Dragon Lover - Part 3 - Smaug x Reader

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"Well..........I er, don't exactly know where to begin." (Y/n) began, as she hesitantly took a seat on the pile of gold. Doing her best to not slip down the mound of coins. The great dragons eye alone, making her feel tiny and insignificant.

What could she say? She should of course mention Tolkien. For without him, none of this would exist. Or maybe it would. Perhaps the writer had known things that no one else did. That under her world, there really was a world filled with elves, dwarves, hobbits and others. That all this had existed from the beginning without everyone knowing. And at this particular moment in time, with the great beast waiting for her to explain further. Part of her had to think that that may be the case. And maybe, given that, telling the dragon that he dies, was probably not the best thing to do.

"I am waiting.............." Smaug pushed with a slight huff. The fire drake not sure of what to make of the female that appeared every inch like a mortal. Yet still looked like none that he had ever come across before.

"So, I suppose I should start with the fact that I know of you from a book. From a great and heroic tale that were written a long time ago. Well, at least they are a long time ago for me. In the greater scheme of things, I suppose that it wasn't really all that long ago. Nearly a hundred years may be considered by some, as passing in the blink of an eye. But in my world, it is a while................" (Y/n) mussed for a moment. Remembering that in this world, and especially for elves, that a century was nothing. The dragon seeming to cough, as he waited for more.

"Oh, yes..........er. These tales were written by a very clever man by the man of Tolkien. And his books. His tale of you and the Lonely Mountain, have been loved by generations of people. Lots and lots of children have grown up knowing of you." (Y/n) continued. Finding herself feeling slightly easier, as the dragon himself seemed to relax a little.

"And how did this great man, know of me?" Smaug enquired. Quite liking the idea that so many seemed to have read of him.

"Aaah. Well, to be honest..........to be honest, I am not quite sure about that. He just..........he just knew. He knew all about the fire drakes. About Dale, and Erebor. About the dwarves. About Thráin, Son of Thrór and about Thorin. About the Arkenstone. About the elves, and everything else. As I said, he was a very clever man. And I'm glad he was, because without him we wouldn't have the books or the movies..............."

"Movies? What are moooovies?" The dragon interrupted. Seemingly excited by this new word. His sudden movement making (Y/n) nearly fall over backwards.

"Oh.......er.........I had a horrible feeling that you would ask that." (Y/n) sighed. Trying to think of the best way to describe a film to someone that had no idea what they were.

"Movies.......films.........well, they are stories presented in picture form. And these pictures are put together as a series of images that flow seamlessly from one to another, at speed, to make it look as though those images are moving like real life. And people, that we call actors, pretend to be the characters in these movies. And in the movie about you, there is a man that pretends to be you. Admittedly, we never see him. We just hear his voice. And he does a very good job. But, but he is obviously nothing compared to the real you. He was nowhere near as magnificent. Stupendous. As awe inspiring as the greatest of the fire drakes of the Third Age." (Y/n) explained. Finding herself wondering how Benedict's performance would have changed, if he had met the dragon before The Desolation of Smaug had begun filming. Also wondering if Martin Freeman's Bilbo, would have been able to survive the real dragon.

"Hmmmmmmm." Smaug mussed for a moment. A great puff of sulphur scented smoke leaving his nostrils. The odour making (Y/n) cough and splutter.

"I wish to hear more of this. More of this Tolkien. More of his tales, and these moooovies. Of these things that you call, actors. And the man that thought that he could be me." Smaug finally told her. (Y/n) breathing a sigh of relief. Thankful that she wasn't going to be turned into a lump of charcoal by dragon fire.

"And given that, I will allow you to remain here until you can return to your own world." The dragon added. Seeming to give (Y/n) a toothy grin, as he settled down further into his mountain of gold. Coins, goblets, plates and jugs, clanking and clinking against one another, as they slipped down the slope.

"Thank......thank you. I........I would like that very much. I have always dreamed of seeing the Lonely Mountain. Of being able to walk the great halls. But more, I have always dreamed of meeting you. As I said, you were always my favourite. And if you wish to know more, I am quite happy to tell you all I know." (Y/n) replied. Feeling slightly cheerier, as the dragon's gaze appeared to soften.

"But first, little one. Tell me more about you." Smaug instructed. (Y/n) feeling a blush heat her cheeks, as the scaled beast moved his head closer. (Y/n) finding it impossible to stop herself from reaching out, so that she could rest her hand on the end of his nose. The dragon not seeming to mind her touch. His great eyes closing, as he listened to her begin the tale of her own life.

She hadn't really known what to expect when she had placed her hand on his form. Perhaps that his scales would be like those of a snake. Yet that couldn't be further from the truth. Even the scales on his snout were thick and slightly rough. (Y/n) surmising that they needed to be so, to deal with the intense temperatures of dragon fire. Each one warm to the touch. A warmth that made her feel comfortable.


"Little one. It is time to wake." A deep voice came. (Y/n) groaning slightly, as she moved on her uncomfortable bed of gold.

She couldn't really remember falling to sleep. After she had finished telling Smaug about herself. About her home, and her family. About her friend Chloe, and her work. She had answered all his other questions. Doing her best not to say anything about the company of Dwarves and their burglar, that could be making their way back to the mountain as they spoke. Nothing about Bard and Bain, and how he would plummet to his death after the strike of the Black Arrow. Instead, she had regaled him with her knowledge of Tolkien's lore about dragons. Of what she knew of cold dragons. Of wingless dragons like the gold worm, Glaurung. Of Spark Dragons, and serpent like dragons. Smaug seemingly impressed by her wisdom. The last thing she could actually recall, being her wildly beating heart, as the dragon had wrapped his tail around her.

"Just five more minutes. Please." (Y/n) sighed. Sure, that she had only been asleep for a few moments. One of her eyes slowly opening, as she realised that this current voice, wasn't quite as rumbling, as the one she had listened to the night before. Not quite as deep or low. The young woman sitting bolt upright, as she saw the reason why. That what was calling her to rouse from her slumbers, was not an enormous fire drake. But a man. A man that was more beautiful than any other that she had ever seen. 

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