Little mouse - Part 4 - Beorn x Reader

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(Y/n) lay in the bed, and looked over to where Beorn was doing his best to get comfortable in the wooden chair, next to the fire. She had tried to tell him that it was silly, that it made more sense for her just to lay in the hay with the animals, than for her to take his bed; but he wouldn't hear it. Insisting that it was only right that she took the bed.

"You don't look comfortable..............." (Y/n) said, just getting a slight grumble in reply as the big man pulled the blanket up over his shoulders.

"I could................"

"No................" Was all Beorn said. It obvious that he knew that she was once again going to try and convince him that it was better that he slept in his own bed, while she slept in the hay.

(Y/n) sighed as she turned her attention to the ceiling, watching as the mice scurried along the beams. To say it had been an eventful day, would be quite an understatement. And to say that Beorn was like anyone else that she had met, would be a lie. But one thing was true, and that he was confusing her. In part, he was big, and certainly could be described as intimidating; scary even. And then, in the same breath, he could be described as sweet and kind. Well, that was what she would say, given that he had been nothing but nice to her since he had found her in his home. He had been gentle with her, as he helped to clean her wounds; he had given her food, (Y/n) staring wide eyed, as she had seen the plate groaning with all manner of things. And now, now she was the one in his bed. Beorn choosing to be uncomfortable, instead of being able to get a good night's sleep. But also, as she once more turned to look at him, there was something else about him; something hidden, that she couldn't quite put her finger on. A secret, that just like the manacles, she was not yet brave enough to ask him about.

Slowly, (Y/n) pushed herself up onto her elbows and looked over the bed. To her, it was huge, much bigger than her own bed back in the cottage. Big enough that there was more than room for two; especially when she was the second person. And though it might seem a little forward...........



"It is silly you sitting in that chair; and before you try and argue, I have had an idea.............." She called out, as Beorn opened one eye and looked at her.

"Your bed is huge, and I only take up a little room. We could..........we could share........" She continued, feeling a heat come to her cheeks, as he looked at her.

"Are you sure.............?" (Y/n) simply nodding in reply. The big man slowly getting to his feet, as she scooted over to the far side of the bed, allowing Beorn to climb in.


(Y/n) moved. Well, she tried to. The huntsman's daughter slowly opening her eyes and looking down to see a rather large arm coming across her waist. When Beorn had finally given in and taken her up on her offer, she had done her best to move as far over to one side of the bed as she could, giving the big man his space and her the distance so that he couldn't see the blush on her cheeks; (Y/n) finally able to close her eyes, now that she knew her host was comfortable. Drifting off to a pleasant slumber, thanks to the soft sounds of the animals.

But now, it would appear that one, if not both of them, had closed that gap. (Y/n) feeling a comfortable warmth all around her. Feeling not only Beorn's arm across her, but his chest to her back. His head resting atop hers, as he continued to sleep. She knew that she should perhaps rouse him and get him to turn; but in truth, she quite liked finding herself like this. Since her father's passing, this was the first time that she had felt truly safe. Not that she feared the woods, it was her world, but being on her own for the first time in her life, had made her realise just how alone she was. So, having someone like Beorn with her, she found comforting. The sound of his soft snores, making her smile. The warmth that was emanating from him, and the fact that the sky was still dark, making her close her eyes again. (Y/n) snuggling back into the large man's embrace, before she let sleep take her once more.


Beorn woke to the usual sounds of the animals, as they began to rouse from their own slumber. The night before he had finally let the little mouse persuade him that his bed was big enough for the pair of them. Beorn, though a little reluctantly, accepting the offer, knowing that a night in the chair would not serve him well. Another smile doing all that it could to make its way onto his lips, as she had done her best to perch herself on the far end of the bed.

He had watched her for a while, reaching out his hand and carefully pushing the hair away from her face, as she turned over in her sleep. Normally he was not one for visitors. He lived alone with his animals, and that was how he liked it. This isolation, the losses that he had experienced, making him gruffer than he had been, before Azog and his orcs had done what they had done to his people. But there was something about this woman, something about this little mouse that made him feel differently. And it was not merely due to the guilt that he felt for the bear having chased her; for it causing her to incur all the scratches and cuts that she had gotten, while trying to escape it. No, it was that she made him feel comfortable. That she was actually able to make him smile. Her presents in his house, making it feel as though it were actually a home. And that was why he had told her that she had to stay, at least until her injuries were healed. Beorn finding that it was nice to have a woman around. Believing that perhaps he had been missing out on things, by keeping himself away from the world.

Slowly, he opened his eyes to find that his little mouse was in his arms. Her body snuggled up into his. It was true that they did not know one another, but this somehow felt right. She seemed to fit him. As if she were the piece of a puzzle that he had been missing, that completed his picture. Beorn promising himself that he would do his best to try and get to know her; that he might even be able to persuade her to stay, before she recovered from her injuries. Before she knew that he was in fact the bear that she had been running from. The Beornling savouring her closeness for a few moments more, before carefully slipping from the bed and making his way to chop the firewood for the day. 

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