CHAPTER 343: Zhao An (3)

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"ahhh, you bitch. You're so dead. Kill her for me!" Gu Lin shouted like a madman as he howls in pain while rolling on the ground messily making his blood sprinkle everywhere.

"What are you waiting for? Get up and fight" Yu Yue snap at the stunned Zhao An as she flicks his sword in an arc back to him swiftly.

"ah, thanks---" his eyes light up, he was about to say something when Yu Yue cut him short seeing Zhao Beng and Zhao Sheng's critical injuries.

"Save that for later, don't let them get in my way" Yu Yue said seriously as she started checking their conditions. She feed them some pills given by Yu Xue'er and medicinal fluids she made.

Zhao An heaved a sigh before nodding gratefully, his mind finally at ease seeing her actions. He was finally able to focus on their fight without distraction.

It didn't take long before he managed to take down Gu Lin's men one by one.

"zhao an, you dare try to kill me. You're not afraid of my uncle anymore?" Gu Lin grits his teeth as he moves backward.

Yu Yue noticed the abrupt change in Zhao An's expression so she tilted her head looking at him questioningly.

"His uncle is the hall master of light cloud peak, we might not pass the exam if we kill him" his voice sounded troubled, he almost forgot about that matter out of anger if Gu Lin didn't remind him.

"no one will know if you kill him here---" before Yu Yue could finish her words, Gu Lin's figure flashed a bright light before disappearing. Leaving the two of them staring at each other blankly.

"Well, you just wasted your chance to get rid of an eyesore" Yu Yue shook her head helplessly.

"That---" the poor Zhao An pulled a handful of his hair in frustration. Yu Yue simply ignored him as she bandages their wounds.

"I'm done, you take care of them. let's move farther to rest, it will be dark soon." She shook her sleeves after putting away her things and started moving forward.

"t-thanks for helping us." Zhao An said gratefully.

"No problem, that would be 100,000 high-grade crystals" Yu Yue smiled evilly before replying leaving the daze Zhao An stunned. The poor Zhao Shen who just happened to regain a little consciousness fainted again upon hearing the price.

"w-what?" Zhao An muttered blankly, he thought she was being kind just now. How could he forget she almost turn the mountains upside down as she ravages anything useful?

He didn't think much of that anymore, he called his contract beast to carry the two as they followed Yu Yue. They stop a good distance away to set up their tents to rest for the night.

"you give this to them every eight hours" Yu Yue handed him liquid medicines, and she mixed it with celestial spring water so it was much more effective than any pills he had.

"Does this even work?" Zhao An mumbled skeptically. As far as he knows, liquid medicines aren't widely used for severe injuries. 

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