Not all who wander - Part 5 - Éomer x Reader

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(Y/n) quickly made her way through the corridors. Even after all these cycles of the moon, Renia would still only let (Y/n) or Éomer touch him. Admittedly, the white charger hadn't bitten anymore of the riders, since they had got to Rohan and they had been taken to Edoras, but still; sometimes it would be nice if her best friend, would allow one of the stable hands to feed or brush him. Especially when the king had called upon her. But she knew that Éomer would understand why she was late. That he would probably laugh at the fact that Renia was demanding her attention.

Since the day that she woke to find the King of Rohan looking down at her, she had quickly come to love Edoras. Quickly come to feel as though she had finally found a place that she could call home; Éomer certainly helping with her decision to stay in the home of the Rohirrim. (Y/n) and the king quickly becoming friends. Éomer finding her a position in his court where she would help him with whatever he needed. The half-elven seeming to spend more time with him than even his closest advisors. Éowyn the only other one that could come close to that time, until she had finally married the very handsome Faramir and moved to Ithilien. The white lady of Rohan asking (Y/n) to watch over her brother, to look after him for her; and that was what the half-elven had done. The daughter of two worlds, more than happy to care for the king. To watch over the man that she already knew that she loved. The half-elven though, never sure if her handsome king felt the same for her.

It was true that he would scowl and growl at other men when they got to close to her. That he would always hold her hand, whenever he got the chance. That he would tell her that she was the most beautiful of creatures in the whole of Middle-Earth, as they spent all those long hours together; but not once had he said anything that might suggest he felt for her, as she did for him. Yet she was not about to say anything herself; for she feared that if she voiced her love, especially if it was not reciprocated, Éomer might send her away from the place that she adored, just as much as she did him. It enough for her, that she could spend so much time with the king. That she could just be in his presence.

Suddenly she was there, outside the king's rooms. Normally she would just walk in, it was just what she did. Éomer always giving her the softest, sweetest smile, as he would greet her. But today, he had informed her that he would have an important guest; and given that, she thought it best to make a good impression. The half-elven straightening out her shirts and pushing some of her hair back behind her ear, before she reached up and knocked. (Y/n) smiling, as she pushed on the door.


Éomer paced his rooms. Since the exquisite elleth had awoken that day, he had known that he didn't want to lose her; that he did not want her to leave Edoras. The oldest child of Éomund ensuring that he found her a place in his court, where she would have to spend most of her time with him. Ensured that he could look upon her beautiful visage every day. His love growing stronger and stronger, with every moment that had passed. Her presence in his kingdom, the thing that had stopped him from missing his sister as much as he might. But he had never been very good at verbally expressing his softer feelings; that, something that Éowyn had spoken to him about before. But until now, it hadn't seemed to matter too much. Their world threatened by too many enemies to think of such things as love. Yet now, there was a peace, and (Y/n) had come into his life. Éomer feeling that there was only one person that he could talk to. One man that would be able to advise him on loving someone like his elleth.

"Did you say (Y/n)...........?" Aragorn asked, as he looked at his still pacing friend.


"You don't mean I randir............?" The King of Gondor continued. Chuckling as Éomer nodded.

"You know her.............?"

"Of course. Both Arwen and I know her. We were only talking about her the other day; wondering if the wanderer had finally found a place that she felt she belonged. I met her many times on my travels as a Ranger. A sweeter, kinder and more gentle elleth, it would be difficult to find. So, what is the problem...........?" Aragorn explained, as Éomer finally took a seat.

"I..........well you see.............I want to.......but she is half-elven, and I couldn't ask........but I want to ask................."

"You're in love with her............?" The former Ranger interrupted Éomer's babbling. A soft smile kissing his lips, as his fellow king nodded.

"Is it that obvious............."

"I am afraid so, my friend. But I still don't know what the problem is..........."

"The problem is, is that she is half-elven. I have a feeling that she feels the same for me, but to ask her to give up her immortality. To ask her to live a mortal life, I am not sure that I can do it. The thought that she might die before me; that I might lose her if she surrenders that part of her life, is more than I can take..........."

"But isn't that decision down to (Y/n)? Just like Arwen, she will know what it means. And just like Arwen, if she feels for you, as you do for her, I am sure that she would happily surrender her immortality to be with you. But first you have to talk to her..............." Aragorn advised. The pair looking to the door, as someone knocked. The two men smiling, as the door slowly opened, and there stood (Y/n).  

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