Smelly, ugly, half-wit - Part 6 - Thranduil x Reader

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(Y/n) frantically swung her sword. Spiders! Why did it have to be spiders? Why did it have to be giant spiders? Of all the things in Middle-earth that they could have encountered, it had to be spiders. Back in the Shire, in their warm little hobbit hole, Bilbo had often laughed at her, as she stood on chairs and shouted for him to rescue her from the tiny eight legged abominations that would occasionally sneak its way into the house. The older Baggins simply catching it under a glass and throwing it outside, before returning and teasing her about the whole affair. But now, as she swung again, she swore that if they ever got out of this, she would remind her brother of this if she ever felt the need to be rescued again.

"(Y/n). Look out!" A voice suddenly exclaimed over the noise of the fray. The little hobbit looking up to see a huge black thing with massive fangs and horrible multiple eyes flying towards her. (Y/n) deciding that perhaps this spider was well worth running from. The only female in the company, turning and fleeing as fast as her tiny legs could carry her. The sounds of the dwarves grunting and shouting as they too fight off the large, cursed creatures.

Suddenly, she found herself on the floor. (Y/n) cursing at her feet for finding the tree root that seemed to have just sprouted up from the lifeless dirt. The tiny hobbit turning to see the huge spider draw ever closer. The world around her suddenly fading to nothing but blackness.


"We have found his one too, Prince Legolas." A guard called out, as he came up behind the heir of Mirkwood. A small body hanging, seemingly lifeless in his arms.

"What have ya done ta er.............?" Dwalin bellowed, as he tried to get to (Y/n). The others holding him back, as the elves that surrounded them moved closer. The tips of their arrows all pointing at the dwarven warrior.

"We have done nothing to her. It would appear that one of the spiders has bitten her." The elf that the other had called prince Legolas informed Dwalin. The tall, slender ellon moving the little hobbits collar slightly so that he could see the site where the fang had entered.

"I will take the little one, while you take the dwarves to the dungeons. Even though they are trespassing in these woods, I would not let this one die for the foolishness of a bunch of dwarves." Legolas told the guard quietly, as he took the body of (Y/n) into his arms.

"Where ya goin with her? Bring her back here ya coward elf!" Dwalin exclaimed, as he tried to step forward once again. The coward elf in question, turning back to glare at him.

"If you do not wish this little one to die, I would suggest that you curb your tongue, dwarf, so that I can have her life saved." The elf replied. Dwalin nodding reluctantly as he saw (Y/n)'s skin was deathly grey. Her eyes glazed and lifeless. The warrior dwarf able to do nothing but hope, as he watched his little love disappear into the woods, in the arms of an elf.


(Y/n) gasped, as she opened her eyes. The last thing that she could remember was the large black creature looming over her. The pain as one of its fangs had entered her body.

"So, you are awake, little one." A cool, calm, cold voice came. (Y/n) looking to locate the source of the sound. Her eyes growing wide, as she watched a tall, elegant elf make his way over to her. The hobbit finding herself thinking that it was a shame that a creature so beautiful, could sound so emotionless. How he could be a complete contrast to Lord Elrond.

During their time in Rivendell, (Y/n) had found the handsome, dark haired Elrond to be sweet and kind. To be wise, pleasant and polite. The half-elven lord putting up with the company despite all the chaos that they had caused in his beautiful realm. Chuckling every time that (Y/n) had felt the need to apologise for the rambunctious dwarves. Chuckling again as he would listen to her, the littlest of the company, scold the world weary, battle hardened males for not behaving. The dwarves all looking like naughty children being reprimanded by their mother. Elrond always telling her that it was fine. That no one could stop a dwarf from being a dwarf. Not even a very strong hobbit like her. His voice always bright. Always warm. Yet this elf, despite his obvious beauty, appeared cold. Dark. (Y/n) moving backwards in the bed, as the elf took a seat, and looked at her with a pair of piercing, blue eyes.

"You were bitten by one of the spiders. Though it would appear that you are very strong and exceptionally lucky, as only a small amount of venom made its way into your body before my guard was able to kill the creature. My healers were able to help, and with a little rest, you should recover." The elf informed her. (Y/n) pulling up the sheets around her, as he gave her a thin smile.

"You are a hobbit, are you not?" He continued. (Y/n) simply nodding in reply, as she suddenly realised that her brother. That Dwalin. That the rest of her friends, were nowhere to be seen.

"Can you not speak? It would only be polite to thank me for your life. At least to tell me your name." The elf's look only growing colder, as (Y/n) shook her head.

Over her time with the company. During her time with Gandalf, she had learnt many things. And one of them, despite what the dwarves, and her brother may think, was when to speak and when to be quite. (Y/n) would be the first to admit that on the odd occasion, she could.......well, she could talk a little to much about everything and nothing. But here, now, looking into those emotionless yet breathtaking eyes, (Y/n) believed that she had actually found one of those moments that it would be better to stay silent.

"It would appear that you are as stubborn as the dwarves that you were found trespassing in my kingdom with. But no matter. Sooner or later one of you will tell me what I want to know. For I will keep you all here until you do. I am patient. And I have many lifetimes ahead of me. Many lifetimes to watch as your friends rot in my dungeons." The elf informed her angrily, as he got to his feet. The skin on his cheek suddenly seeming to melt away. It becoming soft and flawless again and he turned and made his way back to the door.

"And once you have fully recovered. You will be joining them." The ellon added with a disdainful hiss. The doors closing behind him, as he made his way from the room. Leaving (Y/n) all alone. The little hobbit doing her best to push back the covers. Her tiny feet touching the floor, as she fought back the pain of the wound. Dressing in her old clothes as quickly as she could. (Y/n) knowing that somehow, someway, she had to get to the dungeons. She had to get to her brother. To her friends. To her wonderful smelly, ugly, half-wit. And help get them out of there.   

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