The voice - Part 1 - Company x Reader

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Alright, it was obvious that no matter what they did, they were not going to get out of these dungeons without a miracle. The dwarves, some more reluctantly than others, taking a seat on the stone floor, as they waited to hear what had happened between the king of the forest realm, and Thorin. Balin sighing, as he waited for the younger dwarf to be returned to them; hoping beyond hope that the son of Thráin would listen to what the elven king had to say.

"What's that............?" A voice suddenly enquired. The pale haired dwarf looking up to see Nori, his ear pressed through the elaborate bars of the cell door.

"I don't hear anything..........." Dwalin growled in reply. The large dwarf still not happy that no matter how much he tried, his own cell door wouldn't open.


"What is it ya think ya hear.........?" Another voice came. Fili getting up from the floor and looking over to where Nori was doing his best to listen.

" sounds sounds like singing. It sounds like a female, singing." Nori replied. The others looking to one another, before they too pushed their ears through the gaps in the bars. This place, not the kind of setting where they would think to find a female. Never mind a singing one. The Company looking to one another once more, as they finally heard what Nori was hearing; the tune that seemed to be drifting up from somewhere far below, familiar to all of them. The voice, at once so sweet and beautiful; but then, so sad. So sad, that they couldn't help but feel for the owner of the voice.

"Hey!" Kili exclaimed. Hoping that he could get the singer to speak to them.

"Be quiet, dwarf..............." A reply came; but not from the singer, from a guard that obviously didn't like the fact that he was stuck in the dungeons, watching over them.

"Ya wouldn't be sayin that if there weren't this door between us, elf............" Dwalin barked in reply, as he took hold of the bars, and shook them.

"We meant no harm, laddie. Just wondering who the one singing was. Whether it was another dwarf........" Balin interrupted. Giving his younger brother a look, before smiling at the guard. The old dwarf not sure why a dwarrowdam might find herself in such a place. Why the elves would have her locked away.

"There is no one singing. No other dwarf. The only ones here, are you. Now, be quiet........" The guard quickly retorted. Not giving Balin or any of the others a chance to say anything else, before he made his way down the stairs. The light around him fading, as he moved into the dark depths of the dungeon.


She sat on the cold stone floor, pulling her ragged clothes around her. It had been so long since she had seen the light. This world, this darkness, the only thing that she had known for so long. The dancing flames of the torches, as the guards came to bring her, her food, the one thing that allowed her to catch of glimpse of anything that lay beyond her cell.

In truth, she had no idea how long she had been there, in the depths of the dungeon. It had to be centuries; centuries since she had been captured by the guards of the elven forest. Centuries since she had been dragged before the aloof king. Thranduil having her imprisoned there, when she refused to answer his questions. Locked into the darkest, dampest cell that could be found, in hopes that she would break. That she would beg to see the elven king, so that she could confess all. That she would tell him what she was, and why she was in his kingdom. But he hadn't counted on something, that she was as stubborn as he was; and she could live just as long as the elves.

Suddenly she heard something; a commotion from high above her. In truth, it was rare that the dungeons would have other residence. She the only one that seemed to be permanently housed in the bowels of the forest kingdom. But from the sounds of it, there were a number of new prisoners. It obvious that they weren't too happy with what was happening to them. The gruff voices, making a smile pull at the corners of her lips; her sharp ears sure that the heavy footfalls that accompanied the light ones of the elves, must belong to dwarves.

Dwarves........what were dwarves doing in Mirkwood? Dwarves usually preferred holes in the ground. They usually hid away, from the rest of the world, digging for their jewels and gold. So, for them to come into the woods.............a song suddenly coming to her mind; a song that she had learnt when she was young. That she had heard the dwarves themselves sing, as she had moved through the world. Her voice lifting out of the confines of her cell and floating up into the dungeon above her. The beauty of the words, seeming to light up the all invasive black that surrounded her. Her voice softening slightly, as she thought she heard someone call to her.

Then she saw something, the movement of a torch. The light coming closer and closer. Her voice growing louder again, as she saw one of the elven guards making his way down the stairs. Usually there was more than one of them when they came to feed her; it obvious that she scared them. So, this one must never have seen her before, or he was much braver than the others that came into her part of the dungeon.

"You.........." The ellon said, when his foot hit the bottom of the stairs. The torch being held high above his head, as he did his best to see her, while she moved further into the gloom of her cell.

"Be quiet." He continued, as she carried on singing. The elf boldly moving forward, as she refused to heed his order.

"I said, be quiet................" The ellon said again. Stumbling backwards as she burst out from the gloom. The light from the torch that had been dropped to the floor, catching in her ink black orbs, as she clung to the bar of the cell door.

"Make me, elf.................." 

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