Chapter 363: White Ice Fire (3)

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“Yu yue!” Si Xiao Xiao gasps upon seeing her state when everything finally settles down. Her clothes were torn to pieces, her hair was a mess, and her skin resembled charred meat.

“Don’t move her yet; she’s still going to advanced,” Butler White reminded.

They all listened and waited anxiously until another group of clouds, not as frightening as earlier, started gathering, and her promotion kept climbing up, making her friends stunned.

“Put up an illusion barrier; she still needs more time.” Butler White looks at Hai Xingze.

“Alright, leave it to me,” he said, quickly setting up the array not long before participants started gathering. They caused quite a commotion, so it attracted attention all over the secret realm.

In the northern sky’s Imperial city, Hua Ling's eyes opened with an excited glow.

“The master finally broke all the seals on her body,” she said thoughtfully as the power of faith in her grew stronger.

“Lucky for you, your power is directly connected to the master. It’s very convenient that you don’t have to cultivate so hard.” Wang Ling sighed enviously.

“Says the one who couldn’t die,” Mo Ling laughs.

“Wang ling, when are you returning to the other world?” Hua ling eyed her meaningfully.

“I will go once the master has ascended to the higher realm,” she replied dismissively.

“Keep your word; you’re a force of your own. In your current state, your immortality is nothing but in name only. How could you help the master if you couldn’t help yourself?” She eyed her meaningfully; her meaning was very clear.

“I know what to do; just give me more time, Wang Ling pouted as she flew away.

“You’re too harsh; you know that she’s afraid to face her past,” Mo Ling commented with a giggle.

“You do realize that it is my duty to keep all the celestial guardians in shape to ensure that the master returns to the place where she belongs.” She looked at the moon emotionlessly.

“Who will take your place once you fulfill your duties?” Hong Mei asked in his unusually sad tone.

“That I do not know; I can’t see my own end. If ever, it should be Lady Shan Shu,” she replied as she touched her gray hair. She could feel her life force going dry.

“When are you going to tell the master?” Mo Lin asked in her choked voice.

“I still have enough time until we can get back to the Sage Valley. Anyway, enough with that; I have something important for you to do.” she faced them as she turned her gray hair black.

“What is it?” Hong Mei asked solemnly.

“The master has already found another inheritor of the last guardian; he’s the only one who couldn’t reincarnate, so his position can only be filled if all conditions are met,” she said as a white frog with wings appeared.

“Master Hua Lin, is it time?” the little white frog licked her cheeks lovingly.

Hua Lin stared at him with teary eyes without saying anything.

“Master, it’s okay. You don’t have to be sad.” The little frog stayed with her for a little while before flying to Hong Mei.

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