Fairy - Part 3 - Lindir x Reader

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"Well, I wouldn't put one there if I were you." (Y/n) interrupted, as she came to stand next to the mark that Lindir had just placed on the map of Rivendell.

"Why.......why not? It would give a perfect view of.........." Lindir began, as he looked down at the tiny fairy.

Lord Elrond had asked Lindir to look at the defences around the city, with a view to changing some of the guard posts. Lindir not sure why the half-elven lord would ask him to do such a thing, the dark haired ellon never thinking of himself as the first one that others would turn to when it came to talking about the defence of their home, but Elrond had. And Lindir would do the best he could. But it was obvious from her tuts, that (Y/n) didn't agree with his decisions.

"Oh, I agree that it would give an excellent view to the north and south. But not so much to the east and west. There are some bushes that have sprung out from the rocks just there, recently. And they are getting too big for a guard to see the whole of the eastern part. If I were you, I would put a post around about...........here" As she plopped down on the perfect spot and smiled up at Lindir.

"And how do you know that? You look nothing like the captain of the guard. You are far too sweet." Lindir replied, as he smiled back at the imp.

Lindir hadn't been able to understand it. Elves didn't normally let their emotions show so much. Tended not to smile as much as they probably should. They were normally quite sensible and cool creatures. But there was something about (Y/n)'s presence that made him feel, well, made him feel like being silly. About throwing caution to the wind and doing something impetuous. Made him feel like laughing. Singing. The ellon unable to wipe the smile off his face since she had suddenly appeared in the office. And Elrond, even though he couldn't see the small, winged creature, seemed to be feeling the effects of her presence too. The lord seeming to find it impossible to sit at his desk. To concentrate on his work. Elrond having spent most of the morning humming happily to himself and smiling as he looked out over his realm. Lindir wondering if all the other times in his life when he had found himself chuckling for no reason. It was because of the sprite.

"I, Lindir, do not need to be a grumpy captain of the guard to know how to protect this realm. I was looking after this land long before either you or Lord Elrond were born. And it may help if you took a walk to these places sometimes. If you actually saw all the parts. Actually took in the smallest details, For even the tiniest fissure could be the crack that brings down a city. In fact, that's a good idea. We can go for a walk, and I can show you all the best places for the guards. Plus, I need some fresh air. It is a beautiful day out there. Too beautiful to be spending all of it behind a desk." (Y/n) explained, as she grabbed at a strand of Lindir's hair, and pulled at it with all her might. Hoping to persuade her ellon to get up from his chair.

"But I can't, (Y/n). What would I tell Lord Elrond? I can't just.............."

"Of course, you can. Lord Elrond told you to look at the defences. Soooooooo, what better way to look at the defences, than go look at them. And Elrond wouldn't mind anyway. Would you, my lord? You wouldn't mind if I stole Lindir from you and took him for a walk?" (Y/n) called out as she turned her attention to the still humming son of Eärendil and Elwing. Lindir's brows furrowing in confusion, as it appeared that (Y/n) was waiting for the half-elven lord to reply. And much to Lindir's shock, he did just that.

"Of course not. You go. Take Lindir. It is far too nice to be stuck inside." Elrond said, waving his hand to dismiss Lindir. The dumbstruck ellon getting to his feet and making his way out of the room.

"(Y/n)? How did you........? I thought that you said.........How did Lord Elrond hear you? I thought only I could hear you?" An obviously confused Lindir enquired, as he and (Y/n) made their way down the path. The tiny sprite basking in the sun, as she lay on the top of Lindir's head.

"Magic, Lindir. Elrond can't hear me like you can. He can't converse with me like you can. But he can sense me in a way. Have you ever heard a little voice in your ear? A little voice that has told you things? About whom you can and can't trust. What you should and shouldn't do for your own wellbeing? Well, if you have, it was me sitting on your shoulder. And I do the same for Elrond. When Celebrían made her way to the Undying Lands, I would sit and talk to him for hours. Told him that he was needed by not only his children, but his people. That despite the fact that he had lost his wife, he still had so much. He still had Rivendell. And that Middle earth needed elves like him. I never needed him to talk back. All I needed, was for him to listen. And he did. I still enjoy seeing him smile. Seeing him laugh. The mannish side of him makes him more prone to fun than full elves. And I know that most don't see it, but he does have quite a mischievous side when no one if looking." (Y/n) explained with a chuckle, as she flew up into the air. The sprite joining the butterflies in their ariel dance.

Lindir couldn't help but feel something strange grow inside him, as he thought about (Y/n) spending so much time with the Lord of Rivendell. It was something that seemed ridiculous. But it was there. Jealousy. He was jealous that his fairy had spent so much time with Elrond. He hated to think about it. Hated to feel it. But he couldn't help it. He had never been blessed enough to have a bride. To have children. But for some reason, he had been blessed with (Y/n). He had been blessed with being one of the only creatures in Middle earth, that could actually see, hear and speak with a fairy. And he liked that. He liked (Y/n).

"Do......do you still spend a lot of time with Lord Elrond?" Lindir enquired. Doing his best to try and sound as though the answer wasn't important. The ellon trying to keep up with (Y/n)'s movements, as she continued to play with the butterflies.

"Not really........only when I come and sit in the office so that I can watch you. He is a handsome thing, but I prefer to spend my time with you." (Y/n) replied, as she took a seat on Lindir's hand. A blush coming to the ellon's cheeks, as she smiled up at him.

"You.....you do?"

"Of course, you silly thing. You are my pretty elf. I have watched over you since you were small. You were such a sweet little thing. But as you got older, you got more serious. You seemed concerned with too many things. So, I would do my best to make you smile. To make you laugh, so that I could see the sparkle in your eyes. And I must confess that........well......that there is no better place in the whole of Imladris than with you. I spend most nights curled up over your heart. Your hair as my blanket." (Y/n) confessed. A blush coming to (Y/n)'s own cheeks, as she told her elf her secret.

Lindir couldn't believe his ears. (Y/n) would spend her nights with him. Would sleep over his heart. The ellon puffing out his chest slightly with a new sense of pride. With a new sense of happiness.

"Now, come on. Lord Elrond gave you a job. And I am going to show you the best places for the guards. Places that only a fairy could know about." (Y/n) finally managed to add. The tiny sprite gesturing in the direction that she wanted Lindir to go.  

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