CHAPTER 267: swatting a fly (3)

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Yu Yue was angered by them, without a second thought she waves her fan, and wind blades swished swiftly at the heavenly star sect's disciple mercilessly.

He was about to stab little five with his sword when he felt imminent danger approaching at a fast speed.

"bang!" with a bang he blocks the wind blades. However, it still manages to graze his arms and cheeks.

"who?" he hollered angrily.  As he turned around he saw a young lady in white with a red fan and a flower crown, she looks stunning like a fairy.

"hehe, are you guys even a man? You shamelessly ganged up to deal with a little girl. Tsk! Tsk!" she sneered as she hurriedly stood in front of little five blocking her from any attacks.

"third miss..." she grunted weakly.

Yu yue's eyes reddened as she quickly checks her condition. Her brows furrowed as silver needles appeared in her hands to stop the bleeding. Although she has a lot of injuries, it's not that serious, but if she won't be able to get out of the arena soon she might really die from blood loss.

"use mine instead." she said as she handed Little Five her jade token. "don't worry, I'll make them pay" she murmured tenderly before little five crushed the jade token with a smile.

After she was teleported out of the arena, Yu Yue elegantly stood up while dusting nonexistent dust on her sleeves.

"heavenly star sect and golden hands sect, very good! I'll let you have the taste of your own medicine" she sneered disdainfully without waiting for them.

Icicles formed in the sky and they rained down on her opponents.

"hmmp, and I thought you got some skills" he snorted as he opened a vial with a white bubbling smell and aimed it at her face, it was given to her by Fan Xing Xing earlier but he couldn't find a good opportunity to use it.

Yu Yue immediately smelled the fishy stench and know immediately that it was acidic. If it landed on her face she would get disfigured so she wasn't merciful at all.

The guy could easily dissolve her spirit attacks and even mock her, however before he could say more nonsense a silver needle hit his left and right shoulders and he immediately lose all feelings as he stumbled down with a thud.

"arghhhh!" after he land on the ground though a piercing wind blade was hurled at him mercilessly and the bubbling white liquid inside the vial was splashed back to his face. He was flung away leaving several deep cuts on his body, his clothes were in tatters looking disheveled and miserable far from his heroic and strong appearance earlier.

"my face! Arghhhhh---" he shrieked painfully as he clutched his corroded flesh sizzling a white smoke while emitting a rotten fishy stench.

He howled in pain but no one bothered with him, he already earned the anger of the public by being despicable so they just thought he deserves it. They didn't think it was enough.

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