Dragon Clan - Part 2 - Bilbo x Reader

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(Y/n) rode behind the company. She didn't mind the fact that none of the dwarves wanted anything to do with her. No one usually wanted anything to do with her kind. The way the Dragon Clan appeared, instilling fear in others. Fear that made them outcasts. Fear that had meant her kind had been hunted for too long. That, and she had never had much time for the earth dwellers. She had found that they could be quite rude, often speaking without thinking first. And she also preferred her own company. So, had no issue with being alone.

"Um............" A small, nervous voice came. (Y/n) turning to see the hobbit pull his pony up next to hers.

"How can I help you, Master Hobbit. And my name is not 'Um' it is (Y/n). If you wish to converse, I would prefer you used that. And perhaps, I will call you Bilbo, if you will allow." (Y/n) replied. Giving Bilbo a small smile. A slightly rumbling chuckle leaving her lips, as she saw the little man blush.

"Er.........um.........yes..........yes." Bilbo finally managed to reply. As he drew his mount a little closer.

"Could........could I ask you something..............?"

"If you feel the need, yes................."

"I.........I have never heard of the Dragon Clan................"

"I am not surprised, Bilbo. There are very few left alive that do know of the Dragon Clan, Dragon Folk or Dragon Children, as we were also known. The older elves perhaps. The Ishtars like you friend Gandalf...........but other than that........Once there were many of us. We were the link between the peoples of this world and the dragons. We were the only ones that could speak to the great beasts in their own tongue. The only ones not afraid of them. The only ones that cannot be harmed by dragon fire. Our legends say that we are the children of dragons. That we come from a great beast that could transform himself into a man. A man that fell in love with the most beautiful of elleths. Their union bringing forth my people. But our closeness to the creatures, our appearance, led to our downfall. You see, people are scared of things that they do not understand. Of those that are different. That do not conform, And I, we are definitely different. The orcs, they hunted us for fun. We were their sport. The elves, the mortals, and even the dwarves hunted us because of fear and ignorance. And now.........now I am the last. The last Dragon Child. So perhaps that is why I agreed to come on this little journey. This Smaug is the last of the fire drakes. So, I think that it is fitting that I meet him. That perhaps our lives will end together." (Y/n) explained, as they slowly meandered along. Bilbo able to see the sorrow in her eyes, as she spoke. The hobbit hating to think that others would hunt down and kill her people just because they were different. Because others wouldn't take the time to understand them. So, he determined that he would. He would do all he could to get to know the quite, in his eyes, beautiful female.

"It would appear that you are as unwanted on this little quest, as I am." (Y/n) remarked, as she watched the leader of their expedition turn and glare at the pair of them, before turning back and letting out an audible, disdainful huff.

"Given that, perhaps you and I should make a pact, Master Bilbo." The Dragon Child continued, looking over at the hobbit by her side.

"A pact.................?"

"Yes. A pact. A pact where I promise to watch over you, and you promise to watch over me. So, do we have a deal?" (Y/n) asked, as she held out her hand. Bilbo not hesitating to take it.

"We have a deal, (Y/n)." Bilbo smiled. More than happy to know that (Y/n) was on his side.


The night had set in, and the dwarves had made camp, Gandalf watching as (Y/n) and Bilbo sat together, away from the others, talking quietly. A small smile pulling on his lips, as he packed his pipe. It was nice to see the last of the Dragon Clan smile. And it was nice that it was Bilbo that was responsible for putting that smile there. He had overheard their conversation earlier that day. Heard that they had promised to look out for one another. To protect one another. And the Ishtar knew that during this quest, they would need that. And sooner or later, the dwarves too would appreciate that they needed their little hobbit burglar and Dragon Child.

"She's an unusual creature. Quite beautiful." A voice suddenly said. Gandalf smiling as Balin came to join him. The elder dwarf lighting his pipe as he took a seat.

"And our little burglar seems to have taken quite a shine to the lass."

"She is. But then her kind always were. It is their uniqueness that makes them beautiful. And now that (Y/n) is the last of her kind, she is even more unique. And I am not surprised that Bilbo, finds her interesting. Despite their differences, they both have good hearts. They are both brave and will stand by Thorin's side when he needs them." Gandalf replied, as he and Balin looked over to where the would be King under the Mountain sat, looking out into the darkness, lost in his thoughts.

"He will come around. It is just that the weight of all this is laying heavily on his shoulders. He feels responsible for all of us. Responsible for claiming back his family's home. His kingdom. But he will see." Balin assured. Gandalf simply nodding, as he took another puff on his pipe.   

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