A find in the woods - Part 4 - Bilbo x Reader

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(Y/n) took a deep breath. She was nervous, the butterflies that had already been flitting around inside her stomach, feeling as thought they had just turned into a swarm of the fat, furry bumblebees that would flit from flower to flower in the gardens. The daughter of man sure that she could feel their buzzing.

Normally she wouldn't get nervous, well, not around Bilbo anyway. He had been in her life for as long as she could remember; for longer than she could remember. He, along with her mother there by her side through all the most important parts of her life. And now that Tulip was gone, Bilbo, the little hobbit that had found her in the woods all those years ago, was the only one that she had left. And she didn't want to lose him.

Taking another deep breath, (Y/n) straightened out her dress and then slowly opened the door. A smile instantly spreading across her lips as she saw Bilbo. He looked so handsome, not that he normally didn't; but today he looked more so. He had done his best to tame his glorious mop of brown hair, and the cream-coloured waistcoat that he wore, that was embroidered with beautiful images of bluebells, complimented her dress perfectly. As if they had both planned it.

"Bilbo.............?" (Y/n) asked nervously, as the hobbit continued to just stand on the front doorstep; not a word leaving his lips as he just stared.


Bilbo didn't know what to think. Didn't know what to say. The hobbit sure that his breath had left his lungs, and his heart was dancing a jig in his chest. (Y/n) was beautiful........no, she was more than beautiful. Not that she wasn't always beautiful; it was more that as she stood there in the doorway, Bilbo was sure that he had never seen anything more glorious. And all he could do was stare.

Her hair, which when they were younger would always look like a tangled bird's nest. Often full of leaves, twigs and grass seeds, from her climbing in trees or going on adventures in the fields; now fell in beautiful, soft waves over her shoulders. The dress that she wore, fit her perfectly and was the same colour as the bluebell flowers that adorned his waistcoat. It seeming as though they had both been thinking the same thing, as they had dressed.

"Bilbo...............?" (Y/n) said. Bilbo just continuing to stand on the doorstep, and sigh softly to himself.

"Is..........is everything alright?" (Y/n) continued. It appearing that this time, her words had caught Bilbo's attention. The hobbit shaking his head slightly, before straightening out his waistcoat and giving her another smile.

"Hello, (Y/n). You.............you look beautiful." Bilbo announced, as he produced a flower that he had picked from his garden, before he had walked through the gate of Bag End.

"Hello Bilbo. Thank you.............and you.........you look very handsome." (Y/n) replied. The swarm of bumblebees in her stomach buzzing around faster, as she took the flower from Bilbo's hand and placed it behind her ear. The hobbit sure that the bloom paled in comparison to the daughter of man.

"Er..........shall we................?" Bilbo asked, as he offered (Y/n) his arm. (Y/n) nodding happily before closing the door behind her and taking his arm. The two making their way to where all the noise was coming from. It obvious that the festivities were really now in full swing.


(Y/n) sat there, her shoulders slumped. Watching on as Bilbo was pulled around the dancefloor by Petunia. Up until a short while ago, she and Bilbo had been having a wonderful time. The wedding of their friends had been perfect; the day becoming the usual hobbit celebration. Ale freely flowing and every imaginable food set out for guests to enjoy. Bilbo had been at her side at every moment. It seeming as though he was a little distracted at times; as if he were thinking about other things, but that had not marred the day. The daughter of man sure that this was one of the best days ever. But, just as she had summoned up the courage to ask her wonderful hobbit if she could speak to him alone, so that she could finally tell him how she felt for him. So that she could tell him that she loved him and hoped that one day the celebrations might be for their wedding; Petunia had stuck her nose in and asked if Bilbo would like to dance. Not giving Bilbo a chance to say yes or no, before she grabbed him by the hand and pulled him to his feet. The pair, albeit reluctantly on Bilbo's part, now waltzing around.

She had known that this would happen. Petunia just couldn't help herself. And it wasn't the first time that she had done such a thing, it seeming as though the female hobbit was popping up more and more at the worst times. The last time being when (Y/n) and Bilbo had been making their way to the spot where she had been found, for her birthday. Petunia just appearing and inviting herself along, taking Bilbo's arm and leading him away. (Y/n) just thankful that her lovely hobbit had led Petunia to believe that they were going somewhere else. The daughter of man hating the idea of the pale haired female hobbit going to the special spot. The spot that (Y/n) only wanted to share with the hobbit that had found her.

"Ahem.........." A cough came. (Y/n) looking up to see Lothar smiling at her.

"Would you like to dance, (Y/n)?" The raven-haired Lothar enquired, as he held out his hand. (Y/n) looking between the dancing Bilbo and Petunia, and the sweet smile that Lothar was giving her. Giving him a smile of her own in reply before she placed her hand in his.

"I would love to, Lothar................" 

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