CHAPTER 249: crossing paths (2)

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Yu Yue didn't know that a certain someone was following her, after the delegation from the twin moon sect pass the tea shop Sheng Shi Jie's eyes narrowed as he could feel a faint familiar soul aura. Without waiting for Sheng Ai he quickly disappeared into thin air and followed the familiar feeling until they stop in an inn.

He looks at the inn, secretly this time as he didn't expect someone would have noticed his gaze earlier. He was even more surprised when he saw it was that lady who looks familiar to the person in the portrait.

Now he was even more curious about her for some reason, so he hides his breath and remembered the location of the inn as he appeared back inside the tea shop's private room. If it was someone else, he would have made his move long ago.

"milord, where have you been?" Sheng Ai asked as she sits still drinking tea alone. 

"I just feel my soul fragment and saw someone familiar, looks like that lady in the painting Sheng Yun showed me." he said thoughtfully.

"Oh, that must be her. He did say she's from this realm" Sheng Ai replied uninterested, while the others were passionately reminding their lord of this matter she was the only exception. She didn't even bother looking at the portrait, she doesn't care anyways.

Even Sheng Shi Jie couldn't be bothered to look for her, her thinking was pretty simple. She's not supposed to be the one following him but the situation up there is really urgent. It's not that they didn't trust her, her personality just isn't suited for the job.

Sheng Shi Jie look at her speechlessly, he sighed in his heart as he made a decision. "Sheng Ai, do you want to go back?" he asked lightly, Sheng Ai paused for a moment before replying.

"If milord wants me to then I would go back." she said calmly, it doesn't matter to her anyways. No one could touch her lord, not in this realm.

"Alright, you can go back there, you should just help them. I'm not really sure why they insist on letting you follow me here" he mumbled as he poured himself another cup of tea.

"as you wish milord" Sheng Ai bowed as she directly tore the space and disappeared into the void without looking back.


The next day, Huang Xin annoyed Yu Yue until she agreed to go out with her and Xiao Xiao. The three of them look around for a while and decided to visit the jade moon pavilion. They weren't treated specially to avoid suspicion, they just entered like ordinary people.

They book one private room; they were about to walk upstairs when Yu Yue's eyes landed on a handsome man who's also looking at her. Their eyes meet and sparks flew, Yu Yue was stunned. This could be the first time that she has had a reaction towards the opposite sex since her rebirth.

She shook her head as she calmed down and bypass him without looking back. She was bewildered as she could feel emotions unknown to her start stirring inside, she was even shocked herself. She feels the urge to get intimate with that man, it makes her embarrassed of herself.

Before entering their room, they didn't notice the white sand snake poke its head on Xiao Xiao's sleeve and look at Sheng Shi Jie who was also looking back at it with an evil smile.

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