Not all who wander are lost - Part 1 - Éomer x Reader

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For my first ever Eomer offering, I have taken inspiration from the second line of J.R.R. Tolkien's poem "The Riddle of Strider" from The Fellowship of the Ring. I hope that you enjoy. 🐴

Since the war had ended. Since the Ring had been destroyed. (Y/n) had once again begun to wander. Making her way from one town to the next. From one city, village and hamlet to another. It wasn't that she was lost. It was more that she had no real place to call home. And now that she had been travelling for so long, the only place that she felt really comfortable, was on the road. Her trusty steed, her only companion. The earth her only bed. The dark night sky, her blanket. The billions of twinkling stars, her source of wonder. And the crackle of the fire, lulling her to sleep.

It wasn't that she didn't want a place to lay down her roots. Wasn't that she didn't want friends. A companion that could actually reply when she spoke. It was more that she had never found a place that suited her. A place that she felt, fit her like a glove. But she had always hoped that the next town, the next village, would be the perfect fit.

(Y/n) had never felt as though she truly belonged. She had been born half-elven, though who and where her parents were, she had never known. The elleth never feeling as though she belonged in the world of mortal men, or the realms of the elves. Yet she had tried. For many moons, she had lived in Imladris, Lothlórien, and even Mirkwood. But as welcome as the likes of Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel had made her feel. Despite how beautiful the lands of her elven kin, there was always something missing. She could never put her finger on what it was, but she knew that something wasn't quite right. That a little voice inside her head, would always tell her that it was time to move on. To search for pastures new. Yet the world of men, had proved no more alluring. (Y/n) finding that the villages and towns of men, were often dark, dirty and dangerous. And some would say that they were no place for a still quite young elleth. But she had still met good and kind people. Still been to places and found things that had made her smile. And that was why she had decided to give the world of men, one more chance. She would look to one more city, before trying something different. The half-elven contemplating visiting the homes of the Hobbits, or the mines of the dwarves, if all else failed.

"So, Renia. What do you think to Rohan? To the hill fort of Edoras? They love horses there. And as you are so handsome, I am sure that they will make you the king of the equines." (Y/n) chuckled, as she gently rubbed the nose of the large, snow white stallion. The great steed, whinnying and huffing softly, as his mistress combed her fingers through his mane.

"Why, I would love to be your queen, your majesty." (Y/n) replied to her mount's utterance. The half-elven curtsying respectfully to her old friend.

"You never know Renia. Perhaps Rohan will be the perfect place for both of us. I have heard that it is beautiful. A land of windswept pastures and lush tall grass. And Edoras itself, is built on a hill in Harrowdale, and lays under the great mountain Starkhorn. The river Snowbourn flows past it, as it winds its way west to Entwash. And it is where all of Rohan's kings are buried. Maybe there, we could find you a suitable filly, to be your true queen. And perhaps, I could find myself a king of my own. It would be nice to find someone that I could spend my life with. Eternity is a very long time when you are alone. And I would willingly give it all up, for one simple life with the perfect mortal man." (Y/n) continued softly. Her tone turning sad, as she thought about all the things that she may miss out on, if she were never to find the one meant for her.

"Hey!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Her tone once again turning cheery, as Renia bumped her with his head.

"Yes, I know. I should not dwell on such sad things. I should think of all the possibilities that Edoras might have to offer. And yes, you are also right, I should light a fire and make camp for the night. We still have a long way to travel before we get to Edoras. And an early start would be the best. Why are you so clever, Renia?" (Y/n) added. The half-elven momentarily laying her head against that of the beautiful stallion, before making her way to find some firewood.


Éomer looked out of the window over his city. His city. Sometimes he still couldn't believe that he was king. It was much different to being the Marshal of the Mark. To being able to ride out with his men.

He couldn't help but feel as though he had lost his freedom. He missed riding out over the vast plains, as the wind rushed through his hair. The only things in the world, he and his horse. His life now taken up with matters of state. With continuing the good relationship between Rohan and Gondor. And the on-going protection of his lands and people. But the most pressure came from the calls for him to wed. For him to have heirs that could take the throne once he had passed. It wasn't that Rohan didn't have its fair share of beautiful ladies. Ladies that would be more than happy to call themselves his bride. But none of them were right. None of them were what he was looking for. Yet where the woman he was looking for, could be, he didn't know. He had seen how happy Aragorn was with Arwen. The love that they shared. And he wanted that for himself. A woman that he could spend the rest of his days with. A woman that would share his life and his reign. That would be the queen of his people. The queen of his heart. But that happiness, for him at least, seemed out of reach.

"Éomer. Is everything alright?" Éowyn asked, as she came into the room carrying a tray filled with food for her brother's supper.

Éowyn had noticed that her brother had grown quiet recently. That when he was not busy, he would spend his time looking longingly out of the window and onto the vast plains of Rohan, lost in his own thoughts. She knew that he missed the freedom. Missed the Riddermark. She knew of the pressure for him to find himself a wife. But what could she do? Soon, she herself would become the bride of Faramir, and she would leave Edoras. Leave her brother. Yet she did hope that before she would settle for her own new life in Ithilien, that she would be able to find something, someone, to make her brother smile again.

"I am fine Éowyn. Nothing is wrong." Éomer replied with a heavy sigh, as he reluctantly turned from the window. A soft smile pulling at his lips as he looked at his sister.

"Why don't you go out with the men on their patrol, tomorrow? I am sure that the feel of the wind would make you feel better." Éowyn replied, as she placed the tray on the table. The White lady of Rohan knowing that her dear brother was the furthest thing from alright.

"I have too much to do . And the council would never let me..........."

"It doesn't matter what the council will or will not allow. You are the king. Their king. And if you wish to ride out with your men, and patrol your lands, then you can. I will take care of anything here. I just want to see you smile, Éomer." His sister told him, as she placed a soft kiss to his cheek.

"Do you really think............." Éomer began. His heart racing a little as he thought about riding out onto the Riddermark once more.

"Yes, I do. Now, eat and then get some rest. Being out with the patrol will be a long day. And you're a little out of practice, what with all this sitting on your regal backside, and shuffling parchment, that you do." Éowyn chuckled. Handing her brother a goblet of wine, and smiling to herself as she saw the old twinkle come back to Éomer's eye. 

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