Dragon clan - Part 9 - Thorin x Reader

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Imladris seemed so far behind them now. (Y/n) had hated to leave, the realm of the half-elven had to be one of the most beautiful things that she had seen; and there was a peace in the first homely house west of the wild lands of Rhovanion, that she had never felt before. Lord Elrond, despite the dubious manners and often gruffness of some of the Company, and the looks of utter shock on the faces of some of the inhabitants of the valley; particularly the Lord's equerry, Lindir, who appeared fit to faint every time that a dwarf did something that, well........was a very dwarf thing to do, had made them all most welcome. So, it had felt it a little rude to not thank the lord for his hospitality and patients; but she, just like the others, had followed Thorin. The need to show appreciation to elves, not something that seemed to concern the dwarf that would be king. The pull of their mountain home, too strong to waste any more time than they already had. The last of her kind hoping that one day, she may be lucky enough to see the elven realm again; though that would all depend on what would happen when she and the fire drake met.

She had found herself thinking more and more about the last great dragon, as she and the others wound their way closer and closer to their goal. It had been some time since she had seen a dragon; (Y/n) wondering whether the fire drake would be surprised to see her, when they got to Erebor. The dragon child well aware that the red beast had been under the mountain for many a moon now. That, and perhaps he had no interest in her kind, (Y/n) having met a number of the creatures, that despite the fact that her kin and they shared the same blood, showed nothing but disdain for them. But, she would have to wait and see; the home of the line of Durin still a long way from where they had once more made camp for the night.

"Lass..........." A voice suddenly came, shaking the thoughts of dragons from her mind. (Y/n) looking up and smiling as she saw Balin smiling down at her.

"You couldn't give us a little help, could ya.........?" He continued, as he turned his eyes to the fire that Nori and Ori were trying to start.

To say that it had been a wet day, would be an understatement; the skies opening and not seeming to close again, until Thorin had finally relented and called for them to stop, as they came across a cave, if you could really call it that, in one of the towering collections of stones that scattered the landscape. It obvious, even to one that did not know, that the so-called wood that the dwarves had collected, was far too wet.

"We will need far more wood..........." She replied, as she got to her feet, and made her way over to the would-be fire. Reaching into the hide bag that she carried with her, in hopes of finding some kindling. (Y/n) knowing that if she didn't do something, then there would be no hot meal for the evening, and some very wet and cold dwarves. Those kinds of dwarves being even grumpier than ones that were warm, dry, and had a full belly.

"We could only find this............." Ori explained, as he pointed the few wood like things that he and his cousin had been able to locate before the light had begun to fade. The younger dwarf giving her an apologetic smile.

"(Y/n). Can you do anything.............?" Another voice enquired, the dragon child turning to see a very damp and shivering Bilbo looking at her, hopefully. (Y/n) letting out a sigh, as she looked at what should be a happily flickering fire by now.

"I..............alright.........." She replied, as she got to her knees and reluctantly took a deep breath, before breathing out a steady stream of fire. The wet wood instantly igniting and burning brightly, thanks to the intense heat of the blast.

"You.......... You can breathe fire...............?" Yet another voice enquired, taking the words out of the dwarves' and hobbit's mouths as they looked at (Y/n). The last of the dragon clan nodding slowly, as Thorin came upon them.

She and the leader of the Company hadn't spoken much since that night next to the waterfall. Thorin returning to his usual quiet, brooding self, after Lord Elrond had explained the words that were on the old map, that had been made by Thorin's grandfather. But he had continued to make her feel welcome, and she had noticed that he would smile at her occasionally; that, and his bedroll seemed to be getting closer and closer to hers. (Y/n) finding herself feeling strangely safe, when she would open up an eye, and find him almost next to her. But this, the fact that she could, like the dragon that had claimed the mountain, breath fire, she wasn't sure whether it would set back all the progress that she had made with the Company, or not.

"I........yes. There weren't many of us that could do it. It was said that those with the ability, those that could control fire, had closer ties to dragons than the others; that our blood was more that of the beast. All I know is that it means that you will all be warm tonight, and Bombur can cook supper............" (Y/n) explained, as she got to her feet and looked at Thorin. Her heart beating faster, as she waited for his reply, not sure whether he was going to send her away. Whether he was going to claim that she was dangerous, too much like the dragon that slept under the mountain, to have her around.

"Looks like I made the right decision in having you come with us then, doesn't it............" Thorin told her. Letting a smile pull at the corner of his lips, as he looked at her. Bilbo coming to her side and smiling up at her, as Thorin turned his attention to Bombur, urging the rotund dwarf to make what he could from the supplies that they had brought with them from Imladris. The rest of the Company thanking her, as they took a seat around the now happily dancing flames. (Y/n) watching them all for a moment, before Bilbo took her hand, and pulled her to sit next to him. 

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