Fairy - Part 1 - Lindir x Reader

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For BasicBubble. Hope that you and everyone else like my first Lindir offering.

Lindir sat quietly, his fingers absentmindedly brushing over the pages of an ancient tome. The only sounds disturbing his thoughts were the distant gentle melodious tone of someone playing the harp, and the deep rumble of the waterfall crashing on the rocks far beneath.

This was the best time of the day. It was his time. His duties were over for the day, and the evening belonged to him. To his quiet reflections and readings. A time when he could forget about the stresses and strains. A time when............

"Hello?! Is someone there?" Lindir asked, as he heard a sound that had been plaguing him all day.

It was only quiet. Barely there in fact. But to Lindir's ears it sounded as though someone was humming happily. The noise, a joyful little tune that he had to admit made him smile. Though the fact that he could not find the source, and he was the only one that seemed to be able to hear it, was proving slightly infuriating. Not even the keen ears of Lord Elrond able to hear the sweet, infectiously happy sound.

"Hello?" Lindir called out again, as no one answered. The gently little hum, turning into a soft song, as the sight of playing fireflies suddenly filled the air in front of him. Their humming wing beats seeming to accompany the tiny, exquisite voice, as the dark haired ellon listened intently to the words of the song.

"Wings of gossamer, light and fleeting.

Hearts of magic. Kind of touch.

Friend of flora and of fauna.

That is what a fairy is.

Gnomes or goblins cannot harm us.

Trolls nor dwarves; nor mortal man.

Home is where the wind it leads us.

Time nor tide will see our end."

Lindir furrowed his brows. Fairy? Fairy........ He mused for a moment. He had heard of such creatures. Well, he had read about such creatures. They were mythical entities. Magical creatures of mortal and elven appearance. At one with the land and all the creations of the Valar. They were sprites of nature. And they were said to protect and guide all those that their favour fell on. Though woe betide those that crossed the tiny beings, for they were prone to trickery, and could mislead any that may wish them harm. But not for one moment would Lindir believe that such things could exist. They were nothing more than myths and legends. Stories that elven and mortal mothers would regale their children with, as they settled them down for the night. Flights of fancy that elves dismissed, as their long lives advanced. Yet perhaps..........no! It seemed too fanciful to even think of. There could be no such things as fairies, or sprites or imps. But in a way that may explain what he had been hearing. Yet why would a fairy be here, now? Why was he the only one that could hear it? No. He merely needed to sleep. The days had been long recently, and he was in need of rest. The voice, the humming. The song; were just his over stimulated and exhausted mind playing tricks on him. And that was why only he had been able to hear them.

Slowly Lindir got to his feet. His body now feeling heavy. The normally light and graceful ellon, feeling as though he was having to drag his reluctant form to his rooms. His feet as lead, as he made his way through the garden. With a heavy sigh, Lindir pushed his way through the door. Really, he had hoped to be able to enjoy the evening. To feel the last rays of the old day sun, kiss his cheeks. But now his eyes were think with sleep. The lids weighed down as if by some invisible force. And all he wanted to do was dream. To close his eyes and imagine what the being that possessed the exquisite voice, could look like. And why she would be visiting only his ears.

Ungracefully, Lindir dropped onto his bed. It seemed thicker and more comfortable than usual. The bed and its clean crisp linen, seeming to envelope him like a lovers embrace. Drawing him into them. The sounds of the chirping and humming insects of the night, outside his room, like a gentle lullaby lulling the ellon into a deep slumber.


Lindir woke. He didn't know how long he had been asleep, but now the brilliant moon was at its highest in the night sky. The glow of the great celestial orb made more perfect, as its sisters, the stars, twinkled around it. Slowly he moved, trying to regain the feeling of comfort that had been, as he first lay down. Yet this time, the bed appeared to be uncomfortable. His eyelids no longer heavy. Instead, they felt as light as feathers, refusing to close. His eyes wishing to take in the glorious glow of the nightlight that filled his room.

Moving again, Lindir sat, placing one or two of the large pillows behind his back. The ellon finding himself smiling slightly as he saw the light of a single firefly flit around the flowers that took pride of place on the low table. Their scent thick, as it hung on the cool night air.

Suddenly it was there again. The sound of the sweet little hum. It seemed louder than before. Louder than it had ever been. And as much as Lindir wanted to continue to put it down to fatigue, he knew now that that was not the case. That something was in the room with him. That something had been with him all day. And now he had to get to the bottom of it. He had to find out who the mysterious little singer was.

"I can hear you. I have been able to hear you hum all day. I heard your song as I sat near the waterfall. The song about the fairies." Lindir called out softly, as he rose from his bed and made his way around the room. The sound stopping at his words.

"You........you can hear me?" A tiny voice enquired. Lindir spinning around in hopes of seeing that someone had entered his room.

"Y-y-yes. But I am afraid that I cannot see you. Your voice is beautiful, if I may say so." Lindir added. The ellon feeling his heart beat a little quicker as a sweet little laugh seemed to fill the room.

"Of course not, you silly thing. Not many in Middle earth are able to see fairies. Not even elves. Though I wonder why you have been able to hear me." The voice explained. Mussing slightly at its own words.

"You are a fairy? A real fairy? But I thought that you were nothing more than legend. Stories............."

"But all legends begin with a fact. Some truth upon which others build. The tales growing more exaggerated and elaborate over time. You should know that Lindir." The charming little voice interrupted. Lindir sitting as the fairy uttered his name.

"You.....you know my name?"

"Of course, I know your name. I know every elf's name that has ever called Rivendell home. The foothills of the Misty Mountains and the river Bruinen were my home long before Lord Elrond built this town in the Second Age. Long before the First Age. For you see, elves may be immortal, but fairies are eternal. And I must confess, that I like sitting and watching as you and Elrond work. I find you both so calming. Your voices make me smile more than any other elves that I have come across." The voice explained. Lindir finding that he couldn't help but smile himself at the invisible being's confession.

"Well, my lady. As you know my name, don't you think that is only right that I know yours?" Lindir asked, hoping that his visitor would continue their conversation.

"Of course, where are my manners. My name is (Y/n). It is a pleasure to finally properly meet you Lindir." The fairy announced.

"But we are still to truly meet, (Y/n). As I can hear you, do you not think that it would be nice if I could also see you?" Lindir added as he looked around the room.

"You are quite right, Lindir. Look over at the flowers." (Y/n) replied. The ellon turning to do as he was bid. His eyes growing wide, as there on the petals of the most beautiful flower, sat a tiny little lady. A lady that he was sure was the most exquisite thing that he had ever seen. 

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