CHAPTER 351: Meeting up (2)

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"Why are we stopping?" Zhao An asked confusedly. 

"There’s a group of spirit beasts fifty kilometers from here; we should gain some more points." Yu Yue answered with a mysterious smile. 

Before they could react, though, they heard the loud roar of ferocious beasts chasing after the sorry state of three unidentifiable creatures. 

"Ahhh, help us! Help us!"  A familiar cry for help was heard from the three unidentifiable creatures rushing in their direction.
"You idiot, if you hadn’t stolen those ugly fruits, they wouldn’t be chasing after us. Why are you still holding on to that? Throw it away." Zhuang Lan cursed angrily. 

"I can’t; they taste really good. "Do you want to try?" the fatty offered after licking his lips while running full speed. 

Zhuang Lan almost staggered with a bellyful of anger; the look of disbelief in his face could be seen from kilometers away. 

"Ah, these monkeys ruined my hair." I won’t forgive them," an angry bellowing voice was following them after one of the monkeys attacked him with a lightning strike. 

"Ah, it’s Yu Yue, Wuxian, and Xiao Xiao," a chubby figure dashed in their direction with tears trickling down his face while clutching a handful of yellow fruits. 

"It really is Yu Yue, let’s go to them," Zhuang Lan’s gloomy face finally lit up as he literally dragged his two stupid companions. 

"Are they the friends you’re talking about, Yu Yue?" Zhao Beng asked as she pointed at the three with an unexplainable expression.

"Ignore them; I have no idea who they are." yu yue denied flatly. 

"Yu yue, how could you disown us?" "That really breaks my heart," Hai Zingxe said with grievance, making Yu Yue’s fingers itching to shoot some poisonous needles.
"Enough with your nonsense, you look like shite," she replied with a stiff smile. She doesn’t know if she should laugh, be angry, or be worried about them right now. 

Zhao an and Zhao shen also look back at the trio, and with the trio on their side, they couldn’t help but believe her words. 

"Oh, do we still have to guess what happened to them?" Si xiao xiao, look at three speechlessly. 

"Probably not, we should just help them." tian Wuxian also said helplessly before jumping into the fray. 

"I should beat them up later," Yu Yue eyed the three with evil intention before following Tian Wuxian’s lead. She could no longer bear to witness this comedic yet epic scene. She feels like it would embarrass her too if this went on. 

"Count me in," Si Xiao Xiao also added and followed right after. She’s already starting to feel embarrassed for them. She couldn’t believe they were still stupid after all these years of being together. 

"Should we help?" Zhao Beng asked thoughtfully. She imagined Yu Yue’s friends to be quite different; this scene didn’t even cross her mind at all. 

"It seems like they are their friends." Anyways, we need more points," Zhao Shen answered as she looked at Zhao An for his opinion.

"You two don’t leave my side," Zhao said, shrugging, and they followed to help as well.

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