CHAPTER 237: ruining who? (3)

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Yu Yue smiled sinisterly, she just saw a group of people quickly leaving the town. People avoided them like a plague and covered their noses full of disgust.

Yesterday, she sprinkled them with her newly concocted infesting powder, it's odorless and harmless but when it stays in the skin for seven hours it would start to smell like a rotting corpse. The smell would also last for a week, it can't be washed without using the celestial spring water. The smell would also attract pests and bugs and if not careful would infest the skin making it dangerous.

"hmmp, how dare those novices sprinkled poison on us. Did they really think such weak poison would be effective against me?" she sneered contemptuously as she drank tea leisurely looking at the scene outside the inn's window.

When Fan Xing Xing pass by she saw Yu Yue calmly drinking tea with smiling cold eyes looking down at her, she glared at her eye to eye venomously for a while before totally leaving.

"Enjoy your remaining days, I changed my mind. I'll slowly torture that slutty face of yours, you'd better not fall under my hands" she said with gritted teeth.

Yu Yue heard her of course but she can't be bothered, "come if you have the ability" she curled her lips as she giggled.

"seems like she hates you the most for some reason?" Tian Wuxian noticed that brief exchange and could tell right away.

"last night I asked Xing Er about the heavenly star sect, seems like we were really fated. Too bad I was too merciful yesterday" Yu Yue smiled meaningfully as her eyes flashed.

"haha, she may not be enough for you to play around.  She appeared at the right time though, Huang Xin was so bored these days. She could be used to kill time" Hai Xingze laughed.

If Fan Xing Xing heard what they were just saying she might die from anger, she's just a clown to entertain them from boredom in their eyes.

"right that evil witch has nothing better to do these past few days, she's been targeting me." little fatty said dejectedly.

"hmmp, who told you to gloat about her misfortune?" Zhuang Lan smiled.

"Hey, it's not like I'm the only one." he said aggrievedly as he bites a huge chunk of meat.

"but you laugh the hardest" Yu Yue smiled teasingly, narrowing her eyes into crescents.

"speaking of, it's Black Turtle's fault" little fatty replied as he eyed Black Turtle who was busy sleeping in Shui Xian Zi's lap peacefully. He sighed with envy, even after calling that princess an evil witch he still managed to have a peaceful life.

"right, where's little Shan Shan and the rest?" Wuxian asked as he look around not seeing their figures.

"she went out with little Cheng Shi, little Hao Hao, and Chang Wen to rent a carriage. We would be heading directly to the twin moon sect; it would be more than two months of a journey so they also bought some supplies" after arriving in the central region she let little Cheng Shi out, he was beyond bored inside the space.

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