Jealous - Part 2 - Bofur x Reader

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(Y/n) ran for her rooms, ignoring the looks and calls from others, as she flew passed them. She didn't want to stop, to speak; to try and explain why she was crying. It feeling that others might laugh at her, if she were to tell them that the tears were because of the toymaker. A toymaker that seemed to notice every other dwarrowdam under the Lonely Mountain, but her.

She had heard other females talking, before. Heard them speak of all those that had been brave enough to help their new king, take back their home from the great dragon. Who had been brave enough to face the army of the Defiler's orcs. Theses dwarrowdams cooing over several of the Company. (Y/n) having to admit that she had thought it funny when they had mentioned Dwalin; only able to imagine what her big brother would do, if he were to know that he had become quite the attraction for the females. But as soon as Bofur's name had been mentioned, her amusement had turned to a scowl.

"He is a handsome thing............"

"And so funny.............."

"He is quite the charmer.........."

"He can play the whistle............"

"He crafts such wonderful toys..........."

"He would make a fine husband and father............"

The words of the giggling dwarrowdams making her wish that she had one of Dwalin's axes. (Y/n) quite liking the idea of chasing the cackling hens down the corridors with either Grasper or Keeper, so that she could hear them shriek. But the more diplomatic side of her, the side that she shared with Balin, told her that that was not the way to go. That out of all the dwarrowdams that were under the Mountain, she was the one that Bofur spent the most time with. Yet that notion was not helping now. In fact, at this moment, she wished that she had remained in the Blue Mountains; that she had never met the toymaker or seen that smile of his.

Finally, she was at her rooms, (Y/n) throwing open the door and slamming it behind her, before dropping herself onto her bed, burying her head into the pillow. Other times she may have run to find Dwalin, to find Balin. It was what she had done when she was little, what she would do when someone had tried to be cruel to her, or hurt her for whatever reason; Dwalin the one that would make whoever had hurt her, think twice before they ever did it again. But this time, this time she didn't want that. This time she really didn't want her big brother to scare Bofur; (Y/n), despite the way she currently felt, knowing that it was not the toymaker's fault, that he didn't feel for her, as she did for him. That his eye favoured others over her. That, and she didn't want to have to listen to Dwalin tell her that "I told you so". It only Balin that had persuaded their brother that allowing her to use her talents with the brush, would be a good thing for her. That Bofur was a gentleman and would never do anything to hurt or dishonour their sister. Yet the thought of the hatted dwarf with one of those other dwarrowdams, just made her cry all the more. Her heart sinking deeper and deeper, as she thought about a future without him. Without even being able to help him in the workshop anymore.


Bofur ran for Thorin's rooms, hoping that Bilbo was right; ignoring the looks and calls from others, as he flew passed them. He didn't want to stop, to speak; to try and explain why he was smiling so broadly. It feeling that others might laugh at him, if he were to tell them that the smile was because of (Y/n). That he had just discovered that she loved him, as much as he loved her. That, and he didn't want to stop and lose the bravery that was currently surging through his veins. A bravery which meant that he was finally pushing himself to face her older brothers and ask if he could court the most beautiful dwarrowdam he had ever set eyes on.

"Bofur...........?" Thorin questioned, as Bofur pushed his way into the rooms. The brows of the king, along with his chief advisor, and captain of the guard, furrowing, as the toymaker placed his hands on his knees and did his best to regain his breath.

"What's wrong with ya, laddie.........?"

"Is it (Y/n).............?" Dwalin asked, interrupting Balin. The big dwarf quickly getting to his feet and grabbing for his axe. Knowing that if someone, or something, had hurt his little sister, then they would quickly learn that it was the biggest mistake that they had ever made. And if it were Bofur himself, the toymaker better get his breath back, because he was going to have to start running again.

"It..........I...........I would like ta ask ya permission ta court ya sister........." Bofur finally managed to say, as he stood up straight. Thorin, Balin and Dwalin looking at one another.

"Do you mean, Dis...............?"

", no. I mean (Y/n)........." The toymaker clarified. Not sure why Thorin would say that. His eyes widening at the thought. Sure, that having Dwalin and Balin as brothers, was one thing; but having Fili and Kili as sons, would be another.

"Ya want ta court my sister........our sister..........our (Y/n)........?" Dwalin queried, as his grip on the awe handle got tighter and he took a step closer to the toymaker. Balin placing his hand on his brother's shoulder, to stop him.

"Do ya love her, laddie............?" Balin asked, giving Bofur a reassuring smile.

"With all my heart, and from the day I met her." The toymaker replied, before pulling a small box out of his pocket, and opening it to show the other males the beads that he had fashioned for her. The pride in his eyes, and the sincerity in his words, telling Balin all he needed to know.

"Then ya have our permission ta court our sister.........." The old dwarf continued. Patting his brother's shoulder as he turned to look at him.

"I know that you'll make her very happy.........." Balin continued. Bofur racing over and shaking Balin's hand. Shaking a not so very happy looking Dwalin's hand; giving them both his thanks, before he nodded respectfully to Thorin, and then ran out of the room.

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