CHAPTER 256: Absorbing array (1)

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After fifteen minutes, the remaining participants were not even half of the first batch. Of the more than a thousand participants in this round, only less than a hundred passed. As for the little assassins, only Yu Yi and the four of them managed to persevere.

The third batch quickly proceeded, this round aside from the remaining four little assassins, chang wen, Hai Xingze, Tian Wuxian, Zhuang Lan, De Han, and little Cheng Shi were among the group. Just as Yu Yue guessed, the third batch was just the same.

The five little assassins passed out immediately, little cheng shi also passed out after the pressure was lifted with blood oozing out of his nose.

Only the five of them managed to pass the third round.

When it was Yu Yue's turn with Shan Shan, Huang Xin, Zi'er, and Xiao Xiao she immediately felt something off with the arena as soon as the pressure spreads.

'hmmp, you just noticed it right? Really stupid' butler white snorted disdainfully.

'so something is really wrong with this!' Yu Yue blurted in surprise as she could feel her qi being sucked a lightning speed.

The others didn't notice earlier as they were too busy resisting the pressure to notice that their qi was being drained.

After fifteen minutes Shui Xian Zi almost fall to the ground if Huang Xin didn't manage to catch her, she lost consciousness but thankfully she managed to hold on and passed the round. Little Shan Shan also followed suit while gasping for air, she managed to pass the round because she has been with Yu Yue longer so she could resist the pressure with all the training inside the space.

Huang Xin fared better of all of them, she's contracted with little phoenix so the pressure was like nothing to her. As for Yu Yue and Xiao Xiao they fared just the same.

"That young lady is interesting" the spectators whispered to each other when they saw Huang Xin's performance.

"not just her, even those little pimps fared well compared to other disciples from second and third-rate sects.

"right, it's really a surprised that twenty-five out of thirty-five of the twin moon sect's participants managed to pass the first round"

"I even thought they would embarrass themselves and only less than ten of them would pass." someone sighed sheepishly.

"hmm, it's weird though." someone said suspiciously.

"what is?" someone knitted his brows in confusion.

"look, have you noticed that even second-rate sects have a higher number of participants who passed the first round than the five great sects?" someone pointed out as he said in a hushed tone.

"right, right! That's odd, but the five great sect masters have a calm expressions though. They usually pull a long face whenever their participants lose in previous sect exchange" as they gossip, Hua'er also has a thoughtful expression.

At first glance, they were trying to let everyone think that they didn't want to lose this match but their expressions aren't quite right if one thinks it through.

"Yu Yue, what's wrong?" she nudged Yu Yue who was preoccupied, she's been talking to her for a minute already.

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