch, and once the formalities were over, the day had become a typical hobbit celebration, with good ale and even better food wherever you turned. Bilbo had to admit that he had been distracted on more than one occasion, not because he wasn't enjoying (Y/n)'s company, but because he was doing his best to think of the most perfect way to tell her that he loved her. That he had loved her since the moment that he had found her by the pond, and she had looked into his eyes. That he wanted her to be his until the end of their days. Yet no matter what he thought of, it never seemed good enough. But then, as he thought he had just come up with the perfect notion. As he was about to turn to (Y/n) and take her hand in his, Petunia had come onto the scene, asking him if he wanted to dance, and pulling him to his feet before the no, could leave his lips.

He had known this would happen. Goodness, both he and (Y/n) knew that it would happen. Both of them joking about it, as soon as they had seen Petunia make her way towards the festivities. She had been doing it more and more recently. Just popping up out of seemingly nowhere whenever he and (Y/n) were together. Whenever they would sit out front of Bag End. Whenever they were just out getting some freshly baked bread, or tea to go with their elevenses, the female hobbit would be there. Bilbo and (Y/n) just doing their best to ignore it. To ignore Petunia. But when the pale haired hobbit had invited herself along as he and (Y/n) were on their way to the pond to celebrate (Y/n)'s birthday, or should that be, "the day you were found" day, it had been too much. That was the thing that he and (Y/n) did alone. Even from when she was young, Tulip would let Bilbo take her back to that spot, so that they could spend the day together. So, they could climb the trees and sit in the bluebells that surrounded the pond, just dipping their fingers into the cool clean water, and Bilbo was not going to allow anyone to spoil that. Especially not Petunia. The hobbit thinking quickly and telling her that he and (Y/n) were going somewhere else. Both of them letting out a sigh of relief, as eventually Petunia had got bored and left them.

With yet another twirl around the dancefloor, Bilbo caught sight of (Y/n) again, but this time she wasn't alone. This time, Lothar was with her, giving her one of those smiles of his. One of those smiles that the raven-haired hobbit liked to use on all the females in the Shire. Bilbo was well aware what Lothar wanted. He wanted his (Y/n), and Bilbo hated it. His heart dropping into his stomach as he watched Lothar offer (Y/n) his hand. The daughter of man looking at it for a moment, before taking it and allowing him to lead her to the floor.

"Bilbo...........Is everything alright.............?" Petunia asked in a confused tone, as Bilbo suddenly stopped dancing.

"Er..........no............if you will excuse me................" Bilbo simply replied, before pulling away from the still very confused Petunia, and making his way over to (Y/n) and Lothar.


"Do you mind.............?" A voice suddenly came. Lothar and (Y/n) stopping dancing, as the dark-haired hobbit felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh.......er.........Bilbo. Is everything...............?" Lothar spluttered out. Bilbo not giving him a chance to say anything more, as he took (Y/n) hand from his. Bilbo leading her away from the crowd.

"Bilbo...........? What's going on...............?" (Y/n) enquired, as her hobbit pulled her further and further away. Closer and closer to the woods.

"I'll tell you when we get there..............." Came the simple reply. (Y/n) just nodding, as Bilbo continued to hold her hand and lead her towards the woods.


(Y/n) was sure that the woods were more beautiful than usual, as Bilbo led her to their spot. The spot where he had made his find so many years before. She still wasn't quite sure what had gotten into him, but (Y/n) couldn't pretend that she cared. They were away from Petunia, away from Lothar, they were together and that was all that mattered.

"Please sit.............." Bilbo finally said, as they got to the pond. (Y/n) doing as she was asked and allowing her bare feet to dip into the water.

"Bilbo............its not that I mind being alone with you. In fact, I prefer it but what..............................?"

"I love you!" Bilbo exclaimed, as he came to stand by her side. Looking down into her beautiful eyes just like he had the day that he had found her.

"I................you..........you do...............?"

"Yes. From the moment I found you. From the moment I saw your eyes and you smiled up at me, I knew that I would always love you, (Y/n). And I don't want to lose you to Lothar or anyone else. So................" Bilbo, explained, as he dropped to his knees next to a shocked (Y/n)'s side and took her hands in his.

"Will you be mine, from now until the end of our days and beyond?" He continued. His eyes filled with love, as he looked at (Y/n). Tears of joy pricking at the corners of her eyes, as she looked back at the face she knew and loved so much.

"Oh, Bilbo.............I love you too. You are and always have been my everything. I have loved you for as long as I can remember and have no intention of ever stopping loving you............." (Y/n) replied, as she kissed him gently and pulled him close. The pair sharing their first real kiss in the place that he had made his greatest find. The place that he had met the love of his life. Bilbo determining that nothing would ever come between himself and his beautiful find in the woods.  

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