CHAPTER 345: To the rescue (2)

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Zhao An successfully breakthrough, he was about to thank Yu Yue when a loud explosion of a signal flare reverberated from hundreds of kilometers away.

They saw a purple flower blooming in the sky before disappearing.

Yu Yue's heart throbbed with inexplicable bad feeling. That flare was customized for her friends. She can't be wrong.

'Little Tear, can you help me look at the situation?' Yu Yue asked urgently.

'Mother, it's big brother Wuxian and big sister Xiao' Little Tear said in a soft voice.

"I have to go, you guys go ahead. I'll catch up later" Yu Yue said without looking as she took her stuff away and prepared to leave.

"I'll go with you" Zhao An said resolutely, he didn't asked anything. He was sure it was related to the signal flare they just saw.

"we will go too" Zhao Beng said as she stood up, Zhao Shen also nodded as they quickly put their stuff together.

"Alright, let's go" Yu Yue didn't say more as she quickly agreed. They immediately flew towards that direction. she didn't even stop for rest. She couldn't use teleportation since she has no idea where exactly it is she also can't use her airship since she didn't want to attract more trouble.

"When she turned back, she saw that Zhao Beng and Zhao Shen could barely catches up, their faces are white with beads of sweat too. They have the weakest cultivation so they can't matched their speed.

"you guys take your contract beasts out" Yu Yue suggested without slowing down. She didn't want to arrive late, seeing their dire situation.

"our contract beasts died when Gu Lin attacked us" Zhao Shen muttered sadly.

Yu Yue looked at Zhao An with urgency. She's too preoccupied on saving her friends that she didn't even bother remembering their circumstances.

With a hint of embarrassment he replied while looking away. "Mine can't move fast, I found a good one long ago but I can't subdue it and our clan's beast tamer can't tame it as well."

"ahhhh---" Yu Yue staggered, her forehead was full of black lines.

After the uncomfortable silence, Yu Yue finally called the two fellas to lend a hand.

"little black, lend them a ride" Yu Yue pointed to Zhao Beng and Zhao An as she landed on Little White's back while looking at Zhao Shen meaningfully.

Zhao Shen was stunned but she quickly reacted and sat behind Yu Yue before there silhouettes darted farther away like a breeze.

Zhao An looked at the two plump identical beasts back and forth, he shuddered in his heart while thanking the gods he didn't fought with these two before or else he would have been shredded into pieces. He already know that they were strong but he didn't expect them to be this strong given how they usually acted and also the fact that they never transformed into their human forms.

"hmmp, what are you looking at? Do you fancy this beautiful young master?" little white side eyed him with a snort making his face dark full of lines.

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