Unusual hero - Part 4 - Kili x Reader

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Days...........too many days. Too many days had passed since Kili had planted the acorn, and still..........still nothing had happened, nothing had changed. (Y/n) still lay in the bed at deaths door. Kili still sat by her side, not only growing weaker and weaker himself, but also angrier and angrier at himself; at the fact he could not save the beautiful nymph that he loved. That all his prayers seemed to be falling on deaf ears. That the seed that he had placed so much hope in, was still to even sprout. Yet still, still he had refused to leave her. He had continued to refuse to allow any of the others to watch over (Y/n) so that he could eat or sleep. But this morning...........this morning Kili had made his way from the room that he had barely stepped foot out of since (Y/n) had been placed there. This morning he found himself filled with so much rage that he could barely control it. The dark haired prince ignoring the calls of his brother, of the others of the Company as he made his way to the spot that had been created with such love and hope by the other dwarves. To the spot that he had planted the acorn. Kili climbing up onto the wall before he stormed to the centre of the enclosure. The prince dropping to his knees and angrily digging into the dirt. Cursing to himself as he pushed handful after handful of dark soil out of his way. He wanted to find the seed, to find it and throw it away. Kili feeling that it was as useless as everything else that he had put his faith in when it came to (Y/n). And as he could not get to the deity that did not seem to be listening to his pleas, he would get to the one thing that he could. He would get to the acorn.

"Kili...............?" A voice came from behind him. The dark prince not hearing his brother's voice, as he continued to furiously dig at the dirt. Fili taking a deep breath before climbing the small enclosure wall himself.

He had never seen the look of such anger in his brother's eyes. He, they, all of them had faced so much on their long journey to reclaim the mountain. They had fought one foe after another, yet never had Fili seen the ire that now lay behind Kili's darkened orbs. He had to admit that it looked scary. That it hurt him as much as when his uncle had been taken over dragon sickness. When it had made Thorin into something that he knew his uncle really wasn't, and all Fili wanted to do was help his brother. To do for Kili what he couldn't for his king. The pale haired prince stopping as he got to his brother, his hand reaching out and carefully touching Kili's shoulder.


Kili dug, he was sure that he had not buried the acorn this deep. That he had placed it just beneath the surface of the dirt; but as he continued to push more and more of the soil out of the way, the seed seemed to become more and more elusive, as if it were tormenting him. Teasing him. Putting itself just beyond his reach. The dark prince's fingers now thick with the rich, black earth as he felt a hand be placed on his shoulder.


"I...........I can't find it................"

"Can't find what...........? The acorn.................?"

"It hasn't worked.........nothing has worked. (Y/n) is going to die, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. And if she does............I................."

"Don't talk like that! (Y/n) is stronger than you think. She has stayed alive this long, and I know she is doing that because she loves you. Because she wants to come back to you. Just wait a little longer............it will grow, I promise. Her tree will start growing and it will help her just like Gandalf said. I believe it will, and if you really love (Y/n), you will believe it too." Fili said, as he dropped to his brother's side. The older prince pulling his sibling into an embrace, as he saw the tears that made his way from Kili's eyes and fell into the hole that he had created. The pair holding one another for a moment. Fili hoping that his words, though few, might give his brother some comfort. Might just be enough to keep him fighting the fight that only Kili could. To encourage him to stay strong.

"Why don't you go back to (Y/n)? I will put everything back as it was." Fili continued, as he finally pulled away from him brother, using his sleeve to wipe the tears from Kili's cheeks. Kili nodding slowly and giving his brother the best smile that he could muster, before slowly getting to his feet and making his way back towards where he had left his beautiful nymph. Fili carefully moving back the dirt and hoping beyond hope that the acorn really would grow as he promised it would.


Kili grumbled. The last thing that he could remember was that he had got back to the room after being with his brother. That he had sat in his usual seat by (Y/n)'s side and taken her hand. That he had brushed some of her hair away from her face and told her what he had done. That he had apologised for not believing, explaining that he had only done it because he didn't know what else to do. But now, now he swore he would do, that he would believe whatever he had to do to have her come back to him. And then, then his eyes had grown heavy, heavier than they had ever been; the prince unable to fight the need to sleep that had just taken over him. His head dropping to the bed as his eyes closed.

Slowly he moved, another soft grumble leaving his lips as he carefully opened one eye, the candle on the table, which had long since burnt out, showing him that he had been slumbering for much longer than he might have thought. Suddenly he sat bolt upright as he realised that (Y/n)'s hand, which would still usually be there, was no longer in his. In fact, as he stared wide eyed at the bed, he saw that it was more than just the nymph's hand that was missing, it was.............it was all of her. Kili jumping to his feet, his mind racing as he threw open the door to the room and ran out into the long corridor. His feet leading him to the only place in Erebor that he thought he might find his love.  

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