Stone - Part 5 - Aragorn x Reader

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"Princess." A soft, nervous voice said. The lady turning her attention to the direction of the word.

"Merry, is it not?" The princess enquired. Merry forgetting about her inability to see, and simply nodding in reply.

"Well........Merry. How is it I can help you?"

"I.......I bought you some dinner. Its nothing much, but it's the best that Pippin and I could find." Merry told her, as he held out a plate for the lady to take.

"That is so very kind of you, Merry. But I have no need to eat. Why don't you and Pippin share it. I may not have met many of your kind before, but from those that I did meet, I recall that hobbits have a very healthy appetite. And I am sure that you would appreciate it much more than I would." (Y/n) told him with a smile. Merry giving the princess an appreciative nod, before scurrying back off to Pippin's side. Merry scraping half of the contents of the plate back into the pan for his cousin to eat.

"That was kind of you." Another voice came. (Y/n) smiling as Aragon took a seat next to her.

"Not kind. Just the truth. There is no need for me to eat. No need for me to drink. No need to sleep. My life just one continuous, everlasting cycle of living this curse. Most of the time, I would sit in the forest and think. Remember my life as it was. Wonder how it could have been if Sauron's eye had not fallen on me. Wondered what kind of man my son had become. Sometimes my thoughts would be interrupted by those that had come to find the witch. I must admit that on the odd occasion, their interruption was a welcome distraction. That the fight became something that I craved. Something that would take my thoughts from all that was and could have been. I did though hope at times, that one of my assailants would be successful. That their arrows would pierce the scales. That the slash of their blades would cut through the skin. Yet despite what I hope and wish for, the witch is too stubborn to die. She likes the kill. Likes the chase. Nothing better for her than when someone tries to flee. When they become the mouse to her cat................"

"You talk of the witch as if she were another person. Like you are not one and the same." Aragorn interrupted, as he moved forward to use the flames of the fire to light his pipe.

"Because the witch is another person. A creature that resides within me. Once she takes over, I no longer have any control over what happens. My mind. My body, merely voyeurs, watching the proceedings from the inside. Unable to stop her from reaping her revenge. From turning all living, breathing creatures to stone. From inflicting my curse on all who come to seek her out. Sometimes I think that I am as much her curse, as she is mine. That she would happily destroy me if she could. But she needs me. I am the flame that attracts the moths. The one that draws her enemies in. Has them drop their guard, so that she can then appear and destroy them." (Y/n) explained. A soft sigh leaving her lips, as she rested her head against the staff in her hand.

"But less of the witch. I wish to know more about you, Aragorn. You have told me all about the halflings. How you came to meet them in The Prancing Pony in Bree. About the other two. The bearer of the ring and his friend. You have told me of Gimli and Glóin. About the elder dwarf being in the company of Thorin son of Thrain. How they took back the Lonely Mountain from the fire drake, Smaug. About Legolas, son of Thranduil. About your journey so far. Yet I know nothing of you, but your name, and the fact that you are a Ranger and Dúnedain. And I have a feeling that there is much more to you. Much that you are not telling me. And I cannot understand why. If what you tell me is true, and your line has always felt a connection to me, there seems no reason why you should not trust me, as I have trusted you." (Y/n) continued, as she turned her head towards the man by her side. Aragorn puffing on his pipe, as he realised that she was right. That as they had made their way out of the forest. As they had walked until he had decided that it was time to make camp for the night, the lady had told him many things. Much of the history of his people that even he did not know. So, it would only be right to tell her what and who he really was.

"My line is closely connected to yours. Your husband was the brother of my ancestor. The man that raised your son in secret, after his brother was killed and you cursed. I am the son of , and am called Elessar, the Elfstone, Dúnedain, the heir of Isildur. Elendil's son of Gondor. Sixteenth Chieftain of the of the North. And your humble and willing servant, my lady." Aragorn told her. The Ranger, slowly taking her hand. The princess feeling him interlace his finger with hers.

"A king of Gondor? See, I knew that there was much more to my eyes than he was telling me. And I have a feeling that my husband would be proud to know that a man such as you, shares his bloodline. That my son shares your bloodline. That you would be willing to help me. To guide me, until I can assist in bringing about the end of Sauron. Until I can bring about the end of the curse that separated me from all those I loved. And I swear to you, son of Arathorn, that despite the fact that your dwarf friend continually feels the need to goad me, I will make sure that none of you come to harm. That I too, am your willing and humble servant. Though I do have one thing to ask of you." (Y/n) told him. Aragorn knowing that he could not deny the lady whatever she wished.


"I would like to look on you with my own eyes. I would like to see the face of the Ranger. The face of my eyes. All you have to do, is not look upon me. To keep your eyes tightly closed until I say." The princess explained. Aragorn taking a deep breath before closing his eyes and reaching up to move the blindfold. A tear coming to the ladies' eyes, as she looked upon his handsome visage. As her finger ghosted over his cheekbones. Over his closed eyes and open lips.

"I think that I have only ever seen one as beautiful as you, before. And he, just like you, was a true son of the Dúnedain. And I can quite see how a lady could lose her heart to you, Aragorn." (Y/n) said softly. Giving the Ranger one last look, before she placed the blindfold back over her eyes.

"Now, may I suggest that you and the others rest. I will keep watch. We have far to travel in the morning." (Y/n) continued. A small smile pulling at the corners of her lips, as Aragorn placed his hand on her cheek.

"As you wish, my lady." 

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