A find in the woods - Part 3 - Bilbo x Reader

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Clothes were flying everywhere. (Y/n) searching for just the right dress. Or should that be, the right dress that still fit. She wanted to look perfect. She wanted to be the only one that would catch Bilbo's eye at the day's celebrations for Bruno and Hilda's nuptials. The only one that he would want to dance with. The daughter of man, well aware that Petunia Bracegirdle had been seen sniffing around Bag End more and more, recently. A fact that she definitely didn't like. And was relieved that Bilbo had voiced, in no uncertain terms, that he didn't like either. But that didn't mean that Petunia wouldn't try to dance with Bilbo, and Bilbo being Bilbo would just accept, because sometimes he wasn't very good at saying no.

"Oh, please let it fit. Please let it fit." She said, as she finally found what she had been looking for. (Y/n) pulling the dress that she currently wore, over her head and throwing it to the floor. Replacing it with one that was the same shade as a bluebell. The unique inhabitant of the Shire, beaming as the soft material slipped over her form and fell just a little below her knees. (Y/n) clapping and giggling giddily, as she looked at herself. She could remember her mother making this dress. Tulip saying that it wouldn't fit her now, but one day it would. That she would be able to wear it for a special occasion. And it would appear that her mother's prediction had been true. The beautiful yet simple dress fitting her more perfectly than any other had done. The short sleeves dropping from her shoulders, just enough to reveal the right amount of flesh. Not enough to be scandalous, but hopefully just enough to catch a certain hobbit's eye.

With another giggle, (Y/n) made her way over to her dressing table. Reaching for her brush and drawing it through her hair. Normally she would have been reaching for her shoes. The items as big a rarity in the Shire as she was. But today she had a surprise. Today she wouldn't be wearing any. Not even Bilbo knowing that she had been doing her best to toughen up her feet so that she could feel a little more like everyone else. And even though she knew that her feet would never be as good as those of a hobbit, at least she was trying. The breath catching in his throat as she heard a knock at the door. (Y/n) jumping to her feet and smoothing down her dress before making her way to the ingress.


"No, no. It won't do..................." Bilbo muttered, as he looked himself up and down in the mirror. Sure, that not even this fourth change of outfit was suitable.

He wanted to look perfect. He wanted to be the only hobbit that would hold (Y/n)'s attention at the day's celebrations for Bruno and Hilda's nuptials. The only one that she would want to dance with. The only one that she wanted to be with. Bilbo grumbling to himself, as he recalled how Lothar Harfoot had been doing his best to catch (Y/n)'s eye as of late. Bilbo hoping that Petunia Bracegirdle would leave him alone if she noticed that he was with (Y/n). That she would leave him alone permanently, after he had been able to summon up the courage to tell (Y/n) how he felt. The hobbit also hoping that he would be able to voice his feelings before Petunia asked him to dance. Bilbo quite aware that he wasn't always very good at saying no. And that if Petunia did get him to dance, she probably wouldn't let him go.

With a sigh, he sat on his bed. Sorting through the pile of clothes. His eyes falling on an item that he had forgotten all about. The piece, a cream waistcoat that was decorated with finely embroidered bluebells. Bilbo taken it as a sign, remembering how he would take (Y/n) into the woods when she was little, so that he could show her the pond next to which he had found her. The two sitting amongst the bluebells as he once again told her the story of that day. Bilbo jumping to his feet and grabbing for the vest; deciding on a pair of dark brown breeches and a white shirt to complete the ensemble. The hobbit pulling them all on, before looking at himself in the mirror and combing his fingers through his slightly unruly hair.

He could hear that the festivities had already begun outside. He could hear music beginning to play and people's voices start to raise, as they began to talk and laugh. As they sang along with the sounds of the instruments. He didn't want to make (Y/n) wait too long. He wanted to be able to make the most of the day. To spend every last minute he could with her. Bilbo taking one last look at his reflection, and deeming it suitable, before heading for the door. Making his way outside and down to the front gate. Ignoring the calls of relatives that had come for the celebrations. Relatives that he had been doing his best to avoid since they have arrived. Bilbo letting out a sigh of relief as he got to the door of (Y/n)'s home. Combing his fingers through his hair one last time, before raising his hand to knock on the dark red ingress. His eyes growing wide and his breath catching in his throat as (Y/n) appeared. Bilbo sure that he had never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life.  

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