CHAPTER 266: swatting a fly (2)

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"oh, I knew it. you're strong" a woman said with a toothy smile. She was eyeing someone when Yu Yue passed by. She didn't make a move but who would have thought she would be implicated as well?

"so are you!" Yu Yue giggled. She was able to avoid her attacks due to her fast reaction speed. 

"hehehe, though not as strong as you" she smiled shyly as she counterattack a young man who leaps near her.

"tsk!" she grunted as she attacks the other young man who landed near her. At the same time, they eliminate their targets.

"hehe. Are you the second master of the twin moon sect? why are you participating?" the young lady around yu yue's age asked in confusion as she scratch her head.

"I'm not, my first and second sisters are the masters of the twin moon sect" she paused as they chit-chatted.

The spectators were amused by them, instead of eliminating each other, they were chitchatting instead.

Yu Yue parted with her, she kind of liked that girl so she didn't fight with her.

On the other side, little fatty was caught in a chaotic battle. Huang Xin was looking through the screen enviously, she really wants to join them beating people up.

The scene was quite lively with all the kicking and punching. They were using brute force instead of showing their exquisite martial arts.

Hai Xingze was embroidered in a shooting game. His opponents were all versed in long-range attacks, they were hiding inside the buildings so it was also lively and messy. Those who waltz down the street have long been targeted.

Xiao Xiao was entangled in one on one sword fight with another fine young man. Unlike the messy and lively battle from the other side, they are exchanging refined moves. They look elegant and fierce at the same time.

Zhuan Lan was fighting against a disciple from the Sishui sect, his opponent is a heroic young man who was bent on beating him up. 

Tian Wuxian is currently facing a ferocious young lady from the Yanyu sect.

While Chang Wen is currently battling with someone from the cloud heaven sect, meanwhile Yu Yi and Yu Er are chasing after small fries separately.

While Yu Yue was strolling casually she haven't encountered any noteworthy opponents yet, she only meets with mediocre disciples which she swatted like flies into a daze out of the arena.

When she was nearing an alley she could faintly hear the clashing of swords.

'mother, hurry and help little five' little tear quickly informed her so she dashed towards where the fighting was.

"hehe, are you looking for this little girl?" a male voice sounded teasingly as he dangled a jade token.

When she arrived and saw a loli fighting against a tall guy her heart couldn't help but skip a beat when she saw her situation. She was actually ganged up by two young men from the heavenly star sect and the golden hands' sect.  

Yu Yue hurriedly intercepted the incoming onslaught, if she's slow even if little five manage to get out of the arena alive she would likely die afterward from her injuries.

Little Five is a loli from the white army under yu ling, she's been cultivating inside the space and she rarely appeared on normal days because she's introverted so Yu Yue let her cultivate inside the space peacefully.

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