The Elven Rebel and the King under the Mountain - Part 2 - Thorin x Reader

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The escape of the Dwarves and their little burglar had caused quite a stir, a stir big enough to ensure that (Y/n) could make up an excuse to her father that she needed to go on a diplomatic mission to see Lord Elrond and would not be back for some time, thankfully her father was too caught up in his own affairs to hear any excuses, angry that somehow Thorin Oakenshield had been able to escape from his kingdom. As (Y/n) returned to her chambers to pack so that she could follow Master Baggins as promised, Legolas pushed his way through the door.

"(Y/n), where are you really going? There are no diplomatic missions, and even if there were, the last elf we would send would be you." He scoffed, watching as she placed whatever she could fit into a bag.

"Brother you wound me; I can be just as diplomatic as you if it is called for." (Y/n) retorted, placing her hand on her heart and pretending to be hurt by Legolas' insinuation.

"I know you helped the Hobbit and the dwarves to escape, I just don't know why." Legolas declared, as (Y/n) turned back around to face him.

"HOW DARE YOU! You may be my brother, but I will not let you accuse me of betraying our father. I have given everything for this kingdom. I have watched my men die before my eyes, I have spilt my own blood on battlefields, and had my beauty taken by an Orc." (Y/n) growled as she pointed at the scare on her face. Even though she had done all she could to help, (Y/n) had no real idea how Master Baggins and the Dwarves had really managed to escape, so it was true that she had not aided them completely; but she was glad that they had, for now she could fulfil the destiny that Gandalf had told her about so many years before.

"Where I am going is none of your concern, what I am doing is even less of your concern. All you need to know is that this is my destiny, you can have your palace and your servants, I need more. One day brother you may understand." (Y/n) said, her eyes softening as she rushed to embrace him.

"No matter what happens, or where my life takes me, remember I will always love you Legolas. Now I must finish packing, I must begin my journey soon." (Y/n) told him, as a look of sadness crept across his features, knowing that whatever (Y/n) was doing, no matter how hard he tried, he would never talk her out of it.

Before Legolas could say anymore, (Y/n) turned back to the bed, wiping away the tear that rolled down her cheek, her attention fully focused on finishing packing her belongings. As she heard the door slam behind her, (Y/n) let out a deep breath that she had no idea she was holding in, she had no choice but to leave, no choice but to follow her destiny, and even though she had left the kingdom before, the thought of never seeing her brother again was affecting her more than she ever realised it would. Slowly she put on her armour, strapping daggers to her legs, and her sword to her side, her bow and quiver slung over her shoulder with her shield.

Standing quietly, (Y/n) took one last look around her rooms, before grabbing her helmet and make her way to the stables. The night was quiet as she saddled her stallion Asfaloth, mounting him and making her way to an entrance to the palace that only Legolas and she knew about, having found it when we were elflings; she knew that she could leave through the main gate, but the fewer that knew she had gone the better. With one last look up at the only home she had ever really known for maybe the last time, (Y/n) turned and left, praying to Valar to watch over her kin until she could hopefully return.


(Y/n) had been tracking the dwarves and her little burglar for two days now, and now she had left her small camp and was staring through the trees looking at the group in the clearing. (Y/n) could see the dwarves and Master Baggins around a fire all talking happily, and in the darkness was a taller figure, all she could see was the glow of his pipe as he drew on it; but there was no doubt in her mind about who the shadowy figure could be, a small smile gracing her lips as she remembered the last time she had met the wizard.

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