Fountain of knowledge - Part 2 - Elrond x Reader

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"Family? How can this be the story of your family?" Elrond asked. (Y/n) letting out her deep breath, in a heavy sigh. 

She knew that one day she would have to explain all this to someone. That someday, the truth would have to be told. She had lived in this place for so long. So many ages. That long, that even the elves lives seemed to end in the blink of an eye. Over the millennia, she had done her best to not get attached to any of the beings that had come and gone. It wasn't that she didn't care. She wouldn't have chosen to leave her home if she did not care for the races of this world. It was just that she could not bear to lose them. The Fountain knowing full well that all would pass eventually, in one way or another. Yet when Elrond had come along, it had been different. There was something about the half-elven lord that she couldn't help but be drawn to. And even though she had kept her distance during his marriage to Celebrian. She could never forget about him or prevent her heart for longing for him. The lady always having a feeling, that the lord of Rivendell would be the one to discover her secret.

"You said that you read the manuscript, yes?" (Y/n) asked, as she took her seat again. Her hand reaching for the still steaming cup of tea, as she gazed into the flames of the crackling fire.

"Yes.....yes I did." Elrond replied. Watching as (Y/n)'s face appeared to turn sad.

"Then you know that the first four beings in the universe, were the sun, the moon, the stars, and the night sky. The sun and moon were man and wife, as were the stars and the night sky. That they ruled for eons even before the first age. Eventually, the moon gave birth to a child she named Eru, who in turn created the Ainur. And between them, they created the world through the Ainulindalë. After they had created Arda, many of the Ainur descended into it, so that they could guide and order its growth. They, of course, became known as the Valar. Yet what is not known. What is written on that last missing page, was that at the same time that the moon gave birth to her son, the stars gave birth to a daughter. A single, perfect child that held the cosmos in her eyes. A child that was gifted with the secrets of the universe, in her heart. And that one day, Manwë Súlimo, the King of the Winds, and the King of the Valar, came to see the daughter of the stars. He told her that the races of Arda would need her. Would require her guidance, as she was the only one to know all. That he and the others wished for her to be an envoy in their new world. To guide all those that asked for help. And so, she did. She left the heavens to live amongst those that had been created. Her knowledge used to guide those, that called on her for help." (Y/n) explained. The lady turning to look at the shock lord. The trillion lights and swirls of colour in her eyes, appearing deeper and more glorious than ever before.

"And so, it has been since the beginning. I have seen empires rise and fall. The good and the wicked fight. Kingdoms and realms, grow and change. I have lived thousands upon thousands of lives. Watched as those around me, were born, lived, and then passed. I have roamed this world, from one corner to the other, showing its people's the way. Yet when I found this land, I knew that I had to call it home. That in the whole of Middle earth, there was no place more beautiful, than here. So, I stayed, and made the world come to me. When you arrived here and founded Rivendell, I knew then that I could never leave again. That from the first moment I lay eyes on you, I knew that I could never be far from you. I knew that I........that I loved you. And even when you married Celebrian, I still loved you. That I would always love you. So, now you know, Elrond. Now you have the answer to your question." (Y/n) sighed. Her eyes turning to the cup in her hand. The lady fearing what the lord of Rivendell would think. What he would say.

"So, so you are...............?"

"Yes, Elrond. I am (Y/n), daughter of the stars and the night sky. The one that holds the cosmos in her eyes, and the secrets of the universe in her heart. I am, I naneth -o golodh. The mother of knowledge." (Y/n) declared, as she got to her feet and stood by the fire. The light of the flames mixing with the heavens, that lay in the ladies' now sad eyes.

Elrond sat there for a moment, not sure what to say. The creature that he had desired for so long, was no mere elleth. No mere anything. She was Eru's kin. Kin of the Valar. A goddess that had been walking this earth since the Music of the Ainur had brought it into being. The only daughter of the great expanse of dark sky, and the stars that gave it its beauty. And she.........and she loved him. Had always loved him. The great I naneth -o golodh, loved him. The lord of Rivendell's mind racing as he thought about all that (Y/n) had said.

Not for one moment had he expected to hear all this. How could he? Part of it seemed too incredible for words. Yet, he knew that it was true. He knew all of it was true. And even though he now knew that he would pass to the Undying Lands, in what to (Y/n) would be a heartbeat. He knew that he couldn't waste any more time than had already been wasted. The lifetimes together, that had been lost. He wanted to be happy, for the first time in so many years. To be loved, and no longer feel alone. And most of all, he wanted to make (Y/n) happy. To give her the one thing that she had never had. To give her his love.

Slowly, Elrond stood, and quietly made his way over to where (Y/n) remained. Her hand resting delicately on the mantel of the fireplace, as her eyes stayed fixed on the hypnotic dance of the flames. He had waited too long to tell her. To ask her the question that he had wanted to ask, for what felt like a lifetime.

"I have one more question to ask you, (Y/n). One question more important than any that has ever been asked of you before," Elrond began. The half elven lord turning (Y/n) around. His long fingers carefully brushing away the tears from her eyes.

"Ask your question, Elrond. And I will answer."

"Will the mother of knowledge be willing to marry a humble elven lord? A lord that can give her nothing but his love. A love that will last from now, until the moment that we must part. Would a great goddess.......will you marry me (Y/n)?" Elrond asked, as he wrapped an arm around (Y/n)'s waist and pulled her close. His other hand resting gently on her flushed cheek. A soft smile pulling at the corners of the lord's lips as the brightness returned to her eyes.

"There is no greater gift in this world, than love, Elrond. It is greater than riches. Greater than power. Greater than any knowledge. And I would surrender all that I know, for the love of a humble elven lord. So, in answer to your question. Yes. Yes Elrond. I would love to marry you. To be your wife. And I promise to love you until I myself, am no more." (Y/n) replied. The lady's eyes closing as Elrond's lips finally met hers. The heavens and the earth meeting in a single perfect kiss. And as they did, the all-enveloping blanket of night, and a trillion twinkling stars smiled down, as the couple held one another close. The Fountain of knowledge, finally having answered the ultimate question. 

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