Lady of Love - Part 5 - Elrond x Reader

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There had been a hushed silence descend over the guests, as Elrond and the princess had made there way into the celebrations. As his guests had watched the majestic beauty on his arm. Not that the half-elven ruler could blame them. When he had seen the daughter of Oropher, he himself had been unable to find the words to express how truly beautiful she really was. To explain the way his heart was already feeling. And as the evening had progressed, as they had danced together; as Elrond had felt her hand in his, her body against his and her breath on his neck, as they had moved together around the floor, he had fallen further under her spell. The eyes of the princess, filled with all manner of wonder and possibility.

A little part of him felt guilty for the feelings that he was having. He had truly loved Celebrian. He still had love for her. Yet she had been gone for so long now. It had been so long since she had chosen to sail west after what had happened to her at the hands of the orcs, that had waylaid her at the Redhorn Pass. But had he not mourned long enough? Had he not respected her memory for enough years? Did he not deserve some sort of happiness and love, now that it seemed to be right in front of him? He had seen the worst of what loss could do; seen it in (Y/n)'s own brother. How Thranduil had become cold and cruel since the loss of his queen, and he would not let that happen to himself. He could not completely close of his heart. Though Elrond was sure, that even if he had, the beautiful lady that was moving with him, would have still been able to work her way into it, and make it her home.


(Y/n) had never let her eyes leave the lord, as she had danced with him all evening. Her mind and heart lost, as she had placed her hand into his; as his body had moved with hers around the floor, and as his breath had fanned across her skin. She had never thought much about love before she had come to Imladris. After the death of her brother's queen, (Y/n) had dedicated herself to helping raise poor Legolas. To be the one to show him affection when his father couldn't, or wouldn't. To see him grow into the strong and brave ellon that he had become.

She had also been there for Thranduil. Assisting him whenever and wherever she could. She had been the one to take the brunt of his anger and rage, so that others wouldn't have to suffer it. So that Legolas hadn't had to suffer it. But now, now that Legolas was grown. Now that her brother had finally allowed her to leave Mirkwood, could she not now let her mind wander to such things, when she believed that happiness and love was right in front of her?

(Y/n) knew of Elrond's past. Of his wife and his children. Knew how his bride had sailed west. Knew that he had loved the daughter of Galadriel; so, perhaps she was hoping for too much from the handsome half-elf. The ellon whose face was ageless. Who appeared to be neither young nor old, yet the small lines around his eyes spoke of all of his memories, both good and bad. Whose hair was as dark as the shadows at twilight, and his eyes that held within them the light of the stars. But that didn't mean that she couldn't let her thoughts wander to all manner of possibilities. That she couldn't dream of a permanent home in his beautiful realm. That she could not envision a life with the lord that was not only a skilled warrior in battle, who was not only a wise and capable leader, and knowledgeable healer; but also, one gifted with foresight. The ending of the song pushing the lady to want to speak with him in private. To ask if his gift had shown him something about them.

"Could we get some air............?" (Y/n) asked, as the notes of the latest song drifted into the air. Her heart beating a little quicker, as Elrond smiled and offer her, his arm. The pair walking through the other ellons and elleths and out into the moonlight. The princess turning her gaze to the great waterfall and the great, grey shimmering orb high above them. A smile coming to her lips, as she finally looked to the elven lord.


"My lord........may I ask you something...............?" (Y/n) enquired, as Elrond came to sit by her side. Her smile getting a little larger, as he took her hand and nodded.

"The Valar gave you the gift of foresight. The ability to know what is to come. So.............tell me, my dearest lord, what does your gift show you about you and I? Do you see me returning to Mirkwood. Returning to my brother, or............"

"Or...............?" Elrond interrupted, as he moved a little closer to the fair elleth.

" you see a new life for me? A life here in Imladris; a life with a love that I shall spend the rest of my days with. That I will grow older with, and then, when our time here is over, will journey west with?" The lady continued, as she slowly reached up and placed her hand on Elrond's cheek. The lord closing his eyes for a moment and savouring her touch, before giving her, her answer.

"Stay with me..........." Came his reply, as he leaned in to kiss her.  

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