CHAPTER 313: The mystery of realms (2)

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"so without spacial artifacts, a person could only ascend to the higher realm once they reach the pinnacle of their realms cultivation. But before that, they have to overcome the lightning tribulation successfully before they can finally ascend to the higher realms. Once they have enough strength from the higher realm they can tear the space open directly and enter other continents from different realms freely. That means only people from the higher realm and god realm could do so." Yu Yue massaged her chin thoughtfully.

"then what happened, why did the de clan and the other clan patriarchs and elders didn't ascend after advancing?" she frowned dubiously. She really wanted to ask Sheng Shi Jie more about this but she didn't dare to disturb him from his cultivation.

She could only answer her own questions which makes her even more confused.

"Yu Yue, unless you brought them with you via the use of your spacial artifacts they can't even dream of ascending a foot here because they didn't undergo the lightning tribulation as they break through inside the space. Although their strength soared, the heavenly Dao didn't recognize it without undergoing the lightning tribulation." Butler white snorted with disgust.

"Oh, I almost forgot about the lightning tribulation" Yu Yue shivered fearfully, at the same time she also finally understood so she didn't mind his attitude but she will get back to him later.

It's not really her fault. The lower realms could no longer invoke lightning tribulations because the entire realm might just disappear unable to bear its power due to the thinning of spiritual energy. This is also the reason why no one could break through the houtian stage in the bright moon continent anymore after tens of hundreds of thousands.

That's right the actual name of the lower continent they were from is the bright moon continent where the bright moon palace is named after. Yu Yue is now really curious about the continents in this and other realms, so she keeps it at the back of her mind. She intends to visit them one by one if she could.

Knowing her thoughts, Butler White squinted his eyes looking forward to the future. Though he didn't tell her anything about the biggest surprise he had for her after the space advanced to its supreme level.

'hehe, don't worry. The middle realm could handle the power of the tribulation; you should prepare yourself to get hacked to death by lightning after bending the rules of heaven again and again willfully' butler white cackled in his heart. Yu Yue was also wondering why she didn't experience a lightning tribulation but butler white simply told her it was because of her unique physique and nothing more.

"what are you so smug about?" Yu Yue narrowed her eyes at the cute rabbit threateningly when she saw his smug look. Without warning, she directly picks him up and messed with his white fur again.

Not long after their tent was full of verbal fights. The others just glanced in their direction helplessly. They're already used to seeing and hearing such scenes every time Yu Yue and butler white were put in the same room. They couldn't help but feel warm and the feeling to protect and keep that lively scene forever. 

Yu Yue didn't know the thoughts of her companions outside, even if she did she would only feel warm and do the same for them.

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