Not all who wander - Part 3 - Éomer x Reader

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For Landofthefree06. I hope you all enjoy.

(Y/n) groaned a little, as she roused from her sleep. The thumping pain in her head making it feel as though war drums were being beaten in her mind. The last thing that she could remember was that she and Renia had finally made their way to the kingdom of Rohan. That as they had slowly waded through the long swaying grass towards Edoras, a contingent of horsemen had come racing towards her. Their intentions appearing anything but friendly.

"My lady..........." A voice softly said. Its tone warm and charming yet filled with a little concern. The half-elven persuading her eyes to open. Her body suddenly sitting bolt upright, as she saw the man that was sat on the chair next to the bed. (Y/n) completely forgetting about the pain in her head, as she looked into his eyes. Éomer himself lost in the elleth's waking beauty. The sound of her voice, making his heart strings play the most glorious of tunes.

" this Valinor...........?" (Y/n) enquired in a confused tone, as the man rose from his chair and took a seat next to her on the bed. His brows furrowed at the rather odd question.

"Valinor............? Why would you think that you were in the Undying Lands, my lady?" Éomer enquired. The king of Rohan knowing full well that only elves and ring-bearers were permitted in the Land across the Sea. Not mortal men such as himself.

"Because.........something as beautiful as you, could only exist in the realm of the Valar............" (Y/n) replied, as she continued to look deep into his hazel-green eyes. A sudden violent throb in her head, telling her that in fact she had not made the journey across the sea. That she was still very much in the world. The half-elven doing her best to hide the blush that had come to her cheeks, as she realised what she had just said.

Éomer couldn't help but smile at his exquisite guest's comment. It was true that he had been told that he was handsome on one or two occasions. But never before had he been told he was beautiful. Or that he could only exist in the land of the Valar. The remark reminding him of his own thoughts, as he had brushed away the hair from the elleth's face. That she was a lady of the Valar that had fallen from the sky.

"Where.........where am? How did I get here?" (Y/n) asked, as she carefully held her head. Doing her best not to look at the man for embarrassment. Fearing that the redness to her cheeks would only get brighter is she were to look up at his handsome face.

"This is Edoras, my lady. I believe that you were thrown from your horse. You were injured so I brought you here and had the healers care for you............"

Edoras? Thrown from her horse.............?

"Renia...........! Where is my Renia........?" (Y/n) enquired urgently. The notion of losing him. Of losing her only real friend, taking her mind off all the other questions that she should be asking. Taking her mind off her embarrassment.

"Your horse is in the stables, my lady. He was quite the handful for my men, but they finally persuaded him to go with them........" Éomer chuckled, as he recalled how the great stallion had unnerved the riders as they had come upon he and his fallen mistress. How he had been told that the white charger had attempted to bite more than one of the men, as he had been taken to the stables.

"Thank the Valar.........I can't lose him. Renia is all I have. But I am sorry for him causing your men any problems. He can be very protective. And a little bad tempered when he doesn't know you. But he does have a heart of gold. And I know he meant no real harm. We have been together since he naught but a fowl. So, we are very close." (Y/n) explained. Her heart beating a little steadier now that she knew her beloved horse was safe.

"May I ask you something, my lady.........?" questioned. The king smiling, as the elleth did her best to nod.

"Of course.............."

"Why were you coming to Edoras? Did you come from ? Are you an envoy of some kind..............?"

"Um, well...........I suppose it is a long story. My name is (Y/n). I am half-elven. Though I know nothing of my parents. The elves call me, I randir, The wanderer. I have lived in many places over the years. Rivendell, Lothlórien, Mirkwood. Even the towns and cities of mortal men. But, I have never found a place that I have felt was truly home. So, I have wandered. Renia and I looking for a place to call home. We were coming to Edoras in hopes that this place would be the one we were looking for. The one where we could finally set down roots. I hoped that I would be able to have an audience with the king. That he would take pity on me and allow us to stay in his beautiful kingdom. That I would be able to acquire a position in his court. Even if just for a little while. Please believe me, I meant no harm. I meant to cause you no trouble..............I turned and ran because your men were coming towards me at speed. I feared that I had done something wrong. That for some reason, we were not welcome. I only wanted to see more of the realm.................." (Y/n) explained to the handsome stranger. The elleth's heart threatening to explode, as he took hold of her hand and held it tight. As he reached up and brushed a tear from her cheek.

"I am sorry, my lady. We treated you as if you were an invader, not a visitor. As an enemy, not a guest. But I am sure that if you asked the king, he would be happy for you and Renia to stay here for as long as you like." Éomer told her. The king moving a little closer to the beautiful wanderer. His hand gripping hers a little tighter.

"Do you really think........? Do you think that he will grant me an audience? After I and Renia have caused so much trouble for you and the others?" (Y/n) replied, she herself moving so that there was barely a chink of light between her and her handsome saviour.

"I know he will. In fact, you have an audience right now. And as King of Rohan, I would be happy for you and Renia to remain in my kingdom for as long as your heart desires." Éomer told her. (Y/n)'s eyes growing wide, he kissed her hand.

" are the..........the king............?"

"Yes........but you can call me Éomer..........." 

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