Blacksmith - Part 5 - Thorin x Reader

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Apologies for not having updated, I have been a little unwell, but hopefully I am coming to the end of it now. Hope you enjoy this chapter, and if any of you would be interested in either a Vikings or Peaky Blinders book I would love to know.

"Well..............?" Balin enquired, as his brother came to join him. Dwalin huffing as he took a seat.

"He was gettin ready, but then he stopped. Told me that he'd changed his mind about coming and that I should make my way here on my own." The large dwarf informed his older brother. Dwalin looking around for (Y/n), shaking his head as he saw the young half-dwarf up at the bar, her shoulders slumped.

Balin sat back and brushed his hand over his beard. He along with the others had been trying to bring (Y/n) and Thorin together for some time. But for some reason, and despite his obvious feelings for her, Thorin had managed to not only thwart his attempts, but also those of his brother and Fili and Kili to show the son of Thráin that there could be more to life than his little shop, protecting his people, and the notion of reclaiming the Mountain from the fire drake.

Grison had been a good friend of Balin's, and the oldest son of Fundin as well as most other dwarves in the town, had known (Y/n) since she was born. Watched as the slightly awkward little half dwarf had slowly grown. As she had done her best to keep both Fili and Kili out of trouble. As she had stopped them from eating poison berries and drowning in ponds. As she and the brothers had walked through the town wet, covered in mud and Fili with a lily pad on the top of his head to explain what they had done this time to not only Dis but Grison and Reya too. (Y/n) always stopping and giving him a bright smile and a wave. Always doing the same to Thorin before catching up with the princes.

When his old friend had been on his deathbed, Balin along with some of the others had promised to help Reya find a dwarf that deserved his beautiful child. One that would look after her and perhaps even one day take her to see her true home. Balin happily agreeing that he would, sure that he already had the perfect dwarf in mind, knowing full well the feelings that Thorin had come to have for (Y/n) as she had grown into the most glorious of dwarrowdams. But here they still were, the two still not together and it obvious that the sons of Fundin were going to have to do something a little more.


(Y/n) slumped up against the bar. Her shoulders dropped and her smile having left her lips. She had really hoped that Thorin would be coming that evening, even if just to try and talk her mother into taking back her coins. That even if she couldn't sit with him, she would at least have been able to be near him. To watch as he spoke with Balin and Dwalin. To look on as he would laugh with his nephews. But obviously that wasn't going to happen tonight....................

"(Y/n)............?" A worried voice enquired. Reya making her way over to her daughter. Her hand resting over that of (Y/n)'s.

"Maybe he will come in in a little while...................."

"What...........? Who...............?"


"Oh, yes............I didn't even notice that he wasn't here. You.......... you're probably right. Maybe later............not that it really matters.............." (Y/n) replied, doing her best to pretend that she didn't care whether the blacksmith had shown his face or not. Giving her mother the best smile that she could muster before standing up straight and looked over to the two jugs of ale that Reya had placed to the side.

"They are for master Balin and Dwalin. Why don't you take them over to them." Reya explained, pushing the large tankards towards her daughter. (Y/n) simply nodding before picking them up and pushing her way through the crowd.


"Leave it to me." Balin chuckled, as he saw (Y/n) make her way through the other patrons towards his table. Dwalin trying not to let a smile come to his lips as (Y/n) came to stand next to where they sat, more than happy to leave the plan that they had just concocted to his much more diplomatic older sibling.

"Ah, lass. Ya mother must be a mind reader.................." Balin said cheerily, as the young female placed the tankards on the tabletop in front of them.

"Now.........what delights has ya dear mother been cooking up for us today...........?" The older dwarf continued, as he took (Y/n) hand in his.

"Well, Master Dwom has been out hunting and brought mother some nice rabbits, so we have a huge pot of rabbit and potatoes..............."

"Rabbit...........hmmm.............isn't Thorin's favourite, rabbit.........?" Balin commented, as he looked over at his brother, who did his best to nod his head as he took a large gulp of the ale that he had been waiting all day for.

"Of course, of course it is............well, I wouldn't want him to miss out, especially seeing as he has been detained. I was wondering if you would do me a favour and take a nice big bowl to Thorin for me, lass. I would do it myself, but these old legs of mine................" Balin said, rubbing at his knees and doing his best to act as though they were aching.

"I...............if you're sure that he wouldn't mind.............."

"Mind.......? Why would he mind? Now, you go and tell your mother what ya doin, and you go and see Thorin. He'll probably be in the shop." The elder dwarf continued. A large smile spreading across his lips as (Y/n) kissed him before kissing Dwalin and then quickly making her way back over to the bar. The dwarrowdam bouncing on her toes as she pointed over to the two brothers. Reya nodding her head and smiling at Balin before making her way over to the large pot that hug over the fire in the far side of the room. Filling a bowl with meat and potatoes before handing it to her daughter and watching as she raced through the door.

"Do you think that it'll work?" Reya enquired, as she made her way over to where Balin and Dwalin sat. Shaking her head as Balin offered her the coin for the food.

"Well, if it doesn't, we shall just try and think of something else.............."   

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