Moondance - Part 4 - Thorin x Reader

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The men and dwarves had met at first light the next morning. They, and (Y/n), making their way up into the hills. The King, the Master, and every other male present watching their beautiful tracker as she scouted around. Occasionally stopping as if checking for tracks. Occasionally sniffing at the air, as if she were trying to pick up the scent of the beast.

"There's something not right about that one." Dwalin said quietly, as he came up to Thorin's side. Looking between his king and the Master of Dale.

"She's a strange un. Something about er eyes. What do ya think she is?" The large dwarf continued, as they continued scouting the hillside.

"I'm not sure. But despite what Margit said at the meeting, I don't think that our tracker is her granddaughter. I have known that old woman all my life, and I have never seen or heard mention of her having children of her own." Bard interjected. His words just causing the dwarves more confusion.

"She could be a half-elven like Lord Elrond." Kili commented from behind the three. His older brother slapping him on the arm, as Dwalin turned and glared at the young princes.

"No. She's no elf. Not even half. She's somethin different. I don't know what though........yet." Thorin replied, as he continued to watch the tracker. The King under the Mountain finding himself completely transfixed by the female. Watching intently her every move. Thorin sure that she moved with a grace that not even the elves possessed.

"And why did she ask if tha beast could live here in peace if it didn't mean any harm?" Kili again interjected. The prince nearly barrelling into his uncle, as Thorin came to a sudden stop. His eyes firmly set on the female, as she leapt up onto a towering rock, as is it were nothing more than a pebble, before crouching down and surveying the world that lay before them. The wind sending her hair blowing behind her, as a sudden zephyr blew across the land.

"I don't know that either............yet.............."


She had risen early that morning. Margit had assured her that all this was a good idea. That helping the men and dwarves could lead them off her scent if that was what she wanted. That it would enable her to get to know a little more about the Master and the King if that was what she wanted. The old woman smiling as she mentioned the dwarven monarch. As she saw the blush that came to the cheeks of the skin changer. The old woman telling (Y/n), that if she so wanted, she might in fact be able to pull the King under the Mountain to one side and try and explain the truth. That just as she had said, all she wanted to do was live in peace.

So now, here she was, on the hillsides that surrounded Dale and Erebor, looking for herself. For her own tracks. Doing her best to make it look as though she was actually trying to find the beast that was so worrying the mortals and the dwarves. The skin changer stopping periodically to look down at her own paw marks in the heavy soil. Stopping to smell at the cool air for her own scent. As she led all those that had come to hunt for her, further into the hills.

Quietly, she jumped up onto a large boulder. Sitting atop it as she would do when she was in her other form. Her mind, racing with ideas about how she might be able to get the King and Master away from their men. If she should show them what she really was, or not. The skin changer not sure how they would take it, seeing her in her other form. How they would react to being faced with a large wolf, instead of the form that she had now. But Oakenshield had promised that if the beast, if she, meant no harm. That if she wanted only peace like they did, then she could stay. And she so wanted to stay. She so wanted somewhere she could call home. And she so wanted to get to know the king better. The king that had been watching her every step of the way. Yet how she was to do that....................

"Ya found anything yet?" A gruff voice enquired. The skin changer looking down from her lofty perch to the large dwarf below. (Y/n) standing up straight, as she surveyed the land. Allowing the breeze to move through her hair and the coat that Margit had gifted her. Pulling her gloves further up her wrists.

"There are tracks going in two directions. One going up further into the mountain, and the other onto the lower lands. They belong to the same animal. It has scars on both of its front paws that keep appearing in all the tracks. The scent is strong from both areas, so it's making it difficult to tell in which direction the animal could have gone. I would suggest that we split up. If that is alright with the King and the Master............." (Y/n) replied, as she turned her gaze to the leader of the mortals and the dwarves. Bard and Thorin looking at one another for the moment, before Thorin turned his attention back to her.

"Bard can take his men down to the lower lands and search for the creature there. Dwalin, Kili, Fili and I will follow you up into the mountain. If the beast is near our home, I want to know." Thorin announced, as the tracker jumped down from the huge rock. Landing on the ground with barely a sound. This wasn't exactly what she had wanted. She had hoped that the Master and the King would stay together. That she would be able to speak to both of them in private. But this was better than nothing. And if she could persuade the dwarves that she was of no concern, then the mortals should be easy. The skin changer slowly making her way over to Bard and Oakenshield.

"The beast seems to stick to the old tracks. If you follow them down, you should come across it if it has headed there to rest." (Y/n) informed the Master, before turning to the king. The pair looking at one another for the moment before the king gestured for their tracker to show them the way.    

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