CHAPTER 199: Tea party (1)

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After a week the grand tea party she organized for her little companions was held. They bought a manor right at the back of the jade moon pavilion where her people live.

Today after little Cheng Shi woke up he could feel that the atmosphere in the manor was too lively. He was dumbfounded when hong mei woke him up and help him get dressed into a cute luxurious outfit.

Little Hao Hao and Cheng Shi were well feed inside the space so they started to get plump, they look unrecognizable the first time Yu Yue saw them. After dressing him up little Hao Hao entered his room, he bounced around happily as he shows off his cute clothes which are designed like butler white's, it's in white color and of the same quality as she found the fabric inside the space.

"Little Hao Hao you look more adorable today" Cheng Shi smiled affectionately as he crouched down to pat its head.

Little Hao Hao doesn't have any spiritual energy as it is just an ordinary dog so it doesn't have a natural defense like little black and little white. That's why butler white gives this outfit to him.


while they were still preparing Yu Yue was currently helping little Shan Shan absorb the pill essence. she's inside the space with lady Shan Shou and Tian Shi. They have been here since last night, Yu Yue thought it would be easy to awaken little Shan Shan's sleeping soul but it was already morning and she didn't open her eyes yet.

It was almost lunchtime; the tea party was about to start. Yu Yue tirelessly poured her power of light into little Shan Shan's body she started to stir. Her eyelids twitch, and her fingers quivered slightly.

While Yu Yue was still busy, everyone already gathered at the venue, little Cheng Shi was busy looking around. His eyes sparkled as he saw so many cute things and delicious foods he hasn't even seen or heard of before.

He also saw Little Tear, Little Pie, Little Red, Little Purple, Little Willow, Little White, Little Black, and Butler White sitting elegantly while the crane maidens help them up. seeing that he and little Hao Hao are here already they were helping to their seats as well as the event would start in a couple of minutes.

While waiting for Yu Yue everyone simultaneously looks in one particular direction as a lavish carriage stop at the gate of the manor, one of the crane maidens then informed Hong Mei that someone came looking for their miss.

"Who is it?" hong mei's lips curled "the miss didn't mention anyone coming today, he thought as he walks towards the newcomers leisurely. There's an imperceptible smile on his face behind the mask, he thought someone was looking for trouble so his fierceness was fully unleashed. 

He knows that this tea party is organized meticulously by Yu Yue, and he won't let anyone ruin it.

Huang Xin was talking with Han Shi and Han Sha while waiting for Yu Yue, their expression changed when they heard footsteps heading their way. They could detect a hostile aura emitting from that person fiercely.

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