Chapter 376: Zhao Shen (1)

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Going back to the time when Shan Shan and Cheng Shi's learning experience began, Hong Mei went out to look for Zhao Shen.

When he found her, she was fighting with the shadow lord’s people and was on the brink of death.

“Hmm, so it’s a young lady this time.Not an old coot. You’d better not be disappointing or else I’ll personally send you to hell.” He smiled evilly as the red orb entered her mouth.

He also used a little of his devil chi to repair her injuries since she was demonized and deviated from her path to cultivation. She’s not much different from devils; the sad thing for her is that once she dies, it's her final death.

“Now you have the power to attain great heights; make very good use of it, and we shall meet again,” he murmured just enough for her to hear before his figure blurred and disappeared like he never came at all.

Zhao Shen started having memories that were clearly not hers. At first, it almost made her crazy. But now it was like hers; she owned it and existed with it. That’s when she finally started improving beyond her imagination.

“Sister Shen, are you thinking about that person again?” Zhao Beng pouted. She’s been talking to her, but she doesn’t seem to be listening.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I couldn’t help it.” Zhao Shen smiled drily. She’s finally able to show some emotions, unlike the first time she turned into a fiend and could only feel a strong desire for murder and bloodlust.

“Anyways, I was saying. Big brother isn’t back yet. Should we look out for him?” Zhao Beng said worriedly.

“He’s already here,” Zhao Beng said as she eyed the door. She could pick up a strong smell of blood.

“You’ve hunted all the Gu clan's people?” Zhao Shen asked, but she already knew in her heart.

“Yeah, I have finally found that Gu Lin,” Zhao said with brimming tears. After their exam, they found out that their clansmen had all perished in the most gruesome way.

“Big brother, look at us. We all look like monsters now, neither humans nor ghosts.” Zhao Beng also cried; the scent of blood is affecting her and making her really emotional.

“Beng'er humans can be monsters too, hiding in plain sight; that’s even worse,” Zhao Shen said sadly; she also didn’t think of this outcome. In fact, it hadn’t even crossed her mind. In the name of revenge, they all deviated from their path of cultivation and became fiends, which are neither humans nor ghosts.

“We failed to revive the clan and ended up like this instead. It doesn’t matter anyway; as long as we could avenge everyone and pay what we owe, then it will do.” Zhao Shen sighed. They couldn’t recruit more people because they were all roaring to kill them. As it turns out, they had to quit the academy and start hunting their enemies. Actually, it’s not that important to them at this point.

“Monsters or not, at least we’re still humane,” Zhao added.

“Hmmp, our group of three was enough to shake this continent. We should hold our heads high,” Zhao Beng said proudly; she’s finally over with her self-pity.

“That’s more like it.” Zhao Shen also smiled gently; she also didn’t think of this outcome.

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