CHAPTER 259: Might (1)

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The spectators watching from the screen were also stunned, however heavenly star sect's sect master have an excited gaze as he eyed the flute covetously. He even clenched his hands as he stood up from his seat.

The others thought that he was angered at the sight, but only Yu Yue knows that he couldn't care less about the competition at all.

The other sect masters eyed him, he understood as he coughs awkwardly and calmly take his seat back. The array hasn't absorbed enough qi yet, they can't be hasty and ruined their plans. He could hardly manage to calm himself down, his hands and heart are itching to possess the resonance flute.

Fan Xing Xing put on a gloating smile, she was finally relaxed on the surface but eager deep inside knowing how the twin moon sect would end up later now that her master has his eyes on that flute.

Yu Yue couldn't be bothered by her as she was already restless. After a long discussion they know that this array is an absorbing array, but what for? This question has been bothering Yu Yue.

Despite the combined efforts of the devil army, the ghost army, and the shadow guards they couldn't figure out the purpose of the absorbing array.

Besides the five great sects were careful about it so they couldn't take drastic measures in order not to alarm everyone.


In the arena, the competition goes on. Heavenly star sect has an internal conflict and was delayed for a while.

The spectators were disappointed and confused at the same time.

"it's now obvious that the five great sects aren't taking this round seriously at all" 

"yeah, look at their participant's performance. It's just bad compared to before"

"but don't you guys think it's weird? Isn't this competition important to every sect? especially for them"

"I wondered that too"

"but look at them, still calm and unbothered. They must be giving other sects a handicap"


"they're always been arrogant so that's plausible"

The spectators were in a heated discussion.
Shan shan lead the little assassins as they used the same tactic to stole flags from others.

This round lasted until sunset before the result was announced. Twin moon sect was ranked in tenth place now as they didn't waste a lot of time looking for flags. They directly stole it from other sects so they gathered the most points, at the same time they received a lot of anger from other sects. 

"that's shameless?" someone couldn't help but pointed fingers at them angrily.

"what's shameless about it? if you have the capability you should steal more flags too" Huang Xin rebuked haughtily.

"you!" that person was stumped and choked with his anger.

"That's enough!" an elder said to his disciple coldly, it was embarrassing enough to lose to kids yet his stupid disciple is still making a fuss making it even more embarrassing.

Although they were dissatisfied with how the twin moon sect performed they could only purse their lips in discontent quietly as the host indeed didn't forbid such ways. Besides it's not just the twin moon sect, other sects are just as guilty too.

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