CHAPTER 326: Phantom mirror (3)

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"100,000 high-grade crystals" Liu Yan's face darkened as she gritted her teeth before bidding. She only brought 1,000,000 high-grade crystals this time, even so, it was enough to bid for everything she needs. Besides she could use her status to get what she wants if it wasn't enough.

"200,000 high-grade crystals" little fatty joined in the fun but it makes everyone eye him sharply, he was enjoying the fun too much and directly doubled the bid so when he realized that he immediately shut himself up and went back to eating.

"It's fine, we have a lot of money spend all you want" Yu Yue wave her hand dismissively as played with little pie's hair smilingly. Though she didn't mean anything and just can't bear to berate little fatty so she made such casual remarks, it wasn't the same in another ear.

"does jade moon palace come here to cause trouble? Why are you people intentionally increasing the bidding price?" she sneered provocatively.

"oh, does miss Liu Yan lacks some money?" Si Xiao Xiao chuckled teasingly.

"then are you intentionally pitting me?" Liu Yan clenched her hands tightly, she's not stupid but she really wants this phantom mirror.

"Miss Liu Yan is really funny, in case you forgot where you are. Money speaks louder in here so shut your nonsense, no one wants to know how poor you have fallen" Hua Ling snaps, letting her venomous tongue spit some colorful venom.

"pfft... pfft... pfft..." some people wanted to laugh out loud when they heard that monotonous voice but they tried so hard to stomach it as they still can't afford to offend Liu Yan and the crown prince.

"Yan'er that's enough" the crown prince looks at her warningly, even he felt embarrassed.

"3... 300,000 high-grade crystals" Liu Yan paled after uttering this price, the pain in her heart is suffocating. She couldn't wait to murder everyone from room number three.

"500,000 high-grade crystals" at this time Yu Yue made the bid because she was worried about Hai Zingxe, he's been in a daze for too long and he didn't snap out of it earlier so she wants to get that phantom mirror for him right away.

"gasps-- this has to be the most expensive yet useless mirror in the entire dragon continent's history" some people shook dumbfounded. They never knew making mirrors could be so profitable.

"rich people are really on another level; we can't compare at all" some others sighed painfully.
Liu yan almost vomited blood in anger, but she forced herself to calm down after understanding the crown prince's look.

'you have to stop, for now, we will get it later. For now, let's focus on what master ordered us' the crown prince transmitted to her directly.

'I understand senior brother' she cast one last look full of hate toward the room next to them.

"alright, 500,000 high-grade crystals going once, going twice, going thrice. Pak!" the hammer made a loud sound and the mirror fell into Yu Yue's hands. The auctioneer was so ecstatic; he really likes to have this kind of people in auctions the most because they always waste so much money which is a good thing for them.

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