Unusual hero - Part 3 - Kili x Reader

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Kili stopped, tears pricking at his eyes, as he saw his uncle and the rest of the Company stand proudly next to a circular enclosure that was filled with the darkest, most fertile dirt from the sides of their mountain. The wall which appeared to have been built up to the height of his knees, was made up of the stones that had been broken away when the great dragon, Smaug, had burst out of the mountain to rain his terror down on the peoples of Laketown. It had been decorated with gold coins and even jewels, with little wooden flowers sticking out of the dirt here and there, an obvious indication that Bofur had been hard at work.

"What do you think............?" Fili asked quietly, as he came up behind his brother. The blonde prince placing his hand on Kili's shoulder as she saw him visibly shake. Kili's grip on the seed in his hand getting tighter, as the tears began to fall.

"I...........I think that (Y/n) would love it..............." Kili sniffed, as he wiped the salty liquid away from his cheeks, before turning to look at Fili. The pale haired prince smiling, before gently coaxing Kili forward. The dark prince doing his best to smile as he made his way over to the others.

"Well lad...........its just waiting for you............." Balin said, as Kili looked between his friends and the neatly mounded pile of earth. The prince slowly stepping up onto the wall and then into the dirt. Kili making his way to the center circle.


The others couldn't believe how ill Kili appeared, as Fili led his brother towards where they were all waiting. He looked like a shadow of his former self, it was obvious that he had been crying for days, and the cheery, cheeky smile that usually graced his face, was nowhere to be seen.

None of them had been sure whether Fili could talk his brother into leaving their unusual hero's side. But, as the princes made their way down the long corridor, they were happy to see that the news of what (Y/n) was, and the information that all of this could help bring her back to him, had persuaded Kili to finally leave her for a little while.

Thorin and the rest of the Company were quite taken aback when Gandalf told them about (Y/n)'s origins. The King now able to see why Thranduil had been so desperate for her to stay in his kingdom, when the wizard had explained about her connection to trees and woodlands. Thought they had still been confused by the information, that the seed that the wizard had presented to Thorin and Fili, might be the only thing that could bring the nymph back from the edge of death. But the new king under the mountain and Fili were happy to try anything, Thorin well aware how much he owed (Y/n), quite sure that if not for her intervention in his fight with the Defiler, then he would have been dead. The King willing to do, to try whatever it would take to not only bring the wood nymph back to them, but Kili too. The two Durin's informing the others of what needed to be done, the Company coming together to find and then create the best spot for the tree to grow in their home. All of them quite pleased with themselves as they had stood back and surveyed their handy work. Bofur's wooden flowers, that Dori had Ori had insisted should be painted in bright colours, until they could find some real flowers to plant, making the whole thing appear as cheery and bright as (Y/n) had been during their journey.

"Well lad...........its just waiting for you............." Balin said, as Kili made his way over to where he and the others waited. The old dwarf speaking for Thorin, able to see the tears that had come to the King's eyes, as he looked at his nephew that appeared to be withering away with the female that he loved. Balin placing a reassuring hand on Thorin's and Fili's arms, as Kili climbed onto the wall, and then moved into the center of the enclosure. All watching as he fell to his knees in the dark dirt.


Kili dropped to his knees, as he got to the center of the dirt. Slowly opening his hand to look at the acorn that his brother had placed there. In truth, he didn't care about what Fili had told him about what (Y/n) was; dwarf, hobbit, daughter of men, or elf; by Aulë, he didn't even care if she was some kind of troll, all that mattered was that he loved her, and would do anything it took to bring her back to him. Sure, that he himself would leave this world, if she were not to recover from her injuries.

Slowly, he reached down, using his hand to move some of the dirt away; the prince placing the seed into the small hole. Kili dropping his head, his dark hair falling around his face as he brushed the dirt over the top of the acorn. His lips moving in a quiet prayer to the creator of the dwarves, begging him to watch over (Y/n). To protect her and have the tree grow strong at the heart of the mountain. But most of all, to have her wake; to have her look at him and smile as she always had done before the battle. Kili carefully placing his hand over the spot, before getting to his feet and making his way back over the where the others stood watching. Dwalin helping him down from the short wall.

"Thank you................." Kili said, nodding gratefully to all the dwarves and the little hobbit that he had come to care for so much during the quest to reclaim the mountain. Giving them a hint of his familiar smile, before turning and quickly making his way back to his room; hoping that the fact that the acorn now lay under the dirt, might mean that (Y/n) had begun to stir.  

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