Chapter 396: Targeted (2)

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Hong Chen and the black panther cluelessly look at each other.

Yu Yue ignored them as she patiently waited for her guests. The others also stayed awake; they were also patiently waiting for the show to begin.

The ‘guests’ didn’t make them wait for too long, though; soon after, they heard a light knocking sound from outside their windows. The next thing, they tore a hole in the paper windows and filled the room with smoke.

Yu Yue was prepared as she arranged arrays all over the room.

“What are they doing? Are they stupid?” Hong Chen’s face darkened as he witnessed less than ten men walk into the room with foolish smiles. They neared the bed and started laughing to themselves as though they had caught people.

“So that’s how you tricked him?” Lang Shen walked in; he wasn’t too surprised at the scene.

“Hehe, senior brother, don’t we need some people to verify some information?” she laughed lightly.

“That’s thoughtful of you,” he said approvingly; he was also thinking the same.

“Ah, you two must have fallen from the same tree!” Lang Hei exclaimed, not too sure of how he was feeling right now. He could only imagine how foolish he must have looked when he was tricked back then.

“Hehe, we’re simply smart.” Lang Shen smirked as he caught those people and started interrogating them.

Apparently, they thought Yu Yue and Hong Chen came from a wealthy family, seeing as they could easily spend so much casually, plus the high-grade pill she gave to the dying black panther.

After further interrogation, they were able to verify some truth in the information they gathered. Such people were expected, though, especially around this time when the town was overly populated.

The cases of small villages sacrificed to cultivate the death fogs were also rampant. Many villagers started flocking to major cities and towns, leaving their villages.

“This isn’t simple at all; what should we do next?” the seventh ranker, Han Yin, wrinkled her forehead.

“We can’t really visit the villages one by one, so it’s better for them to seek shelter instead,” the ninth han yi said thoughtfully.

“Senior brother Shen, how about we collaborate with the cities to take in the villagers?” Feng Miran suggested thoughtfully.

“That’s what I’m also thinking; however, the major cities are already overpopulated. We have to find new cities to fill,” he said as he thought of something.

“Right, we heard that the medicine city’s current city lord was kind enough to take in the villagers. However, it would be hard for the villagers to get to medicine city. It’s near the dragon plain’s inner area,” the eight-ranker scratched her head.

“Seniors, how about we ask for the hidden clan’s help?” Tian Wuxian asked subtly; he already guessed that at least some of the top students had close ties to the hidden clans.

Everyone went silent as they all looked at each other uncomfortably. Not knowing what to say and how to react.

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