Dragon Clan - Part 5 - Bilbo x Thorin x Reader

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Thorin rushed back to the others, quickly taking a seat on his bed roll before (Y/n) and Bilbo got back to the camp. The others looking at him, looking at one another, as the prince pretended to do what he normally would be doing. Thorin not even looking up, as the hobbit and dragon child finally made their way back into the clearing. A soft mutter going around the group, as the dwarves made their way over to Bombur, taking the bowls of stew from the hands of the large dwarf.

"Why don't you go and join them. You must be hungry. I'll be back a little late. If I can catch enough fish, maybe you and I can share them tomorrow." (Y/n) told Bilbo quietly, as she watched Thorin get to his feet to get his food. Bilbo smiling sadly and nodding, before making his way to join the others around the fire. (Y/n) turning to head off and find the river that she could smell.

"Wait!" A voice came. The dragon child turning back to see the would be King under the Mountain making his way over to her, two bowls of stew in his hands. Another mutter going around the company, as Thorin reached out and offered her one. (Y/n) looking between a softly smiling Balin and Bilbo, before taking the bowl.

"I..............thank you." She said. The last of her kind even more bemused by the slight smile that Thorin gave her before he returned to his bedroll, than by the gesture of offering her food. Bilbo smiling broadly, as he took her arm and pulled her toward where he had set up his things earlier.

"Come and sit with me............" The hobbit urged, as he moved his bag out of the way and patted the ground. Balin giving (Y/n) a nod, as she took a seat next to the burglar.

"(Y/n). What do you think................?"

"I have no idea, Bilbo. But whatever has caused this, I think that we shouldn't question it too much. If the Oakenshield has had a change of heart about me, then I am not going to say anything; just in case he changes his mind................"

"You will need this............." Another voice interrupted. (Y/n) and Bilbo looking up to see a smiling Kili. The youngest prince offering her a spoon.

"Oh, yes...........that would help. Thank you..............." The dragon child said, as she reached out and took the wooden spoon from the dark dwarf's hand; really not sure whether to be concerned by this change of heart, or welcome it. Not that she would say anything negative to Bilbo; the little man seemed so pleased by the exchange that she would make sure to keep any worries to herself.

"Well, do you like it?" The hobbit asked, as (Y/n) spooned the first mouthful of food into her mouth.

"I've tasted worse. But I wouldn't expect Bombur's food to be bad, its obvious that he enjoys it. And you know what they say, you should never trust a skinny cook." (Y/n) replied quietly, chuckling as she and Bilbo looked over to the rosy cheeked dwarf. The last of her kind, feeling for the first time since they had left the Shire, that she might find a place in the Company. That her travelling companions might have actually come to realise that despite their differences, she had no intention of doing them any harm.

Furtively, she glanced over at Thorin. The son of Thráin eating their only real meal of the day, while he spoke to Balin and Dwalin. It was hard to say what she thought was going on in the prince's head. Dwarves were the most stubborn of creatures at the best of times; but the Oakenshield was more stubborn than most, and getting anything out of him, would be like getting blood out of a stone. In truth, she felt a little sorry for him; she could tell that he had taken the weight of all this squarely on his own shoulders, it evident in his eyes. That he felt guilty for anything and everything that went wrong; and guilt was something that she knew very well.

For so long, she had blamed herself for the death of the others; for every last one of her kind that had passed because of persecution, fear or mistrust. Too many times she had wanted to join them, to see them again; but just like Thorin, she was too damn stubborn. That, and there was one last fire drake in the world; it seeming only right that the last dragon child met him.


Carefully she looked up. The rest of the evening had passed quite well, Balin coming to join her and Bilbo. The old dwarf chuckling, as she had reached her hand into the fire and brought out a flame that she used to light his pipe for him. As usual, she had bedded down near Bilbo; wanting to be as close to him as she could be, just in case the orcs came upon them. A smile pulling at the corners of her lips, as she saw that the rest of the Company were asleep; only Nori awake on guard, looking out over the dark expanse of grass land that they would have to begin to traverse in the morning. And, if Oakenshield did expect them to do that, then they would all need a good breakfast.

"(Y/n).........what..............?" Bilbo asked quietly, as he turned to look at her. The hobbit rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Shhhh, Bilbo. Its alright. I just have to go and do something. I'll be back before any of you are awake." The dragon child assured him. Bilbo simply nodding as she quietly got up from her bedroll and made her way into the night. The last of her kind hoping that if her little trip was successful, then they would all have full bellies, before they moved just a little bit closer to Erebor. 

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