The beautiful orc - Part 1 - Azog x Reader

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For reesescup10. This is a Fili story, but I had to start it off with Azog. Hope you enjoy this first part.

She stood before the Defiler. The great white orc staring at her and Bolg. He was angry; but given that Thorin Oakenshield and the other dwarves had continued to evade him, it was no wonder............

"Why can no one find that accursed dwarf............I want the head of Oakenshield!?" Azog bellowed. All orcs present, jumping backwards apart from her and Bolg. All aware that Azog had no issue with killing one of them if he didn't get the answer he wanted.

"Perhaps it is because you continue to send out these fools instead of me.........father." She growled in reply. Watching as the huge orc rose from his chair and made his way over to her.........his daughter..............

His daughter.........his daughter............she was no child of his. His black blood did not flow through her veins as it did with Bolg. But he saw her as his daughter, nonetheless. In truth, he should have killed her when he found her. It seemed so long ago now. He had been watching as his men raised a village. The flames rising high into the pitch-black night, as the wooden buildings creaked and crackled angrily under the intense heat. Yet as he had been about to climb back onto his warg, he had seen something. Something moving in the long grass to his side. Azog taking his blade, ready to strike down anything that was left alive; the orc moving the long, green blades to reveal a small child, a little female looking up at him, its eyes wide and dark. Its skin covered in soot and blood from those that had once called the village home. The tiny being not crying, not screaming out in fear and terror, instead crawling towards him and holding up her arms for him to pick her up. The white orc finding himself actually incapable of killing the creature. The Defiler dropping his blade to his side, before bending down and taking her into his arm. The little one doing her best to wrap her arms around his neck, as he took her away from the destruction and death. And from that moment, she had been his daughter. Azog not once ever regretting what he had done; for from the moment that she could wield a blade, she had been his greatest soldier. Her appearance allowing her to do things, to go places that the rest of them could not; to infiltrate and bring their enemies down from the inside. She was his beautiful orc; his greatest weapon.

"And you think that you could do better............?" Azog hissed, as he looked down at his daughter, who stood her ground as he loomed over her.

"I could not do worse..........You insist on sending these useless soldiers, to do a job that you know only I can do. The wizard, the dwarves are on constant look out for orcs; but not an orc like me. If we can get ahead of them; if they were to come across me on their journey, a poor, defenceless creature that was about to be attacked by wargs; do you not think that they would stop and help? Do you not think that they might be persuaded to take me with least until they have found a safe place to leave me. Until they have found a place where you, my brother, and the others could be waiting?" She asked, as she walked around her father. A small smile pulling at the corners of her lips, as she heard her father grunt.

"If you had left all this to me, father, I could have presented you with the head of Oakenshield and every other dwarf in his company, mere days after they had started on their journey. But you did not............perhaps this is your punishment for not trusting me; for not sending someone with a brain between their ears rather than pig shit................"

"Watch your tongue, child, or I will cut it out............." Azog warned, as he took her face in his large hand and gripped it tight. The Defiler not liking that his daughter would speak to him in such a fashion in front of his men. But..........he knew that she was right. He should have trusted her. He should have believed in what she could do. She had always been a cunning thing; observant, quick and calculating. And not once had she ever let him down, unlike so many others.

"You think that you can do it..............?"

"No father...........I know I can.............."


Fili dropped himself into the grass, pulling off his boot and turning it upside down. A handful of stones falling out, as he rubbed at his sore foot. It had already been a long day, and he knew that it would be a little while longer before his uncle would let them rest for the evening; but at least he had allowed them a few moments to catch their breath.

"Can you smell something.............?" Fili asked, as Kili sat down next to him.

"You mean apart from ya feet............?" Kili chuckled, only until his older brother smacked him around the back of the head.

" smells smells awful..............."

"Oh, so it is ya feet................"

"I'm serious, Kili. I think..........I think its coming from..........." Fili countered, as he pulled on his boot and got to his feet, quickly making his way to the top of a nearby hill; followed by his brother. The princes' not hearing the calls of their uncle and the others, as they dropped to their bellies in the grass. The pair wide eyed as they spied the scene before them. 

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