Dór -o i dilthen núr - Part 1 - Aragorn x Reader

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First part of a request for xxbreaxx. Hope you enjoy.

They were falling, or should that be sliding, down, down, down into darkness. None of them sure where they would end up. All realising that they just had to go along for the ride, and do their best to face whatever came, when they got to the bottom.

Up until that point, it had been a pretty normal morning for the Fellowship. Merry and Pippin and the others had already had whatever form of breakfast they could come up with. And the two hobbits had made the group stop once for second breakfast, after they had found a patch of wild mushrooms and some leafy looking vegetable that the pair had assured the others was quite safe to consume. Aragorn shaking his head and smiling to himself, as he heard the two mischievous halflings talk about what they might be able to find for elevenses and luncheon. But then, as they had made their way into a long, dense band of trees that seemed to spread across the horizon as far as the eye could see, the earth beneath their feet seemed to swallow them whole, sending them all down beneath the world that they knew, tumbling and turning as they went. All sure that they would pick up a few bumps and bruises before they got to the end of the decent.

They couldn't see. The world around them was nothing but black. The only sound, the rushing water that pushed them ever onwards. The group just hoping that there would be a soft landing at the end. Aragorn despite the sound of tumbling water, doing his best to call out to the four hobbits in reassurance. Merry and Pippin grabbing hold of one another, while Sam did his best to hold up Frodo and stop him from slipping past everyone by himself.

Suddenly, they were falling again, but this time they were not tumbling down some kind of dark tunnel of water, no; this time they were falling through the air. The darkness replaced by soft, warm brightness that seemed envelop them as they fell. Their bodies only stopping as they landed in a large pool of water, far more gently than they really should have.

"Where in the name of Aulë are we..............?" Gimli grumbled. The dwarf not happy about having fallen in the first place. Not happy about continuing to fall. And certainly not happy about dropping almost headfirst into a pond. The rather disgruntled son of Gloin sure that he could hear frogs laughing at him, as he dragged himself from the water and did his best to wring the water from his sodden clothes.

"Well..............?" He continued. Huffing as no reply from any of his comrades came. The dwarf grumbling again, as he brushed his hair from his eyes, and blew a tiny flower off the end of his nose. Gimli just about to question the others again, when he saw why no one had answered. His eye growing wide as he and the others took in the scene.

In all honesty, most of the Fellowship had expected to come out in some kind of Goblin like town. Surrounded by the huge ugly creatures that would inevitably try to kill them. But what was before them was no world of goblins, it was something that they had never seen, even in the lands of the elves.

Everywhere appeared.............well, perfect. The smell of sweet flowers and fruits filled the warm, sunlit air. The songs of birds and the chatter of small animals could be heard despite the water that fell into the pond behind them. There were trees taller than the eye could see. Lush, green grass covered fields and lofty, jagged, flora covered mountains that spread into the far distance, holding the attention of the highly confused group. Yet there was one thing missing.............people.........elves..........hobbit or even dwarves. There not appearing to be any signs of life, other than the birds that flew from tree to tree. Other than the animals that walked or scampered past them, barely paying the visitors any mind. Other than the multitude of flitting insects that seemed to be floating around them. Hovering in front of their faces, as if inspecting them, before fluttering away.

"What is this place.................?" A voice suddenly enquired, Aragorn looking down to see that Frodo had come to the Ranger's side.

"I.............I don't know, Frodo. I have never seen anything................."

"Dór -o i dilthen núr..............." Another voice suddenly interjected, as Legolas too came to join his old friend.

"What? No..............it cannot be, Legolas. Dór -o i dilthen núr, is just a story. A tale that mothers tell their children to help them sleep. Dór -o i dilthen núr is just..................."

"Do ya mind tellin the rest of us what you and the elf think this place might be in a language that we can all speak.............?" Gimli interrupted. The dwarf having finally got over the shock of his stunning surroundings.

"Dór -o i dilthen núr, master Gimli is Sindarian for Land of the little people................."

"I've heard of that. My mother used to tell my brother and I all about the world beneath our world. The Land of the little people. The land that was made up of magic and wonder. That was the most beautiful of places. Ruled by a queen that was said to be the daughter of Eru himself. Its peoples so small that you could barely see them unless they wanted you to. Peoples that were said to be able to fly just like the birds, or ride mice as if they were noble steeds." Boromir stated, as he remembered back to a time before his mother had passed away and left himself and Faramir at the hands of their father.

"But how.............? It is just a story as you say................."

"Apparently not, Boromir. Apparently, we have come upon something that we were never meant to. And until we find proof to the contrary, I think that I will have to agree with Legolas. I think that this if Dór -o i dilthen núr." Aragorn said. The true King of Gondor stepping forward, wondering what they should do next. How they were to get back out of this new world, and continue on their quest to help Frodo return the ring to the mountain from which it was forged.

"Listen!" Legolas suddenly said. The elf sure that he could hear the faintest sound of voices. Of giggling and even singing. He, along with the other looking around to see if they could see some of the fabled people that were said to call this land their home. To see if they could find one of the little people and ask for their help. All those present beginning to feel sleepy. More tired than they had ever been. Each of them dropping slowly down onto the thick carpet of moss and grass that was beneath their feet, each feeling as though something was whispering sweetly in their ears. Men, elf, dwarf and hobbits all curling up happily on their green beds. A smile pulling at their lips, as the gentle light that surrounded them began to fade.  

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