The Twin Rings - The Fellowship x Reader

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Now this is the first part of a request for Cap-Ton. This opening chapter is a little shorter than what I normally do, but this is just sort of an introduction to what might be a much long imagine. This and probably the next part will be centred around the full fellowship but after that it will go to being more between Frodo and the reader. So, I hope you all enjoy.

"Do you think that she will follow them?" Elrond asked Gandalf, as the two watched Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir promise to protect Frodo on his journey to destroy the ring.

"She will follow them every step of the way. She will go wherever the ring goes. As soon as it came to light again, she would have been searching for her brother. I believe that she is here even as we speak. Watching over us." Gandalf replied quietly. Elrond casually looking around to see if he could catch a glimpse of the twin ring.

When Sauron, disguised as the benevolent entity Annatar, had taught the Eleven smiths of Eregion how to craft the rings of power. He had intended to use them to help him seduce the rulers of Middle earth to the side of evil. Yet when he himself had created the one ring to rule them all in the forges of Mount Doom, the great dark lord had not known until it was too late, that his ring had split into two. The twin ring opposite to the other in every way. Brother and sister. The one ring, the brother, held all the darkness, evil, greed, and hatred in the world. The other, the sister, held nothing but light, goodness, benevolence, and love. The sister ring was filled with magic of its own, enabling it to take other forms. Allowing it to escape the dark mountain and the evil of Sauron and her brother before she could be destroyed. Over the ages, she had lived in many different guises, in many different places, protecting the world. Always watching for the return of the dark lord and her brother. Determined more than any other to not allow the darkness to take over Middle earth. And despite how much she loved her brother, to ensure that he was destroyed.

"Should we tell them about her? If they are to follow the halfling to Mordor. They should probably know that she will be their constant shadow." Elrond continued as the rest of the Hobbits pledged to join the quest.

"She will show herself when she needs to. It is best that for the moment that they don't know. Best that they concentrate on what is to come." Gandalf replied, before Elrond stepped forward and declared that those that had volunteered to aid Frodo, were the fellowship of the ring.


Galadriel looked down at the ring on her finger. The delicate band glowing brightly in the moon lit night.

"I knew that you would be here." The lady of Lothlórien said quietly, turning to see an ethereal, mortal looking female behind her. Bowing respectfully as the female took a seat in a stone chair near the elven lady.

"The little one has my brother. He has volunteered to return him to Mordor. To throw him into Orodruin, to die in the fiery inferno from which he was born. From which we were both born. You know I have to be there when it happens. I have to ensure that this time, the evil is truly destroyed. Even now, I know that he speaks to your Nenya, the great ring of Adamant. I know that he speaks to you, Galadriel. My brother and Sauron are growing stronger every day. And every day everything I hold dear, grows weaker. I will do anything, and everything that I need to do to ensure that my brother does not take over all the hearts and minds of the races of this world. I have seen too many corrupted by their evil. I know that the Nazgul have already been sent by their master to try and recover my brother. And that they are the reason that the little ones found themselves here in Imladris. I am the only one in Middle earth that cannot be corrupted by my brother. Cannot be seduced by the power that he offers. Even you Galadriel will be tested. Even the little one himself will be tried at the end. And I must ensure that all the players are in place for the final battle. That all the heroes are present. No matter how unlikely those heroes may be." The female informed the lady of light.

"Will Frodo be safe?" Galadriel asked, as the ring rose from her seat and looked out onto the great fountains of Rivendell.

"(Y/n). Please tell me." The elleth beseeched knowing that the twin ring could see the future better than even she could herself. The ring turning to stare at the lady that had used her little known name.

"I will protect the little one and the others as best I can. The fellowship will face their trials. As will I. Those that thirst for my brother's power, those that have already fallen under the spell of Sauron, will not make the journey easy. They will try and kill all those that stand in their way. Try to destroy the little one and those that help him, so that the dark lord may once again have my brother and his power. Many will die before this is all over, Galadriel. Those that make the journey will never be the same. But this time I will make sure that the ring bearer is not corrupted like Isildur was. And this time my brother will be sent back to the pits of Orodruin, never to return." (Y/n) informed Galadriel, as she took the ladies hand and looked down at the ring that lay on her finger.

"Nenya was always the most beautiful of the rings that the Elven smiths created. It is just a shame that once my brother is gone, that Nenya's power will fade, as will yours. But that is the price that must be paid. I am not sure that even I will survive this quest, yet if it is my fate to also die, then so be it." (Y/n) continued before she reached up and placed a gentle kiss on the lady of Lothlórien cheek.

"I must leave you now. The little one will come and see you soon. He will offer you the ring, and my brother will tempt you. But stay strong, Galadriel. For if you do not. If you are tempted by my twin, no matter how strong he may make you, I will come for you and use all of my power to destroy you both." (Y/n) assured, before kissing the lady on the cheek again, and leaving her to wait for Frodo. 

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