CHAPTER 370: Building a fortress (1)

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“we finally arrived, I’m so bored inside the carriage” little cheng shi exclaimed as he went out to do some stretching.

“young lady shan shan, is this the place?” bei wei asked blankly seeing the desolate place filled with a colony of ants.

“yes, this is it. Let’s all take a rest first, we will have work to do early tomorrow” shan shan smiled mysteriously.

The hua maids started taking out a lot of stuff which looks like they’re about to stay here for months or even longer.

“Miss shan shan, should we scout the place personally?” hua yi asked.

“no need, I’ll have my friends for that. I need you to prepare the materials” she shrugged as she look at the blue print and compare it to the topography for some adjustments.

“miss shan shan, is that a fortress?” captain ye was stunned seeing the detailed blue print.

“yes, we came here to build a fortress.” she replied honestly.

“uhm, that’s quite massive? How long will it take to make?” captain ye asked curiously, if he’s not wrong this should take several years. Then when will their mission get complete?” he thought dumbly, he felt really tricked here.

“hehe, you don’t have to look like that captain ye. It won’t took more than a year?” she reasssured making him completely speechless, he couldn’y help but look at her skeptically. But to his dismay, he didn’t sound like she was just kidding.

“ah, anyways, just allow my team members to be able to go back and forth to the nearest city to replenish our supplies” he sighed accepting the fact that he would get stuck in a colony of ants.

“hehe, don’t worry about it” she replied, casually
“i’m not that worried about it, but how are we going to deal with those colony of working black ants?” he shivered at the sight of thousands of ants all over the place kilometers away from their camp.

“leave it to me” she simply said, even if she tried to explain he might not believed it so she should just save some saliva.

“alright” he agreed dubiously, in his mind he didn’t believed at all even if they are all that strong.

The next morning, all of the sword fang mercenaries were looking like dried twigs without sleep which is far worst than shan shan’s team who snore on their sleeps.

“what happened to you all?” little cheng shi tilted his head in confusion. It would have been okay if he didn’t asked because everyone look at him bitterly.

‘how could we possibly sleep soundly knowing that there’s a colony of ants all over the place?’ they couldn’t help but asked in their hearts sadly.
“miss shan’er, have you already located the ant king?” hua san asked.

“yeah, cheng shi and I are going there to negotiate with him. You guys stay back” she instructed and summon her ride. The two little figures, quickly disappeared from sight. Her words didn’t sink in to the mercenaries yet.

“ahh, young miss shan shan says she’s going to negotiate with the ant king”

“ahh, did we hear it wrongly?”

“I heard it too!”

“how could that be?”

“can someone explain it to me?”

The guys reacted as they all look at their captain’s gaping mouth like a fish, who instead turn to hua yi and the others for explanation.

“it’s complicated, just sit back and wait” hua yi dismissed as they all went back to their jobs. Leaving everyone speechlees and full of curiousity who keeps doing the ‘I look at you, you look at me’

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