Dragon Clan - Part 1 - The Company x Reader

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Bilbo had just about had enough of the antics of the dwarves that had invaded his little home. So, when another knock came to the door, he was just about ready to pull out his hair. The little hobbit nervously making his way over to the ingress. Not noticing that Gandalf was sat quietly by himself, puffing gently on his pipe. A small knowing smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

Just after the wizard had sat with Thorin in the Prancing Pony, talking about ways to take Erebor back from the great Fire Drake, the Ishtar had travelled to find someone else. Someone that he believed would be of great use during their quest. Someone that would be able to assist the little burglar once they had reached their goal. And even though he doubted that Thorin would like it, he was determined to do all he could to locate the last of the company.

He had known that she would be hard to locate. She was the last of her kind. A kind that had been persecuted, hunted and killed out of fear and ignorance. Yet he had not known that she would be that hard to find. Though given that she had been in hiding for many a year. That she had had to leave the world that she had known so that she could survive, he shouldn't have been shocked.

And when he had found her, persuading her that she should leave the safety of the home that she had managed to build up for herself, had been even more difficult. Gandalf having to promise her that despite her travelling companions. That despite what their goal was, she would not be harmed by the dwarves. That the only harm she would face would come from those that had tried to hunt her down. That she would finally get a chance to have her revenge.

Bilbo almost threw open the door, as he heard the dwarves in the other room laugh loudly wondering what they were up to now. The hobbit staring at a dark figure that stood motionless in his doorway, leaning on a longbow.

"I.........er..........can..........can I help you?" Bilbo gulped, as he continued to stare wide eyed at the form.

"I saw the glyph on your door. I am here to see the wizard." The figure explained. The hobbit quite surprised that the voice that came from under the hood, was feminine. Admittedly it was slightly deep, but there was no arguing that there was a strange alure to it. Bilbo sure that each word had gently caressed his ears.

"Ah, my dear.........please come in." A cheery voice said. Bilbo turning to look up at a smiling Gandalf, before moving out of the way so that his latest visitor could make her way into the already crowded little home.

"You better hope that I don't regret this, wizard." The female told the Ishtar, as she made her way over to the fire, propping her bow up against the wall so that she could warm her hands. Bilbo taken aback as the flames in the hearth appeared to get brighter. Appeared to grow stronger, as they danced happily over the wooden logs.

"Have you informed them about me...............?" She continued. The female turning as Gandalf remained silent. It obvious from the look on the wizards face that he most certainly hadn't.

"Well.........I will be a nasty little shock for Oakenshield, won't I.........."

"Er...........Gandalf............" Bilbo interrupted, as he moved up to the wizard's side. The hobbit finding himself intrigued by his latest visitor. That, and he was thankful that she wasn't as disruptive or as loud as the dwarves.

"Who's this........." A demanding voice asked from behind the trio, before the hobbit could continue. Gandalf and Bilbo turning to look at a rather angry appearing Thorin. The other dwarves coming to stand behind him.

"This.............this, Thorin Oakenshield is (Y/n). She will be joining us..............."

"We don't need a woman with us. I am not taking responsibility for protecting her....................."

"I don't need you to protect me, Oakenshield. I have fought and defeated more orcs, more men, more elves and even more dwarves than you can imagine. The only one that will need protecting, is you.........!" (Y/n) growled. Pushing back her cape to reveal a rather strange looking sword strapped to her side. The dwarves stepping backwards. As the fire behind her grew large. The sudden heat making the small room quite stifling. It only abating, as Gandalf placed his hand on her shoulder.

"(Y/n).........please..........." The Ishtar began. Gandalf knowing that if he didn't settle her temper, then Bag End would end up as smouldering cinders.

"I think that you will find that you will have need of (Y/n), Master Thorin. And I also think that you will find that she is more than capable of looking after herself. I have asked her to join us, because she is here to help Bilbo. Here to help with the dragon." The wizard continued. The dwarves reaching for their swords, as the female removed her hood to reveal a pair of eyes that looked just like those of the great fire drake that had taken the mountain. A line of delicate blue scales trailing down each side of her face.

"What is that...........?" Dwalin demanded to know, as he readied Grasper.

"I am not a what.........DWARF! I am (Y/n), last of the Dragon Clan. And if you wish to take your Lonely Mountain away from the one called Smaug. If you expect this hobbit to deal with the dragon. Then he.............you will have need of my particular skills." (Y/n) growled, as she pulled her sword from its scabbard. The female not scared to fight each and every dwarf present, even to the death if she had to.

"ENOUGH!" Gandalf exclaimed angrily, as he glared at the dwarves. As he glared at (Y/n). The female slowly and reluctantly lowering her sword.

"(Y/n) will be joining us. There will be no further arguments. If you want to take back Erebor, then she is your only real chance." The wizard added. Thorin reluctantly gesturing for the others to lower their weapons.

"Very well. But she stays away from me............." Thorin hissed in reply, before storming back into the kitchen. Dwalin giving (Y/n) one last glare before following after his friend and the others.

"Well, that went better than I thought it would." Gandalf chuckled, as he gestured for (Y/n) to take a seat next to the fire. Bilbo taking a chair and listening as the pair spoke quietly. The hobbit finding himself more and more interested in the unusual creature that had turned her gaze to the flames. 

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