Never lose me - Fili x Reader

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Request for Moonqueen84

(Y/n) raced through the halls of Erebor with fresh water, clean bandages and some more of the strange, and slightly smelly green concoction that the elven healers had given her for his wounds.

In all honesty, she shouldn't have been there. She should have been back in the Blue Mountains with the others. And it was obvious that Thorin hadn't wanted her their when she had turned up unannounced on poor Bilbo's door. But she had stood her ground as she always did. She had ignored Thorin's grumblings. His off tone. She had ignored him telling her that this was no place, no quest for a dwarrowdam. And, with a little help from a certain wizard admittedly, she had found herself as part of the Company.

She knew that Fili wasn't happy with her. The first couple of days he barely even spoken to her. Had barely looked at her. (Y/n) quite aware that he would rather that she was back with his mother, safe and sound. That she wasn't concerning herself with such things. That the one that wore his courting bead in her hair, was exactly where he left her. But after a little encouragement from both Kili and Balin; Fili had made his way over to her bedroll and dropped down by her side before placing his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close, as his fingers played with the bead that hung from her hair. The dwarf prince apologising for being as he had been. For acting like a child. Finally telling her that yes, it was true that he was rather she was back in the Blue Mountains. That he would rather that she wasn't so determined that she wanted to face the dangers that they would undoubtedly encounter on their long journey. But also, that he was glad that she had followed, glad that she had stood her ground. Glad that she was with him. For in truth, he had feared being away from her for so long. Hated the idea of not being able to see her every day. Of her only being a thought instead of a presence. But most of all, and Aulë forbid, he had been scared of the idea that he would die alone. That he would leave the world without being able to see her face one last time. Without being able to touch her skin, before he had gone to join the god. The tears rolling down their cheeks, as they both contemplated that awful event. Both having no idea then that it would so nearly come true.

On the day of the battle, and unbeknownst to him, (Y/n) had followed Fili and she had never been gladder that she hadn't listened in her life. The scream that had left her lips as she saw the great white orc stab her beloved, enough to distract all the evil creatures. Fili not falling as far down the tower as he might have done. But the sound had alerted the orcs to her presence. Azog sneering as he had sent his forces after her. The dwarrowdam glad that she could outsmart any orc as she raced away; even thought she had so desperately wanted to stay and save Fili. And despite being injured herself, she had at least made it down to the others without much incident. Her mind and heart left with the blonde dwarf that she believed was dead at the top of the tower. But when the battle had been won, when Dwalin had gone to retrieve the body of the fallen Durin. Kili and Thorin doing their best to console her, (Y/n) had noticed that Fili was still breathing. Admittedly it was barely, but there was still life. The prince being carried by his uncle, his brother, a little hobbit and the rest of the Company to the healer's tent. And now, after fourteen sun rises, here she was, scurrying back and forth doing all she could to make sure that her prince was resorted to full vigour.

She had to admit that she was a little tired, she hadn't really slept since that day out of fear that if she closed her eyes, her love might just slip away from her. So, she kept going, insisting, despite Oin telling her that he would be more than happy to watch over Fili for a while if she needed to rest, that she was fine. Telling Kili the same when he had come to check on his brother. And even Bilbo when he had been to see the pair. The others deciding that they couldn't talk a stubborn dwarrowdam into doing anything if she didn't want to do it. And anyway, who better to have looking after you, than the one you loved.

Quietly (Y/n) pushed on the door, a small smile gracing her features as she saw that Fili was awake. The dwarrowdam juggling all the things in her arms, as she pushed through the door, closed it behind her with her foot and then made her way over to the bed. Placing the items on a small table next to her.

"Have you forgiven me yet...........?" Fili enquired, his voice a little hoarse as he looked at the beauty sat next to him. (Y/n) trying not to smile broadly, as she heard a little of his cheeky side being to return.

"Hmmmmmmmm. Now let me see..........have I forgiven you for leaving me during the battle............? Have I forgiven you for getting caught by that great monstrosity of an orc.............? Have I forgiven you for getting yourself in a situation where you got yourself stabbed by said orc...........and have I forgiven you for nearly dying on me................?"

"Yes.................all those.............."

"Ah, well then, the answers would be, no, no, no and no..........." (Y/n) replied, as she carefully moved Fili forward and removed his bandages. Cleaning the wound before applying the elves ointment and new bandages.

"I nearly lost you, Fili Durin. I nearly lost the love of my life, and you expect me to forgive you for that.............?" (Y/n) replied, as she sniffed back the tears.

"Well, maybe not now, but at least before we get married..........."

"You think I would marry you after what you have put me through.......?"

"Aye, I think so............."

"Alright I might. But if you ever try and leave me again, Fili, I swear to Aulë himself.............."

"I promise that you are never going to lose me, (Y/n). When we die, it will be in one another's arms in this very bed with our children and grandchildren around us." Fili told her, as he slowly reached up his hand and brushed away the tears from her cheek.


"I promise. Now why don't you climb in bed with me, and we can start to discuss about how many little ones we are going to have.........." Fili replied, as he pulled back the covers. (Y/n) unable to stop herself from laughing at his comment as she slipped under the sheets and into his waiting arms. Both knowing that even though he still had a long way to go, they would never lose one another. 

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