CHAPTER 258: Absorbing array (3)

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Although Yu Yue seemed calm, she was always on edge because she didn't know what might happen next. She already contacted hong mei to prepare themselves, they were currently among the spectators inside the arena right now.

Yu Yue let Hua'er, Yu Ling, and the others observe the situation carefully. She's busy discussing the absorbing array with Xingze and butler white telepathically.

The first round of the team competition started immediately, as they look for the flags they also have to watch out for other teams.

"Young miss, there are five teams near us" someone reported after closing his eyes and feeling his surroundings.

"seems like they're from the great sects" Shan Shan replied as she took her resonance flute. "call out your smallest contract beast and let them be our eyes." she said with a hint of a sly smile as an evil idea formed in her mind.

Shan shan effectively lead the team, she shared her plans with her team members telepathically while they advance.

They choose a good location and hide themselves behind the trees waiting for the first team to fall for their entrapment.

Soon enough the team from the heavenly star sect appeared full of confusion. "that's odd, I could clearly feel their presence here earlier but they suddenly disappeared" a skinny man said as he closes his eyes full of concentration trying to sense their surroundings again.

Zhou yue's eyes flashed in deep thought as a bad feeling aroused in his heart as he looks around. However, before he could react he saw a young lady appear blocking their way and a three-tailed fox rushing towards them.

When the other disciples saw the three-tailed mother fox they snorted as they called out their contract beasts.  "hmmp just you alone!" a young disciple snorted as his black panther rushed out to fight with the mother fox.

Before he could wipe the disdain at the corner of his face they suddenly heard a melodious sound of the flute. To their astonishment, the spirit beasts howled ferociously as they maneuvered and pounce on them instead.

"call back your spirit beasts!" Zhou Yue yelled as he took out his weapon in a fighting stance.

The disciples were stunned, and before they could react a quick flash of lightning whizzed past them and their flags disappeared. They were too proud to keep their flags and show them off arrogantly so the little assassins easily snatched them off.

Zhou Yue's face darkened as he yelled again when the black panther pounced on him. He was forced to stab the black panther to death as its owner didn't listen at all. He was always clashing with him out of jealousy so he refused to listen to him at all.

"how could this be! My black panther!" that guy look on with wide-opened eyes full of disbelief as he watched his majestic contract beast die in front of him. He turned his head to Zhou Yue furiously as he unsheathed his sword wildly attacking him in a crazed manner.

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